

Sorken's eyes widened at the realisation as he kept falling down the tunnel. Sorken heard Kesta cry out one more time before the tunnel walls muffled the sounds of battle.

"I lost my friend… I let him die…" his eyes filled with horror.

Soon he collapsed at the ground which seemed to be the end of the tunnel. The light from the orb could no longer help them in the tunnel. Everything around him was pitch dark.

Sorken heard muffled cries from ahead. He quickly identified it as Jorah. Sorken was ravaged with injuries. Suddenly he heard shrieks coming from the mouth of the tunnel. Those beasts were trying to get into the tunnel.

Sorken's blood went cold at screams and wrenching sounds, the scene of Kesta being mailed was still fresh in front of him. The beasts that looked like lizards had large wings and claws that were hard to distinguish from talons. Their skin was soft but it was impossible to pierce them with weapons they had. All the important supplies were taken by Azim before he left. When Sorken tried to look for it, all he found was some used potion bottles.

"They...they got Kesta," Jorah painted.

Sorken heard his voice, unable to reply. "They got him," Jorah shouted with grief.

Sorken followed the voice until he stumbled upon something that was like a leg. "Jorah… I am sorry.. "

Sorken couldn't stop his tears

".…I lost him, I couldn't pull him, I was too weak" he knelt beside what seemed to be Jorah's shoulder and kept crying.

Blood oozing from countless wounds, the two waited helplessly in darkness for the next waves of attacks. The beasts' shrieks echoed all around as claws scraped the tunnel walls, hungry for their flesh and bones.

Sorken shuddered with pain and grief. "Can't believe Kesta's gone," he rasped. "He didn't deserve this. None of us did." He blinked back bitter tears.

"This is…. It. Brother. I don't think I will be alive for long too. I don't want you to whine over things that have already happened."

Sorken was shocked a little, how could he not? He lost someone who was always around him in such a gruesome way. How can he feel fine? Even if they were not close, they were far more considerate to each other's situation than many people would ever be in their entire lives. 

Sorken could feel Jorah's eyes looking at him even in this darkness. Tears streaking his grime-covered face, Sorken gripped Jorah tight.

"At least we stood and fought together. Not wasting away our lives like captive animals or dying like a dog…" Jorah continued

"There is nothing you could have done. And I already said, I am going to die before those beasts come back. I need you to listen to this dying man's last words." 

Sorken winced but decided to listen.

"We haven't talked much, have we? Those bastards never gave us the time to think or act at all. We finally have some time. Curse the fate that it may be the last time for us. 

"Don't speak like that…" Sorken was soaked in tears at this point. His heart was in turmoil and Jorah's word didn't comfort him at all

"It doesn't matter what I speak now. We are dead men talking. I want to tell you about myself. Kesta died without any of us knowing about his life. What's worse, his family *cough* might have already wept over his death when we came and now there is no one to remember him when he really died, not like a Wimp or coward but a warrior. No one, except us, will remember his bravery. 

Even though I was close to him before coming here, he never spoke much. I don't want to die without telling you about my life. You see, I like people listening about my life… hahaha

"I was a banker, happily married and had a child that was born just 2 years back. We were really happy. My sa…llary *cough* was enough for us to enjoy everything one could wish for. I also lived an exciting life. I went on different adventures all around the world where I could have died but luckily survived. That day *cough*.... I was in the park, waiting for my daughter and Maria when this incident happened" 

Jorah broke into a series of hacking coughs with blood seeping out of the corner of his lips. He tried to use his hands to clear the blood seeping in his mouth and complete his story but he was on his last wisp of life rendering him completely helpless. Sorken used his blood stained hands to lift and tilt his head enough to clear the blood while protecting him from any harm.

"Just listen to me, would ya? I have barely any minutes left. I can handle some pain when I say my last words"

Sorken had no choice but to stop his actions and listen to him. Jorah started to speak again 

Jorah's voice, hoarse and thin, broke the silence. "Sorken...did i ever tell you about my wife? Sweetest woman you'd ever meet." He coughed, a rattling sound. "When they took me...if she was here, she would have moved heaven and earth to get me back. But its better she ain't here but somewhere safe with my daughter. They will atleast continue to live"

"I have thought about it over and over. How would they have responded when I suddenly disappeared into thin air? My daughter, the first time she spoke, she called 'papa'. Maria was really pouty and angsty that day.. hahahaha. I never imagined I would have to leave them for a world where I would die like this. They must have waited for me to come back, to tell them everything…. That everything was alri…gg..h" 

Sorken had never seen this big man crying, but now, he couldn't stop his tears. His heart became heavy at the thought of his own family.

"If only I could see them one more time… just one more time before I die" 

Sorken, his own heart a lead weight in his chest, could only squeeze Jorah's hand. "She's strong, your wife"

A flicker of something like despair crossed Jorah's face. "She's strong, alright. Strong enough to survive...even if it means..." He trailed off, his gaze drifting to the shadowed corner of the cave for any solace. Alas, it never came.