Embracing a New Future

Fleamont thought for a moment, "Charlus changed after he lost his son. He became somewhat of a recluse. I never saw much of him after 1957. James had only ever seen his uncle as a teenager during an occasional Christmas, so none of the Marauders would have met him, except Sirius on one occasion, and James knew he was a bit of a sore spot with me. My brother meant the world to me, and the fact that I couldn't even get him to come back to our family home and speak with me hurt me more than I ever would've admitted back then. We are a proud family Harry with a very noble history. It is hard to see past our own arrogance sometimes. Help us see the errors in our ways, and perhaps you can fix more than just a few things that never should have happened."

Harry took a deep calming breath trying to accept the fact that he couldn't just kill Peter when he first saw him. That would probably put him on everyone's bad side, "Okay how do I find your brother?"

"I am unsure as to where he lived all the years after the death of their son, but I know he spent a lot of time in America. However, Charlus and I are both linked to Potter Manor and neither of us lived there to my knowledge in the time you will be going back to. All Potters can find Potter manor though, and once you enter the wards Charlus will know you are there, and will attempt to confront any intruder that may arrive. Hopefully, your ability to just walk onto the grounds will be another selling point for you in the conversation, because you should be able to bypass the guardians and wards with no problems. If that isn't enough proof, then nothing will convince Charlus." Fleamont said with a proud look on his countenance.

Harry heard the word guardian and nearly groaned out loud. There always had to be some magical creature involved that might potentially eat him, "Potter Manor isn't under a Fidelius?"

The man shrugged, "The property is too large. It would be like trying to put Hogwarts under a Fidelius Charm, which is why none of us took up residence there after the family split."

Harry stopped and thought about this. He had never thought of the limitations of the charm, but it made sense that he couldn't just cast it over anything.

Fleamont put both hands on his grandson, "Let me give you some final words of wisdom. Don't let the errors of someone's past in your timeline corrupt your opinion of them. Peter Pettigrew may have betrayed our family, but when you go back to this time period, he will be a beloved member of the Potter family just like Sirius, Remus, and Frank. There are so many faces and names you will recognize, but we are Potters and we form our own opinion of everyone. You will be younger than Henry was so perhaps my brother can claim you as his son and say you were hidden from the world in fear of catching the plague that killed so many in our country. Have faith Harry and never surrender."

Fleamont opened his arms to invite Harry into a hug, and after only a moment's hesitation the two embraced. Harry wished he could ask more questions, but it was clear their time was up. The two separated and Harry gave the man a smile, "I'll see you again one day."

"Sooner than you think Harry." Fleamont said with a grin, "Good luck."

Harry turned to walk towards the train when Fleamont called out, "And Harry."

The boy turned for a final look at his grandfather, "When you draw Charlus out to our ancestral home, speak quickly. He is most untrusting of things he doesn't understand."

Harry gave the man an incredulous stare and wondered if he was going to be back in this station after just a short while. For the briefest of moments, Harry wondered if he should have gone on. Was he really ready to fight another war, and go through the possibility of losing everyone he loved again? Then his grandfather's words echoed in his mind. He was deserving of life. He was deserving of fighting for a future. Taking a deep breath his green eyes averted from the arriving train and he turned his back on the tracks. Ready or not it was time to change the past.