A Close Escape

When Harry made it to the elevators a deep sigh of relief escaped his lips as he called out for the lobby. The war veteran knew that he wasn't out of the woods yet, and that if the Unspeakables found a way to lock him in this elevator he would be doomed. Harry wasn't certain if that was possible, nor was he certain whether there would be any further resistance meeting him when he made it to the lobby.

As the elevator doors closed his stomach turned as he watched the lever at the top of the elevator show him ascending the floor towards the lobby. Harry felt his heart fall through his stomach when the elevator stopped short of the lobby, and he felt the wand in his hand heat up in anticipation for the battle that would likely ensue when the doors opened.

Clenching his magic and preparing to let loose he took a deep breath of anticipation. When the doors opened however a young red-headed man stepped into the elevator looking quite pleased whistling a soft tune. With a nod of his head, the man offered a smile, "Good afternoon."

Realizing that this man was not likely to attack him, Harry returned the greeting staring at the man trying to place the face that he recognized. Harry nearly cursed the man when he whipped his head in his direction, "Great Scott! I just realized you must have been coming from the Department of Mysteries. Awfully young to be adventuring down there, eh?"

Thinking quickly Harry responded, "I was applying for an internship, sir. I was meeting with one of the Unspeakables for an interview."

Harry had become quite adept at lying through the war. He had met people that certainly changed his perspective, and definitely made him embrace his inner Slytherin that the hat recognized all those years ago. The man however acted as if Harry had just told him he was going to be Minister however when he clapped his hands and said, "It is a most excellent aspiration to join that department young man. Arthur Weasley. Who might you be?"

Harry's composure nearly shattered as he processed a young Mr Weasley standing before him. The familiarity of the voice and face now instantly connected in his mind. This was a stout young man who looked to have been some type of athlete. It was clear to Harry that having seven children seemed to make the man he greatly respected relax into a calmer lifestyle in his later years.

While Mr Weasley had always been a very well-respected man at the Ministry and by Harry himself, he never found the man imposing, and that is certainly what the man before him was. Harry wanted to lie but found that he couldn't to the man he trusted so much, "Harry Potter, sir."

The man looked very surprised by this, "Potter? Are you a Muggleborn by chance?"

At this, they hit the lobby and Harry quickly stepped out hoping to dodge the question without lying, "Mr Weasley, it was nice meeting you, but I have to be off. I am in quite a hurry if I am to catch my train back to Surrey!"

This seemed to answer Mr Weasley's question as he nodded and offered his hand to Harry once again, "Good luck to you, young man! I hope to see you again here at the Ministry one day."

Harry nodded with a smile towards the man and quickly made his way out into a hallway that would lead to the atrium. Before he could make it to the opening, however, he found his path blocked by three Unspeakables.

These men had their hoods up, and all had their wands at their sides. Harry fingered the uncomfortable wand in his hand knowing he was about to cause a huge scene in the middle of the forum for the second time in his life and took a deep breath as he reached for his magic, but before he could the lead man struck with his wand so fast Harry had no chance to move.

It wasn't a spell however the man struck with but a silent, and powerful legilimency spell. The man was inside of Harry's mind and knew all his darkest secrets in a matter of seconds. His occlumency shields were nothing compared to the power of this man. He doubted even Voldemort could have stopped him.

The man pulled out of his mind after a few moments as Harry dropped to his knees holding his head in pain. Knowing he was in no condition to fight back he braced himself for the stunning spell that was likely to follow, but it never came.

Looking up, the lead Unspeakable spoke in the same unfamiliar language as before, and after a moment he turned back to Harry speaking in a throaty masculine voice, "We will be watching you, Harry James Potter. It seems your destiny is too great for us to interrupt. It seems I must wish you the best of luck in your endeavors."