He picked up a copy of the Prophet and pulled it under his Cloak. The headline was thus:

The Boy-Who-Lived-To-Be-The-Next-Dark-Lord out to ruin Magical Britain

By Rita Skeeter

The article that followed was the same as the gossip. Harry Potter was seeking revenge on the goblins and at the same time was taking away money from society by causing good people to flee, so they must be scared of his wrath. It indicated that Harry used a dark curse on the public to make them fear the goblins, after that were suggestions that no one should empty their vaults. Hydrus read the paper and scoffed, not once did it give any proof only quotes from the angry goblins. He smiled when he realized that this was truly helping his plans. It would cause more people to panic and leave.

He thanked Merlin that he recast the Fidelius Charm with Kreacher as the Secret Keeper. Now only Ron, Hermione, Dung and George could visit him.

Discretely putting the paper back on the table he found it, Hydrus made his way into the Alley. A satisfied smirk played at his lips when he saw that there were no beggars. More shops were open and repaired, though there were fewer shoppers. Judging by their robes, the young man concluded they were the richer people of society. Good, he thought, let's see how they like this. He then summoned the Resurrection Stone and whispered, "Anyone who died in the last two wars in Britain, come and take your vengeance. Anyone who feels the need to defend Harry Potter, come if you want."

Hundreds of spirits flooded the Alley. Echoing calls of revenge and accusations were heard throughout. The people who had been shopping froze at the sight, causing him to smirk. Let's see them try and banish those vengeful spirits— not bloody likely. It's good to be the Master of Death, he thought as he watched the shades descend.

Those ghosts that saw Harry Potter as their savior started yelling at the gossipers, chasing them through the cobblestone street. Reminding them about all the times Harry Potter saved their arses. Many converged on the Daily Prophet's building. The Master of Death had to hold back his laughter when a much frazzled Rita Skeeter ran from the building screaming for help, being pursued by no less than a dozen spirits.

Other spirits that were killed by Death Eaters, vowed they would haunt their murderers for years to come, many of them spirited away to find soon to be victims.

The Muggle-borns that died in the camps drifted to the Ministry and Azkaban.

Chuckling quietly to himself, the young immortal made his way to WWW, to check up on George. He was concerned that with so many people fleeing the area that the shop would have a drop in business. He removed his Cloak in the alley next to the store and made his way inside. Tapping the occupied redhead on the shoulder, he jerked his head toward the back room. George nodded and held up a finger, suggesting that he would join him in a minute. He nodded his understanding and went to the indicated room. He looked around and noted the new trinkets and smiled at his friend's innovations. He leaned against the workbench when he heard the door open and cast the Muffliato Charm.

"Harry," George said as he closed the door, "what brings you here today? I thought we were going to meet up tomorrow." He then joined his younger friend at the counter.

"Hello, George. Well, I wanted to see if you knew anything about the rumors going around. Do you know anyone who emptied their vaults? And if you do, did they tell you why?" Hydrus asked with a small smile.

George, being the quick man he was, turned to face his friend with an accusing glare. "You did something, didn't you? Don't deny it, I know you did, if what people are saying is true, you started this whole thing," he said, jabbing his finger in the other man's chest. "Not that I'm upset about what's happening, but you could've invited me."

"Trust me when I say, it was something that escalated without me knowing." The younger man held up his hands defensively. "All I did was warn a few people that they might not be able to trust the goblins, and they might want to move elsewhere." He shrugged, rubbing the sore spot.

"So you didn't mean for this to happen?"

"Oh, I meant for it to happen, I just didn't think it would be this soon." The dark-haired teen smirked in satisfaction.

"Still, you should have told me, I could've helped."

"How is business?" Hydrus asked, changing the subject.

A wicked grin spread across George's face. "Oh, we are making a good profit. Those joy buzzers are a hot seller, and the calculators are flying off the shelf. Those idiots don't get that what they're buying is based off Muggle technology. They just think that I'm a genius, which I am, but that's beside the point." He puffed his chest out in mock pride.

"That you are, my friend," he said sincerely, clapping the older man on the back. "I'm glad to hear you're not losing customers, with so many people leaving."