"I'm going to keep the stone. I'll ask Fred to join us and then go to the other side of the room, so you can have a few moments alone. But, remember it's only for a minute, so get what you need to say done quickly." When George nodded, the Master of Death called for Fred and moved away after the deceased twin's ghost appeared.
"Gred," George said sadly as he took in his twin's appearance. Fred looked just like he did when he died. There was what appeared to be blood all over his torso and his clothes were in bad shape. It caused the living twin despair to see his brother that way.
"Forge," his twin replied, a bright smile on his translucent face. "I came to tell you how proud I am. You've made our dream a reality and didn't let my death hold you back long."
"I miss you, Fred. Are you happy where you are?" the live twin asked hopefully.
"Yeah, and I don't want to see you there anytime soon, okay? Live your life, find a girl, prank the world and be free," the spirit said joyfully. "Don't let anyone hold you back, you hear?" Fred demanded. Then a look of pain ghosted across his face.
The immortal joined them. "I miss you too, Fred. I'll make sure this one keeps in trouble," he promised. "It's time for you to go back now." He glanced between the two and stepped back again so they could say their goodbyes.
"You keep up what you're doing, Forge," Fred said forcefully. "No moping about and letting our dream fail. You continue to prank those asshats."
"I will, Gred, I promise," George said, wishing he could touch his brother. But, before he could attempt it, Fred was gone. Tears of sadness and wistfulness streaked their way down the redhead's face. He firmed his jaw and steeled himself to do as his brother demanded.
Hydrus put his hand on the grieving man's shoulder; tears marred his face as well. "Alright, George? Sorry, stupid question," he said as he guided the other man to sit.
"No, it's not stupid. Thank you…, Hydrus, for giving me my goodbyes. I think it'll help in the long run." The two sat in comfortable silence, until George broke it by asking, "Have you used that stone for yourself?"
"No," he confessed. "With all I've done, I'm too scared to." Even with Death's assurances to him that his parents would be happy to see him, he was still suffering from survivor's guilt. His counselor said he was working his way through his issues, but he couldn't shake the fact that his parents and Sirius died for him. It was something everyone told him, so to his way of thinking, had he not been around they would've survived. The dreams he still had about never being able to cross the river didn't help.
"You should," George said breaking him from his thoughts. "It might help."
"I'll think about it," he conceded.
"So, how come the ghosts in the Alley get to stay longer?"
"They have unfinished business. Well, except the ones that were defending me, those spirits had their say and left. The ones that were killed because of their blood status can stay as long as they want."
"I guess, I can understand that, I wouldn't want Fred to be a vengeful spirit," George said thoughtfully and then shrugged. "So, any more surprises?"
"A few," was the answer as the younger man brought out his list and handed it to his friend.
The redhead took the list and read it over. He then looked at Hydrus and stated, "You're planning to go back in time."
"Are you taking anyone with you? Ron, Hermione or anyone?"
"Why?" the confused man asked.
"Because anyone else would cause a paradox, unless they can be adopted into another family. Besides, I've done all I can to get them out of the country or make their way in the non-magical world. Well except for your family, but I reckon that the Weasleys will survive anything, being as stubborn as you lot are," the young immortal explained. "You can try to get your mum and dad to move, but I doubt they will. They'll want to stay and help others."
"You're probably right, though Hermione would be helpful, think about it a bit more, yeah," George said with a shrug. "If you had shown me this list an hour ago I'd've begged to go with you, now…" he trailed off, then cleared his throat and looked over the plans. "Well, after the recent events, I'd say you're getting a good start on these."
"Yeah," Hydrus said with a beaming smile. "So, do you want to help?"
"Yeah, let me hire another worker for the shop and clear out the back room and I'll join you here," George said distractedly, as his own ideas formed. The two troublemakers put their heads together and refined Hydrus' ideas. They talked into the night, until George left stating he had things to do in the morning.
It was a content Hydrus who went to bed that night. His studies were coming along nicely, it was as if a great pressure had been taken off his mind, and now he was learning things at a faster rate. Oh, he wasn't super-smart, just… smarter. He was also happy with the things that happened in the Alley today. He only hoped that very few innocents got caught in the backlash, but he couldn't plan for everyone.