Hydrus remembered George saying that he had tried to give his parents money; they turned him down, so he made sure to buy them things for the house.
"Don't worry, I didn't buy them. I found them in stuff from the vaults," Harry explained as he took two wrapped gifts he had placed by the fireplace. He handed a thin square like package to Hermione and a squishy one to Ron.
Hermione opened her gift, neatly. She looked at the obvious electronic device. It was about the size of both of her hands, thin, black with a blank panel on the front. "What is this?"
"Well, I found it in Frostwell's vault; it's kind of like a book. This one is only a prototype, but it has several spell books in it already. There are also some notes and if you can figure them out, you can add more books," the younger teen explained. Since there were better book-readers in his pocketspace, he had no problem giving one up. "Here, let me show you how to turn it on," he offered and got up to do just that. The two excited teens played with it for a while, until the dark-haired wizard nudged Hermione and jerked his head to Ron, who was staring at them with venom in his eyes. His gift lay, still wrapped, by the chair next to him.
Hermione put the book-reader in her bag and looked at Ron. "Aren't you going to open it?"
"No, I think, I'll hold off on that," came the churlish response.
An uncomfortable silence filled the room. No one knew what to say that wouldn't cause an argument. Kreacher popped in and asked if anyone wanted refreshments. Hydrus asked for a tea service with cakes and biscuits before anyone could answer. Kreacher popped away to do as he was asked.
There was much fidgeting from all three teens, which made Hydrus and Hermione sad. When the tea tray appeared the immortal poured and handed out the cups. Ron grabbed the sweets.
"Oh, this is absolutely ridiculous," Hermione huffed as she set down her tea cup. "There has to be something we can talk about. We used to be so close, and I, for one, find it appalling that we can't simply talk to each other anymore."
"It's his fault," Ron accused, pointing a finger at his former roommate, bits of biscuit fly from his mouth. "If he'd just come back to Hogwarts, then we'd be the same as before. That and the fact that he shouldn't be flaunting his wealth around; giving you an obviously expensive present. I've heard the rumors about you paying off the Muggle-raised into abandoning us. Percy told me that the Ministry had everything under control until you stuck your nose into things that don't concern you. I wouldn't be surprised if the Prophet was right and you are trying to ruin everything, just to get your revenge."
"Oh, you reckon so, do you? I told you, I didn't buy your gifts. But it's nice to finally hear your thoughts on the matter. Do you think I'm the new Dark Lord as well? Never mind, it doesn't really matter what you think. You lost my trust ages ago. The only reason I let you in my house is because of Hermione, but now even that isn't enough. Get out," the younger man snarled as he got up from the sofa and pointed to the Floo.
"Fine," the traitor snapped, throwing down the half-eaten food he had taken, and leaving the package by the chair. "Come on, Hermione, we're out of here." He went to grab Hermione's arm, but she pushed his hand away, forcefully.
"I can't believe you said that!" the shocked girl shouted as she stood and put some distance between her and her soon to be ex. She made her way over to her younger friend. "After everything Harry did to end the war, you go and accuse him of being Dark. He died for us, or don't you remember that?"
"And he probably used Dark Magic to come back," Ron stated, throwing his hands in the air. "How else could he have risen from the dead? Skeeter said only a Dark Lord could have done the things he did. Or don't you remember he use the Imperius Curse on the goblins?" he yelled back, very upset that she would defend Harry. "It's all his fault my family can't go into Gringotts. Bill lost his job and had to move away because of him."
"You agreed with what we had to do at Gringotts," Hydrus snarled in defense, folding his arms across his chest. "You said it was the only way. Now you're denying it."
"It's still Dark Magic and you were the only one that was able to pull it off, making you a Dark Wizard," Ron snapped. He rounded on Hermione, his face red with rage, spittle flying. "I can't believe you're taking his side over mine. Makes me wonder if I wasn't right all along, that you two were sneaking behind my back getting up to no good."
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