Chapter 1



Beep... Beep...

Beep... Beep... Beep...

In a white hospital room, rhythmic beeping can be heard as medical equipment tirelessly monitors the patient's vitals. The sterile walls and crisp, white linens create an atmosphere of stark simplicity, while the soft hum of machines fills the space.

The faint scent of antiseptic lingers, a reminder of the room's clinical purpose. Light filters through a small window, attempting to break the monotony of the white-on-white surroundings. Every sound—every beep—marks a moment, a fragile heartbeat in the midst of this calm, sterile environment.

"Huff. Haa. Huff. Haa." The labored breaths echo in the sterile room, where a person lies on the hospital bed, surrounded by blinking monitors and humming machines. Each breath is a battle, each sound a reminder of the fragile line between struggle and survival.

This person's name is John.

It has been five years since he contracted this mysterious disease. At first, he dismissed it as nothing significant, choosing to ignore the warning signs.

But as time passed, his body began to betray him—strength fading, energy slipping away. The once small, disregarded symptoms grew into an inescapable burden, leaving him fragile and weakened, confined now to the sterile space of a hospital room.

And now, he can feel his body slowly giving up. After five years confined in this place, the beeping monitors and sterile walls became familiar companions.

He has gradually come to accept his predicament—a quiet resignation settling in, as the fight that once filled his spirit fades, replaced by the inevitability of his condition.


Beep... Beep...

John sighs as he closes his eyes, a wave of exhaustion washing over him. He can definitely feel it—the weight of weariness that has settled into his bones over the years.

Today would be the day he allows himself to drift into a peaceful sleep, free from the burden of pain and uncertainty.

In this moment, he embraces the quiet, letting go of the struggle as he succumbs to the soothing lull of rest.

Suddenly, a sharp pain pierces his head, cutting through the haze of calm like a jagged bolt of lightning. It's intense and disorienting, making his breath catch in his throat.

But just as quickly as it arrives, it dissipates, leaving behind a lingering ache and a sense of vulnerability.

He winces, the moment reminding him of the fragility of his condition, yet he attempts to refocus, seeking solace in the quiet once more.


A bell sound suddenly came out of knowhere, forcing John to open his eyes.

As he did it, he saw something that greatly confuses him.

In front of him is a floating, hologram like thing.



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"What the..." John's eyes squinted as he attempts to understand what is happening. A hologram-like figure hovers in front of him, shimmering faintly in the dim light of the room. Its translucent edges ripple softly, reminding him of a pop-up from a computer screen.

Confusion washes over him, mingling with curiosity as he tries to discern the shape and purpose of this unexpected apparition.

Is it a trick of his mind, or has something extraordinary begun to unfold in this sterile environment?

Just then, the progress bar of the hologram reached 100%. It was then followed by another ringing sound.


Query: Do you want to live?

[Yes] [No]


"Do you want to live?"

"Huh?" John was taken aback by this unexpected question, his heart racing.

He blinked, grappling with the absurdity of the moment. Was he hallucinating? Or was this some bizarre interaction born from his weakened state?

As he was pondering, another bell sound was heard.


Query: Do you want to live?

[Yes] [No]

Remaining time before death: 5 minutes.


The question was repeated, however, this time, a countdown timer materialized beside the shimmering figure, its digits ticking down with relentless precision.

It felt as though the hologram was urging him to make a decision quickly, each second amplifying the weight of his choice.

"What else would I lose?" John thought, grappling with the question. Deep down, he knew he was dying, and he had already accepted it.

At the age of 40, despite being single, he felt he had lived his life to the fullest, filled with experiences that shaped who he was.

He had traveled, forged friendships, and pursued passions that ignited his spirit.

The idea of life was no longer a chase for more; it was a reflection on what he had already accomplished.

Yet, as the timer ticked away, he felt a flicker of defiance against his impending fate, wondering if there was still something worth fighting for.


Query: Do you want to live?

[Yes] [No]

Remaining time before death: 2 minutes and 30 second.


"If I am given a chance, it would be nice," John thought, a faint smile forming on his lips.

Suddenly, the [Yes] button illuminated brightly, as if the hologram knew precisely what he was contemplating. The moment felt surreal, a silent agreement between him and the shimmering presence.

Then, without warning, the hologram vanished, dissipating into the air like a wisp of smoke, leaving John in the stark silence of the hospital room.

A minute passed by and nothing happened.

"I think I've been reading too many light novel stories," John chuckled softly, shaking his head at the absurdity of the situation.

He had half-expected something to happen after the hologram's sudden appearance and disappearance, as if a fantastical twist awaited him in his real life.

"I guess this is what happens when people become delirious before dying," he mused, a wry smile creeping across his face.

The combination of fatigue and a vivid imagination made him feel a strange sense of comfort, as though he could weave meaning from the surreal moments unfolding in his mind.

With a sigh, he closed his eyes again, allowing himself to slip back into the warm embrace of uncertainty and rest.

Just as he closed his eyes, a familiar bell suddenly sounded, echoing through the room like a warning chime. As soon as he heard it, a strange falling sensation enveloped his body, as if gravity had lost its hold.

John wanted to scream, yet his body did not respond; it felt as though he had become weightless, untethered from reality. He couldn't even feel his limbs, just the disorienting rush of the descent.

Then, the hologram reappeared, more vivid than before. This time, a message floated before him, glowing with an otherworldly light.


~Transmigration in Progress!

Welcome, User!

You have accepted the offer to live again. Now you are given a task. In another reality, a world is slowly heading toward destruction. Your mission is to save it from ruin.

To aid you in your task, you are equipped with "The Military System." This system allows you to summon a variety of resources, from soldiers to advanced equipment. However, be aware that everything comes at a cost.

Please check out the guide once you have arrived to understand the mechanics and limitations of your new abilities. Prepare yourself for the challenges ahead, as the fate of an entire world rests in your hands. The journey will test your resolve, strategy, and courage like never before.


John was not given another chance to gather his thoughts before the strange pulling sensation abruptly ceased, causing him to lose his balance. He stumbled forward, disoriented, as the surroundings shifted around him.

Colors swirled and blended, coalescing into a vibrant landscape that felt both foreign and strangely familiar. He landed on solid ground, the earth beneath him warm and pulsating with energy.

The air was filled with a mix of scents—fresh greenery and wildflowers that danced in the gentle breeze, invigorating his senses.

As he steadied himself, John took a deep breath, trying to absorb his new reality. Just moments ago, he was confined to a hospital bed, on the brink of death, and now he found himself standing upright, alive and full of possibility. The warmth of the sun kissed his skin, and he reveled in the sensation of being able to move freely again.

He glanced around, taking in the breathtaking scenery. He was in a vast forest, the lush greenery surrounding him alive with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves. Towering trees reached toward the sky, their branches swaying gently in the breeze, creating a natural cathedral of tranquility.

In the distance, majestic mountains loomed against a backdrop of vibrant hues of orange and purple, as if the world itself was awakening to greet him. The air was crisp and fresh, invigorating his spirit and filling him with a sense of purpose. This was a world teetering on the brink, yet bursting with potential.