Chapter 3

As his initial excitement about his new situation subsided, John suddenly realized he had overlooked a very important detail—he was now completely alone, having ordered the entire squad to scout the vicinity!

The forest, once alive with the chatter of his team, felt eerily quiet. The chirping of birds and rustling of leaves faded into the background, and he could hear the faint echo of his own heartbeat. A wave of anxiety washed over him as the gravity of his solitude set in.

To make matters worse, John realized he had no weapons on him. In his eagerness to lead, he had neglected to equip himself, relying solely on the soldiers he had summoned. Now, standing alone in the vast wilderness, he felt vulnerable and exposed.

'What have I done?' he thought, scanning the trees for any sign of movement.

As John stood alone in the vast wilderness, the weight of his situation settled heavily on him. Aside from some martial arts training and occasional visits to the gun range, he had no real experience in this kind of combat situation.

For God's sake, he had been bedridden for five years! The muscles he once trained had atrophied, and the confidence he felt in front of a target was fading in the face of reality.

Panic began to creep in as he realized the gravity of his isolation. 'What was I thinking?' he chastised himself. 'I'm not prepared for this!'

He took a deep breath, forcing himself to focus. His training had taught him about awareness and adaptability.

Even if he wasn't a seasoned warrior, he had learned to stay calm under pressure.

'Think, John. You need to survive until your squad returns', he told himself.

Remembering the Military System, he concentrated harder, trying to summon a weapon or tool that would aid him. Please, just something—anything.

His mind raced with thoughts of survival tactics, recalling the lessons from his martial arts instructors about improvisation and utilizing the environment.

Suddenly, a holographic menu materialized before him, filled with options. Among them were various tools and weapons—none of which he had ever imagined using in real life. He scanned the choices, feeling both excitement and trepidation.

John could feel his frustration mounting as he scrolled through the holographic menu, cursing under his breath at the ridiculous prices. Various rifles were listed at a staggering 5,000 points. What kind of system is this? he thought angrily. How am I supposed to defend myself?

Determined not to give up, John navigated to the handgun section, hoping to find something more affordable. Maybe I can snag a decent handgun for around 500 points, he thought, scanning through the options with renewed hope.

To his dismay, most handguns were still priced between 1,500 and 2,500 points—far beyond what he could afford. Just as he was about to give up hope, he spotted a compact handgun labeled as a "Basic Model." Its price was 1,000 points.

Finally! John felt a spark of relief, knowing that he could actually make this purchase. It was a bare-bones option, but it would provide him with some measure of protection. He quickly selected the Basic Model and confirmed his purchase.

As the handgun materialized in his hand, he examined it closely. It was lightweight and simple, lacking any advanced features, but it was exactly what he needed at that moment. This will do, he reassured himself, tucking it securely into his waistband for easy access.

With a newfound sense of security, John took a deep breath, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Although he was still alone in the vast wilderness, he now had a means of defense, and that made all the difference. He glanced around the forest, keenly aware of the need to stay alert while he waited for his squad to return.

The rustling sound behind John sent a jolt of adrenaline through his body, triggering the already frayed nerves from the isolation and uncertainty of his situation. His heart raced as he instinctively turned to face the source of the noise, gripping the handgun tightly in his hand.

Stay calm, he reminded himself, forcing his breath to steady. He scanned the dense foliage, the shadows weaving between the trees, straining to catch a glimpse of whatever was moving. The forest around him seemed to hold its breath, and the chirping of birds abruptly stopped, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake.

"Hello?" John called out, his voice shaky but resolute. Maybe it's just an animal, he thought, trying to convince himself that it was nothing to worry about. But the rustling continued, growing louder and closer, shattering his fragile composure.

He stepped back, eyes fixed on the underbrush, every instinct urging him to prepare for an encounter. The handgun felt heavy in his grip, and he took a deep breath, mentally preparing for whatever might emerge from the shadows.

Then, with a sudden burst, a figure darted out from the foliage—a small, startled deer, eyes wide and panicked. John felt a wave of relief wash over him, lowering the handgun slightly as he took in the sight of the innocent creature.

"Just a deer…" he muttered to himself, shaking his head at his own overreaction. But the feeling of vulnerability lingered; he couldn't shake the sense that he was still being watched, that danger could be lurking just beyond his line of sight.

As the deer bounded away, John couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and determination. He had to be better than this. He was on a mission now, and he needed to stay sharp.

Resolving to keep his guard up, he resumed his watch, ears tuned to any further sounds while mentally preparing himself for the reality that not everything in this new world would be as innocent as a deer.

After an hour of nerve-wracking, heart-pounding waiting, John felt a surge of relief as the squad he had sent to scout the area returned.

"Sir! We have returned," the squad leader reported, snapping a sharp salute. The rest of the squad lined up behind him, their expressions a mix of fatigue and determination.

"Report," John commanded, eager for information.

The squad leader straightened, his gaze steady. "We have discovered that we are in a vast forest. To the north lies a large river, which could provide us with fresh water. In the east, we encountered a mountainous region that may give us a strategic vantage point. From the west to the south, there are extensive plains that could serve as open ground for maneuvering."

John listened intently, taking mental notes. "Did you encounter any threats?" he asked, his heart racing at the thought of potential dangers.

"Yes, sir," the squad leader replied, a hint of concern in his voice. "While we didn't engage, we noticed signs of larger wildlife and heard some unusual sounds that might indicate hostile forces nearby. We should exercise caution as we move forward."

"Understood," John said, his mind racing with possibilities. "What's the best course of action? Should we set up camp by the river, or do you recommend another location?"

Another squad member, a scout with sharp instincts, stepped forward. "The river would provide essential resources, and it's a defensible position. We can set up a perimeter while keeping watch over the mountains and plains for any approaching threats."

"Sounds like a plan," John replied, feeling a sense of purpose return to him. "Let's move toward the river and establish a base. We'll need to assign watch duties and gather resources to sustain us."

As the squad prepared to march, John felt a surge of gratitude for their presence. No longer isolated, he was ready to face the challenges ahead.

With their combined strengths, he was confident they could navigate this unfamiliar territory and prepare for whatever dangers awaited them.