Chapter 22

It had been three days since the crushing defeat of the Eldorian army. The battlefield had been cleared, and the 15,000 captured soldiers were now housed under the watchful eyes of Commander John's forces.

Of the captured, more than half were injured, but they had been treated with care, their wounds attended to as if they were his own men.

Conventional wisdom dictated that these soldiers should be held as prisoners of war, used as leverage or bargaining chips. Yet, after much contemplation, Commander John made a surprising decision—he would let them choose.

Each captured soldier would have the opportunity to either return home or stay and join his growing forces. It was a calculated risk, and he was acutely aware of the dangers.

Standing on a hill overlooking the temporary camps where the prisoners were kept, John's mind raced through the potential consequences.

These soldiers, once released, would certainly return to the kingdom and provide detailed reports on his battalion's strength, technology, and tactics. It would offer the Eldorian commanders a wealth of information that could make the next battle much harder.

But John had his reasons for making this bold choice.

First, he knew that keeping 15,000 soldiers as prisoners would only serve to enrage the Eldorian royalty.

Capturing so many men would escalate tensions, potentially pushing King Cedric into a corner, forcing a more aggressive retaliation.

This was a situation John wanted to avoid, knowing full well that he was dealing with an unpredictable ruler.

Second, by letting them go, John could show a rare kind of goodwill. The Eldorian soldiers would return home with stories of mercy and fairness.

They would speak of a commander who had not only defeated them but treated them with honor afterward.

This could shake the loyalty some soldiers felt toward their own leadership, and perhaps even weaken the kingdom's morale over time. These stories would spread, creating ripples within the ranks of King Cedric's forces.

Third, John knew he couldn't afford the resources necessary to monitor and provide for 15,000 soldiers indefinitely.

His forces were strong, but keeping that many prisoners under constant watch would stretch his battalion's capacity too thin.

The costs of feeding, guarding, and managing them around the clock would be a massive drain on Havenbrook's growing infrastructure.

Releasing them was a practical necessity as much as a strategic one.

Mace, standing beside him, voiced his unease. "Commander, you're really going to let them go? They could give Cedric everything he needs to come after us stronger next time."

John's gaze didn't waver as he watched the camp below. "I'm aware of that, Mace. But we don't need 15,000 soldiers bogging us down. Capturing them would drain our resources and paint us as conquerors. I'd rather let them walk away, telling stories of the enemy who showed them mercy. That could be just as powerful as any weapon."

Mace exhaled sharply, still grappling with the decision. "And if some of them decide to stay?"

John allowed himself a slight smile. "Then they've already made their choice. They'll be more useful here, where we can ensure their loyalty and have them on our side. Either way, we win."

The decision was made, and the order given. Over the next few hours, John's soldiers would gather the Eldorians and explain their options. Return home to Eldoria, or stay under the protection of Commander John's forces.

The choice would be theirs, but John knew whichever path they took, the ripple effects would be felt far beyond this battlefield. His actions were shaping the future of Havenbrook, Fort Sentinel, and the region itself.

Mace nodded, still concerned but trusting his commander's instincts. "Let's see how this plays out."

As the hours passed, more and more of the captured Eldorian soldiers made their choice. One by one, they stepped forward, opting to return home to Eldoria.

For many, the pull of family, the need to return to their loved ones, or the desire to avoid further conflict was too strong. The once massive group of 15,000 soldiers dwindled steadily, until only 2,500 remained.

John stood watching the remaining group. These were the ones who had chosen to stay—most of them young men, some barely more than boys.

They had no families waiting for them back home, no farms or businesses to run, and no desire to return to the harsh rule of King Cedric.

For them, this was an opportunity, a fresh start, and perhaps even a chance at something greater than what their old lives could offer.

As John surveyed the group, he saw potential. These young soldiers, unburdened by the ties of family or the weight of their past lives, could become a key part of Havenbrook's future.

They were eager to prove themselves, hungry for purpose, and grateful for the chance John had given them.

With the initial 20 townspeople, who had been at Havenbrook from the beginning, John now had a total of 2,520 people under his care. It was a significant increase in numbers, and with it came new challenges—but also new opportunities.

Turning to Mace, John nodded thoughtfully. "We've gained more than just soldiers. These men are looking for a place to belong."

Mace crossed his arms, surveying the group. "What do you plan to do with them, Commander?"

John smiled. "We'll give them a purpose. We're building something here—something that's going to last. They'll be part of it."

Mace nodded slowly, seeing the potential as well. "It's a risk, but it could pay off. If they're loyal."

"They'll be loyal," John said with quiet confidence. "We gave them a choice, and they chose us. Now, we show them what that means."

The camp was buzzing with new energy. The 2,500 who remained were eager to get to work, and with their combined strength, Havenbrook would continue to grow—its future shaped by the hands of those who chose to stay.

John pressed the radio to his lips, his voice calm but commanding. "Logistics, this is Commander John. Status update on the housing at Havenbrook?"

A moment of static followed before the response crackled through. "Commander, we've completed the prefabricated houses. The last phase is done. Everything's ready."

John nodded to himself, satisfied but already thinking several steps ahead. "Good. I want more buildings constructed as soon as possible. I'll summon additional prefabs when I return. Also, prepare food for the newcomers. We're going to need enough supplies to support everyone."

The leader acknowledged his orders, and John lowered the radio, his thoughts running through the logistics of everything they'd need.

More soldiers, more civilians—it wasn't just about shelter or food anymore. The infrastructure would have to grow, and fast.

His mind raced through the list: engineers, quartermasters, more skilled personnel to manage the swelling population.

He glanced at the horizon, the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. Havenbrook was growing, and so were its needs.

Out of habit, he checked his points. His breath caught for a moment as he stared at the number. Over 5,000,000. "Well, that explains it," he muttered to himself, smirking. "Fifteen thousand defeated soldiers… makes sense."

He exhaled, letting the reality sink in. These points would be enough to transform Havenbrook even further, to solidify its future and ensure the safety of everyone under his command.

After ensuring everything was in order in Crestfall, John wasted no time returning to Fort Sentinel. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the expanding settlement, but John's mind was already racing with plans for the future. He had done what needed to be done in Crestfall, but the real work was back at his base.

As soon as he arrived at Fort Sentinel, he went straight to the command center. There was no time to waste.

He summoned his logistics officer. "We're going to build more prefab buildings. Let's start with another round of prefab houses, enough to accommodate the additional influx of people."

The officer nodded, quickly jotting down the orders. "How many are we talking about, Commander?"

John didn't hesitate. "About 2,500 more."

With a final salute, the officer turned and hurried away to organize the logistics. John watched him go, his mind already focused on the next steps.

Bringing up the system interface again, John navigated to the barracks section. He had already upgraded several of them over the past few weeks, but now it was time for a major overhaul.

"System, upgrade all ten level 5 barracks to level 10."

The confirmation came quickly, and within moments, the barracks began to shimmer with activity.

Reinforcements appeared, expanding each building's structure as walls thickened, and additional rooms were added.

The capacity of each barracks surged, allowing John to house up to 2,000 soldiers across his now-advanced facilities.

Once the upgrades were complete, John didn't waste time. His next objective was clear.

"Summon 400 Engineers and 400 Quartermasters," John ordered, his fingers gliding over the system interface.

John made his way across the open grounds of Fort Sentinel, his gaze fixed on the rows of newly summoned soldiers standing outside the barracks. The engineers and quartermasters were lined up in precise formations, each group freshly summoned and awaiting their orders.

The sight of hundreds of new troops filling the space outside the upgraded barracks was a powerful reminder of the growth of his forces. The engineers, in practical uniforms with tool belts and packs of equipment slung across their backs, stood beside crates filled with advanced construction supplies. The quartermasters, neatly arranged, were already preparing their inventories, efficient and ready to manage the base's growing logistics.

John approached the gathered troops, his boots crunching on the gravel beneath him. The soldiers snapped to attention as he neared, their faces a mix of determination and discipline. He stopped before them, taking a moment to let the gravity of the situation settle in.

"Engineers," John began, his voice carrying across the group, "your job is critical to the expansion of Fort Sentinel. We've got major projects coming up. You're going to help build infrastructures that will help us."

The engineers nodded firmly, understanding the task ahead.

John turned to the quartermasters, his gaze sharp. "Quartermasters, logistics are everything. Without you, our operations fall apart. You'll be responsible for supplies, ammunition, and everything else we need to keep this battalion moving. We're growing fast, and we need to be ready for whatever's next."

A murmur of acknowledgment rippled through the ranks, followed by sharp salutes.

He paused, scanning the soldiers in front of him. "Every one of you is part of something bigger now. This is Fort Sentinel, and it's where we build our future. You've been brought here because of your skills, because you're the best at what you do. Don't forget that."

With a final nod of approval, John turned and made his way toward one of the waiting vehicles. The soldiers saluted him as he passed, and soon he was speeding across the open expanse of Fort Sentinel, the hum of the engine filling the air.

The vehicle rolled over the recently reinforced roads, making its way to a wide, flat 2.5 km stretch of land inside the base. This section had been cleared and prepared specifically for the next major project: the airport. John looked out the window as they drove, taking in the sight of cranes, heavy machinery, and construction crews already hard at work on other areas of the base.

When the vehicle came to a stop, John stepped out onto the cleared land, the breeze sweeping across the flat terrain. He pulled up the system interface, ready to make the next leap in Fort Sentinel's expansion. With practiced precision, he navigated through the options, selecting the specifications for the airport—runways, hangars, control towers, and all the support buildings necessary for a fully functional airfield.

John stood still for a moment, taking in the vastness of the space as he confirmed the command. The system responded instantly, summoning the airport structure into existence. The runways stretched out before him, long and straight, while the control towers and buildings materialized one after another, seamlessly fitting into the base's layout.

In a matter of minutes, what had been an empty plot of land now held a fully operational airport, complete with modern facilities and a sprawling runway capable of handling any aircraft John could summon.

As the airport emerges, John quickly leveled it up to 10.

Then he initiated the process to summon the helicopters.

First, two Black Hawk helicopters materialized, their sleek forms standing ready for action. Next, two Chinook helicopters emerged, their robust frames designed for heavy lifting and troop transport. Finally, a single V-22 Osprey appeared, its unique tilt-rotor design promising versatility and speed for various missions.

With the helicopters now in place, John turned his attention to summoning the 200 remaining soldiers that he can summon as personnel to fully staff the airfield.

He meticulously reviewed the roles needed to ensure that the facility would run smoothly from day one.

He began summoning the necessary staff:

10 Helicopter Pilots: Two for each helicopter, assigning both a primary pilot and a co-pilot for every craft to ensure they were always mission-ready.

25 Ground Crew Members: Tasked with refueling, handling pre-flight inspections, and ensuring the helicopters were operational at all times.

10 Loadmasters: Responsible for managing cargo and balancing helicopter loads during missions, ensuring safe and efficient transport.

25 Helicopter Technicians: Experts in maintenance and repairs, their role would be crucial in keeping the helicopters in peak condition for both training and combat.

15 Air Traffic Controllers: Assigned to manage the flow of helicopters, coordinating their takeoffs and landings and overseeing all flight communications.

25 Security Personnel: Positioned to secure the airfield, providing protection against any threats or breaches, ensuring the safety of the entire facility.

30 Support Staff: Administrative and logistics personnel to maintain operations behind the scenes, from handling communications to managing supplies.

10 Medics: Specialized in emergency air rescues and medevac operations, always prepared to provide critical medical care in airborne scenarios.

50 Additional Tactical Personnel: Trained to assist with loading troops and rapid deployments, prepared for any future combat or tactical airlift operations.

John watched as each group appeared in formation, promptly reporting to their respective assignments.

The helicopter pilots moved swiftly toward their helicopters, while the ground crew and technicians began examining the aircraft with meticulous precision.

Air traffic controllers settled into the newly completed control tower, setting up their systems and establishing communication lines with the rest of the base.

The sight of so many professionals falling into their roles with such expertise reassured John. The once-empty expanse, was now a hive of organized activity, humming with purpose and potential.

As John stood admiring the newly summoned airport, a sudden burst of static interrupted his thoughts. His radio crackled to life, and the familiar voice of his logistics officer came through.

"Commander, all personnel are accounted for and in position. We're ready to move forward with operations as soon as you give the word," the officer reported, a hint of urgency in his tone.

"Great news," John replied, momentarily distracted from the impressive sight of the bustling airfield. But then, a realization struck him like a bolt of lightning—he still needed to summon new prefabricated buildings for housing. The recent influx of troops meant that more accommodations were crucial to ensure their comfort and efficiency.

Without hesitation, John accessed the system interface once again, focusing on the task at hand. As he navigated through the options, he decided to summon multiple prefabricated buildings, envisioning rows of sturdy homes to accommodate his growing force.

In addition to the new houses, he considered the facilities that needed upgrades. He quickly scanned through his inventory and initiated upgrades for every existing structure at Fort Sentinel—from the Command Center to the Communication Towers.

"Upgrading all structures," he muttered under his breath, feeling a sense of pride in the rapid development of Fort Sentinel. He knew that these enhancements would bolster their operational capabilities and improve their overall security.

The interface confirmed the upgrades with a series of notifications, each one representing a significant improvement in their infrastructure.

The command center's systems would now run more efficiently, while the communication towers would enhance their range and clarity, ensuring seamless coordination across the base.

As the upgrades initiated, John felt a swell of confidence. With the airport operational and new personnel in place, and with additional housing and upgraded facilities on the way, Fort Sentinel was transforming into a formidable stronghold.

"Logistics Officer, ensure that the housing is prioritized," John instructed over the radio. "We need to settle the newest addtion to our town as soon as possible."

"Understood, Commander. We'll start the preparations immediately," the officer responded.