Chapter 7 Uchiha Mirror

The Uchiha clan is dissatisfied with Senju Tobirama. After Tobirama came to power, not only did he limit the power of the Uchiha-led police force, but he also relocated the clan's territory several kilometers eastward, closer to the river. On the surface, this expansion might seem like an advantage, but in reality, it distanced the Uchiha from the center of Konoha's power.

Naturally, this led to discontent among the Uchiha. They had made efforts to integrate into Konoha, yet this was the result? Was this how they were being treated?

The Uchiha, known for their emotional intensity, harbored growing resentment towards Tobirama, whose actions seemed unjust in their eyes. The clan's frustration with the Second Hokage continued to mount.

Uchiha Kagami, a prominent member of the clan, noticed his family's increasing dissatisfaction. The growing tensions troubled him deeply.

"What's wrong?" asked his wife, Uchiha Masako, a dignified and elegant woman. As she knelt beside Kagami in the courtyard, resting her head on his shoulder, she added softly, "I can't help with ninja matters, but sometimes talking about it helps ease the burden."

Kagami embraced Masako but remained silent. Most of the men in the Uchiha clan were ninjas, and even talented women like young Uchiha Rou received specialized training. Rou, known for her fire-style jutsu, had recently been sent to the newly restructured ninja academy in cooperation with Senju Tobirama's reforms.

But what had they gained in return for their loyalty? Only isolation—moved further from Konoha's center, and with their police authority diminished.

Could Kagami confide this to Masako?

He couldn't.

Masako had been born into the Uchiha family herself, and her last name hadn't changed after marrying him. He could only manage a weak smile and say, "It's nothing. I just have a mission tomorrow, and I won't be able to see you for a while."

Masako's eyes turned misty. Summoning her courage, she whispered, "Then let's go to bed early tonight."

Kagami nodded and carried Masako to the bedroom.


The next day, Uchiha Kagami reported to the Hokage's office.

"Hokage-sama, you called for me?" he inquired.

Tobirama, sitting behind his desk, looked at Kagami and said softly, "I have a task for you. If you do it well, there won't be much reward. If you don't, many will criticize you. Are you willing to take it?"

Without hesitation, Kagami replied, "I am willing, Hokage-sama."

Tobirama smiled slightly, shaking his head. "My assistant will give you the details. If you have any questions, consult with him via the ninja post."

Kagami nodded respectfully. Tobirama signed a document and handed it to him. Glancing at it, Kagami was taken aback.

"Hokage-sama, about this bridge... is it really wise to have ordinary civilians construct it, rather than relying on Jonin?"

Tobirama sighed. Many would think this way at first glance.

After Tobirama firmly explained why civilians were needed for the task, Kagami nodded and left to begin recruiting workers. But as soon as he posted the recruitment notice, things took an unexpected turn.

Instead of a manageable number of applicants, over a thousand people showed up for the 300 available spots. Kagami, usually mild-mannered and decisive in battle, found himself struggling to manage the influx of people. Reluctantly, he consulted Tobirama's assistant for guidance.

Soon after, Kagami received a detailed response, outlining step-by-step instructions for conducting the recruitment. Reading it, Kagami couldn't help but marvel at the clarity of the strategy. The assistant was clearly as sharp as Tobirama himself.

Following the advice, Kagami gathered the crowd and asked if anyone had experience in civil engineering or blueprint design. Surprisingly, two older men stepped forward, skilled in construction. However, without the proper tools, they couldn't demonstrate their skills on the spot.

Kagami then organized the applicants into family units, instructing each family to nominate a representative based on skill and leadership. This method reduced the overwhelming number of applicants.

Konoha's population primarily consisted of the great ninja clans, but ordinary citizens made up a substantial portion as well. In the past, before the establishment of Konoha, civilians depended on these clans for protection, in exchange for giving up much of their hard-earned resources. But even this arrangement didn't guarantee their safety.

Konoha Village changed that dynamic. The clans no longer directly protected civilians; instead, they worked for the village, which distributed resources accordingly. This eliminated many issues from the past.

Konoha's system became a model for other countries, inspiring them to establish their own ninja villages.

However, this system also created new challenges. Civilians far outnumbered the ninja population, and as Konoha continued to grow, there wasn't enough land for everyone to farm and sustain themselves. This led to an increasing number of idle citizens.

Solving this problem wasn't easy. One option was to cultivate more land, but many civilians feared leaving the relative safety of the village. Another solution was to increase productivity, either by improving agricultural output or by creating jobs through public projects, like the bridge.

But such projects required money—gold, to be specific. Constructing a single bridge could exhaust Konoha's funds. Even with the additional gold Tobirama had secured, it was nowhere near enough for large-scale infrastructure improvements.

If Konoha had a reliable source of gold, it could become the foundation for economic growth. But for now, they would have to make do with what little they had.

Thus, while building this bridge might not solve all of Konoha's problems, it was a step toward creating a sustainable future for both its ninja and civilian populations.


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**End of Chapter**