Chapter 4

Harry had to roll his eyes in exasperation when he set his sights on the two men in the clearing, taking care of matters. They had attempted to look like muggles, but they resembled jokers instead.

Arthur went ahead with Amos Diggory as the others stayed behind, and soon, it was time for them to part ways with their companions. Harry did leave a parting gift with Amos Diggory as they began walking across the misty moor, unable to make out much in front of them. It took them about half an hour before they found themselves standing on top of a small hill overlooking a massive ocean of tents as far as the eye could see.

A middle-aged man met them – the only real muggle for several acres, and Harry was called to help Arthur out with the currency notes. It had been a bit embarrassing the first time he'd done this, but he could only derive amusement this time.

Nothing of note happened as they made their way to the tents if one did not count a sudden Obliviate on the muggle from a wizard who apparated in, greeting Arthur cordially as he escorted them to the campsite.

They trudged between the tents through the thick mist, most looking as ordinary as possible so that they did not stand out too much. However, there was no lack of tents that pushed the boundaries of what muggles thought normal. They saw one that had three floors and multiple turrets and nearby was another with a front garden attached, complete with a birdbath, sundial, and fountain.

"Show offs," Ron muttered under his breath as they walked, earning a chuckle from his father who led them to the far end near the woods, and a sign was hammered into the ground that read WEEZLY.

Harry put up the act of being surprised when they entered the tent that was much larger on the inside, and soon, they were all assigned their respective tasks.

"We'll need water…" Arthur remarked as he peered into a dusty kettle, and Harry had to roll his eyes at the wizards' accommodation of muggles. No magic from the adults either was surely pushing the limits here, but those were the rules. Ron seemed to share his opinion as he protested, only to be quickly shut down by his father.

"Harry, Hermione and I can go and get some water," Ginny quipped, gazing at the map they had been given. "You all can get the rest done."

"A very good idea, Ginny," Arthur praised with a smile, nodding. Harry glanced over at the redhead and his lips quirked a bit when he saw her smirk. He had little idea what she had planned but he was surely looking forward to it.

Once the girls were settled in the room in the tent that they were supposed to share, they grabbed the utensils and set out for the other side of the field where they would find the water. The morning mist was already giving away, the sun rising in the distance and casting a golden glow across the massive encampment. Witches and wizards from numerous nationalities were either arriving or waking up, taking care of their affairs in the most unassuming manner possible.

However, that did not prevent the ministry officials' headaches, for there were people still asleep, giving their little children the freedom to either play with wands or fly toy broomsticks around.

They all had a nice chuckle when they saw a little boy prodding a slug with one of his parents' wands, his mother quickly rushing outside and admonishing him, much to the boy's continuous yelling as he watched the slug getting larger and then trodden on, bursting nastily.

They came across a camp of dark-skinned wizards who sat outside on chairs in the early morning, prodding the hearth of fire with a large piece of wood as they talked in a language they did not understand.

However, what gave Harry a slight pause was the familiar banner a few yards away. It was a large tent, but what attracted his attention was the large blue and golden flowery banner with a 'B' emblazoned in the middle. The words: ACADÉMIE DE MAGIEBEAUXBÂTONS were inscribed right under the emblem, and a small group of witches that looked to be in their late teens and early twenties sat talking happily in French.

He did not recall seeing anyone from Beauxbatons the last time he was here, and he wondered how different things would be this time.

He let his eyes travel over the group of witches, wondering if a certain French veela was accompanying them, but he could not see her anywhere.

"Thinking of trying your luck with some French birds, Harry?"

The teasing voice of his little redhead made him avert his eyes from the tent and he found her gazing at him with a smirk. Hermione's gaze shifted over to the Beauxbatons tent and her brows furrowed.

"If I find someone interesting, why not?" He replied, his lips quirked. He did not miss the subtle frown that took over Hermione's features and raised a curious eyebrow, wondering why she would be against the notion. He did not comment on it though, and they resumed their journey to the other side of the camp.

It was not long before they arrived in an area that looked as if someone had dumped green paint all over the landscape. The air was filled with green smoke, the tents were all green, people were wearing green attire, and the ground was naturally green as they made their way through.

Harry saw a certain Irish dormmate of his out of the corner of his eyes and hastened his footsteps, to the confusion of his two companions who followed suit. Having no interest in interacting with the moron, he kept walking briskly until they were out of the green dump of paint and slowed his stride.

"What was that for!?"

"Couldn't stand all that green, to be honest," Harry replied, glancing at Hermione who grimaced as she looked over behind them.

"Well, I can understand why. It can be a bit much."

"I wonder what it's like with the Bulgarians," Ginny wondered aloud.

"Worshipping Krum, probably," Harry replied offhandedly. He was proven correct moments later when they arrived near the Bulgarian encampment and saw massive moving posters of Viktor Krum on his multiple snitch chases. A few were portraits of him looking grumpy or scowling as usual, something that earned a comment from Hermione.

"Guess that's what happens with some who are worshipped like a celebrity," Harry remarked.

"Thank heavens you didn't turn into a scowling idiot," Hermione chuckled. "Oh, I can only imagine how you'd have looked with your face like that!"

"Are you teasing me, Miss Granger?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow as he turned toward her.

Her mirth shone in her chocolate brown orbs, and the brunette grinned. "Tell me it's not funny."

Harry gave her a mock scowl, making her laugh out loud, and he grinned, wrapping an arm around both the girls and pulling them close.

"Well, it's good I had great friends who made sure I stayed happy," he said with a comforting squeeze around their waists. Smiling gently up at him, Hermione patted his chest as she pulled away. However, Ginny kept herself pressed up against him for a while longer, and to Hermione's immense surprise, she leaned up and pressed her lips against his cheek.

"You deserve everything for who you are," she said, her adoration and worship for him shining through as she caressed his chest. Out of the corner of his eyes, Harry saw Hermione staring at them with a surprised look on her face and he suppressed a smirk.

'You cheeky minx,' he thought, gazing at Ginny before he leaned down and kissed her forehead, stroking her lower back sensuously. He pulled back and walked forward, leaving Ginny staring hungrily at his back and a wide-eyed Hermione staring at her.

She had too many questions running through her mind but before the brunette could say anything, Ginny walked forward and she was forced to catch up as they resumed walking and it did not take them long to reach their destination.

"Quite a crowd," Ginny commented as they walked closer. "I'm still not sure why we're all not using magic. It's not as if anyone would see inside the tents."

"The Ministry must be heavily monitoring the area for any magic being used," Hermione theorized. "They must not want to take any chances, which is why they decided to ban the use of magic altogether. I think it's fun. Gives a proper camping experience to the lot who'd usually use the free time to laze away."

As they waited in the queue, they came across several familiar faces. Oliver Wood was there with his family who greeted them all warmly, and the man told them he had signed a professional contract with Puddlemere United – the team he had supported since his childhood. Ernie Macmillan was also there, waiting in the queue, and a little farther, Harry spotted a certain Asian beauty who had captivated him during this time in the previous timeline.

Cho Chang was older, but she was a vision nonetheless. She was wearing a blue witches' robe, a nod to her Ravenclaw heritage no doubt, and Harry very much liked what he saw. He thought he didn't have it in him to be stimulated like this by someone he had found attractive previously, but he had been wrong.

Last time, he had not tried to reconcile with her after Diggory's death – having enough on his plate to bother with a girl who had been grieving like a widow. However, this time, things would be different.

Cho's eyes found him and a bright smile lit up her face as she gave him a wave. Had he been the old Harry, he would've made a fool of himself as he had done back then. However, he had changed, and for the better. Plastering the most impressive 'trademark Potter grin' that he knew witches found oh so attractive, he gave her a small wink, his grin widening when he saw her blush slightly.

Perhaps it would be easier than he'd expected. He already knew Cho was also interested in him. The only reason he had not gotten together with her was because Diggory had beaten him to it. He had every intention of playing his cards right this time. After all, if he wanted someone, he took them by any means necessary.

He found Cho give him a small smile and with a wave, she slinked away. However, it was impossible to miss the smile that remained on her face as she left, and Harry chuckled to himself as the queue moved forward.

What he missed was the frown that appeared on a certain brunette's face who had undoubtedly seen the interaction in its entirety and her confusion only grew.

Something was going on here that she had no clue about, and the thought of remaining ignorant did not sit right with her. She had to know what was happening with Harry, and if she was thinking correctly, with Ginny as well.


"You three took your time," George remarked as they returned.

"Who are you? Mum?" Ginny retorted as she deposited her carry on the floor. "Now take this inside. Surely you all can do so much?"

Her brothers grumbled but did not deny her as Harry walked over to Arthur who was trying hard to light up the fire with matchsticks, to little success.

"Think you can help him out?" Harry asked as he leaned over, his voice a hot whisper in Hermione's ear.

The brunette shivered as a shudder coursed through her, her heartbeat rising as she was suddenly assaulted by the same sensations she had been when they had landed from the portkey travel. She took a deep breath to compose herself, wondering what was wrong with her as she wordlessly stepped forward to help the poor man out.

It took them over an hour to get the fire ready to cook, and the time afterward was filled with Arthur's running commentary as he informed mostly Harry and Hermione about the several Ministry officials who passed by, greeting him cordially.

Percy arrived sometime later, and he was his usual pompous self. Harry had this itch to put an itching spell on him but he decided to relent, at least for now.

The next to arrive was one Ludo Bagman, the man's demeanor the same as it had previously been. As expected, he gawked at Harry when Arthur introduced them all, and although Harry had warned them indirectly, the twins still decided to bet away all their savings on Ireland winning the match but Krum catching the snitch. He already knew what their fate would be, and all it did was coax out a resigned sigh from him. They had made their bed. It was their responsibility to lie in it.

As expected, Barty Crouch – the older one, obviously – was up next, and the man was all business. Harry tuned the man out as he discussed ministerial affairs with Arthur, and the adults – Percy included – began to discuss the upcoming Triwizard tournament at Hogwarts, not that anyone else apart from Harry knew. They all were understandably curious at the cryptic remarks, much to Arthur's amusement who kept the lid on the information tight.

Their impromptu guests left shortly after noon and they all stood up, making their way inside the tent for some lie-in after an early morning wake-up.

Harry was, as usual, sharing his space with Ron, and the redhead took barely five minutes before he was out cold, snoring away. Harry promptly applied the usual silencing charm on him and threw himself on the bed, his eyes staring at the ceiling that had been charmed to be darker than normal.

He had settled just fine in this new world and the past days had been spent getting himself familiar with whatever differences there might be. Apart from the increase in ages, nothing seemed out of place, at least publicly. He still did not have full certainty regarding interpersonal relationships of people but everything he had seen so far pointed to things being the same.

His thoughts strayed toward his little slut from the previous timeline. Pansy was Malfoy's loyal lapdog and a bigoted bitch, although she was bigoted earlier as well. After all, their first time together had happened mostly because he was a half-blood and it would be akin to pissing Malfoy off even more if he found out that his little plaything had sullied herself with a half-blood instead of being with him. Her attitude might have changed after he conquered her but there was no denying that Pansy was a bigoted little slut at heart and truth be told, he would not have her be any different. He reminded himself to make sure she remained the same bigoted bitch even after he made her his. A bitchy Pansy was fun in the sack.

The thought of making someone his diverted his thoughts to a certain redhead whose mark had turned golden halfway through. Although the last he had seen it had been a few hours ago, so he felt it must've been completed by now. He decided to test his theory and reached out for the little tendril of magic that he felt connected Ginny to him and tugged on it, silently beckoning her to him.

He did not need to wait for long as he saw the movement in the shadows as a figure slowly approached, walking across the small hall area of the tent, her eyes darting about to ensure she was not seen. Harry merely watched on in amusement as she tiptoed over, knowing everyone must already be asleep by now.

"Get over here already," Harry called out softly, chuckling when she froze for a moment, startled. She was quick to compose herself though as she rushed the final bit of the way in, a bright grin on her face. He lifted the duvet and she got in excitedly, wrapping her arms around him as she breathed in his scent.

"You told me yesterday you'll take care of me soon," she whispered with a small pout. "It's been a day, Master."

The word sent a jolt of pleasure through him and Harry rolled them over so that he was hovering over her. It was darker than outside but he could easily make out her red hair fanning on the bed under her, her large chest heaving as she breathed heavily, gazing at him with an eager grin.

"I did leave you to take care of yourself, didn't I?"

"And I've been wanting you ever since," she whispered. "Oh Master… it's been so hard, especially when the mark started turning golden…"

Harry did not waste time. With a wave of his hand, he vanished her top, leaving her clad in a modest bra and her jeans and exposing the upper half of the mark that was shining an ethereal shade of gold. His deft fingers made quick work of her jeans before he vanished them as well, exposing the bottom half that vanished under her knickers, glowing the same shade of gold. Her devotion to him was absolute and she did not even bat an eye at the display of wandless casting.

"It's finished," she whispered adoringly, gazing up at him. "Our bond… it's permanently marked on me now… Oh Master, I feel so close to you now… as if you're with me all the time…"

"That's the intention," Harry whispered as he leaned closer, making Ginny shiver delightedly as she felt his weight press down on her. His hot breath caressed her face, her eyes fluttering shut as she puckered her lips needily. Harry only teased her for a few more moments before he allowed his own pent-up lust to take over and slammed his lips against hers in a searing kiss.

Ginny moaned deep into his mouth, the sound smothered by his lips as she wrapped her arms around his back, pulling him flush against herself. She was passionate and she was impatient, having been denied this for an entire day now. Harry knew she would be so needy once the bond was completely established and only when he scratched that itch would she go back to normal, and he was very eager to bring her the relief she sorely craved.

"You know, you've controlled yourself brilliantly so far," he remarked as he pulled back, smirking at how swollen her lips looked. "I expected you to jump me sometime after the bond finalized."

"It happened when we were returning with the water," Ginny smiled. "Believe me, a part of me wanted to get you somewhere private… the woods, maybe… so you could shag me rotten… but Hermione was there…"

"Didn't think you'd be such a slut that you'd want to be shagged in the open like that, Gin… where anyone could come and see," Harry remarked hungrily as he groped her tits over her bra, making her moan in delight.

"I'll be anything you want me to be, Master," she whispered promisingly, and her legs came up to wrap around his waist as she pushed her quivering pussy against his erection that protested against the confines of his jeans, humping herself eagerly against him. "I'm yours in every sense. This mark proves it."

"So it does," Harry agreed with a smirk. "But I am a caring Master, Gin. So tell me, what do you want right now?"

"I want you," she said without any hesitation, a desperate need in her plea. "I want you to take me as I know only you can and ever would."

"Right here, Gin? Right beside your brother? Only a thin fabric wall away from your three other brothers and your father? What if they come and see what a little slut their dear Ginny is?"

A shudder coursed through Ginny as Harry spoke, and her eyes closed, her hold on him tightening. Harry's smirk widened.

"It turns you on, doesn't it? The thrill of being discovered by others?" Harry asked, starting to trail a hot line of kisses all over her upper chest, his teeth nibbling on the swells of her tits.

Ginny was gasping and breathing heavily, her body being stimulated to perfection by Harry, and she belatedly registered what he said. She loved how he was playing with her tits and quickly reached up, pulling the cups of her bra under her tits, baring them for him. Harry was eager to help himself to two handfuls of her large, naked tit flesh, his thumbs grazing and stroking her pebbled nipples as he kept stimulating her. His heightened senses enabled him to smell her arousal which had grown more potent as time passed.

"I asked you something, Gin," he whispered against her skin.

"Yes!" Ginny gasped. "Oh it turns me on so much!"

"I gathered," he chuckled. "You really are a little slut, aren't you?"

"Yours, Master. Only yours."

"As it should be," Harry smirked and lowered his face, capturing her right nipple between his teeth. Ginny hissed and gasped as he nibbled and bit on her hardened nub, his hands fondling her tits expertly, and her hold around his neck tightened as she pressed his face against her skin. Her hips kept rolling against him as she pushed her gushing pussy against his hard-on, wanting nothing more than for him to bury his magnificent length inside her once again. It had been a little over a day but it already felt like a long time since she'd had him inside her.

She felt his right hand relinquish its hold on her breast and slide down her body, caressing her flat belly before it touched the mark. A loud gasp escaped her the moment he touched her there, the feeling as potent as the one whenever he stimulated her clit. Her wide eyes locked with his intense emeralds as he smirked up at her before he resumed his ministrations on her tits and continued the downward journey of his hand, vanishing both her bra and her knickers with a negligent wave of his hand and deftly slipping two of his digits inside her.

"Oh Master!" Ginny gasped at the intrusion, eagerly spreading her legs apart as he began to push his fingers in and out of her at a sedate pace, coaxing even more of her vaginal juices out against his palm, and Ginny could hear the wet sounds down there with crystal fucking clarity. She knew it was only seconds away – the moment she had been waiting for. She would have him inside her once again – the first time since she had become entirely his – and her new life as her Master's loyal would begin. She could hardly wait.

As Harry stimulated Ginny, he kept feeling the redhead tugging at his shirt, as if silently asking him to take it off. Seeing no reason to decline her request, he vanished his clothes instantly.

"Ah yes…" Ginny whispered and her hands immediately began to stroke his naked back, sending tingles down his spine as she touched him sensuously. The heat of his naked body resting against her front also pleased her to no end and she eagerly welcomed him in a searing kiss as he leaned up and pushed his lips against hers once again.

"You've been very patient, Gin," Harry whispered against her plump lips as he pulled back, hovering over her. He brought the hand that had been preparing her pussy over and held his fingers out. Ginny did not need to be told and she reached out, wrapping her lips around his digits and sucking her juices off. "This sight will never get old."

An excited grin overtook Ginny's face as she gazed up at him. She felt him reach between them and align himself against her wet entrance.

"Now don't be impatient," Harry chided gently when she tried to push herself against him.

"Sorry, Master," she whispered obediently, making him chuckle. He rested his head against her entrance, prodding her lower lips for a few seconds as he covered the crown of his dick with her hot juices.


As Ginny nodded, Harry slowly pushed forward. The redhead gasped as the head popped in with a wet sound, her chocolate brown eyes wide and gazing into his emerald pools that were fixated on her, brimming with intensity and dominance. With a slow push, he ventured further inside her, halfway in, and Ginny gasped once again. Somehow, it felt different this time, and it made perfect sense. She was his now in every sense of the word, and he was claiming her for life this time, their bond fully in place.

She gazed up at him with bated breath as she waited, and it did not last long as Harry pulled back slowly before he gave a firm push, burying himself to the hilt inside her. Ginny let out a keening sigh of pleasure as she felt him deep within herself, her hands resting on his shoulders as he began to move. He moved slow at first but it did not take long for him to pick up the pace and soon, Ginny had her lips clamped on his shoulder to muffle her moans and cries as he slammed away repeatedly inside her, claiming her as his in every sense of the word.

He was aggressive, and he was demanding. He soon had his mouth wrapped around one of her nipples as he furiously fucked her, and Ginny had to bite down on her hand to ensure she did not cry or wail in sheer pleasure. The fact that they were doing this in a small tent with her brothers and her father nearby made her feel even hotter, and it added to her arousal. She kept her eyes fixated on the shadows outside the small room, her excitement continuously rising.

She could already feel her peak approaching at a furious pace and she shut her eyes, allowing herself to surrender to her Master who used her while simultaneously pleasuring her beyond her wildest imagination. He had a firm hold on both her tits as he sucked on them passionately, his large dick continuously pounding into her fluttering core.

Her toes were curled and raised high in the air as she kept her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, desperate to keep him buried inside her, and she tightened her inner walls around him.

Harry felt her hot walls clamp hard around his girth and knew she must be close. All it did was motivate him to intensify his ministrations and he pulled one hand off her tits, dragging it downward and quickly finding the hardened bundle of nerves right atop her gushing womanhood. He gave it a soft flick and started rubbing circles around it, making Ginny mewl and muffle her cry against her hand, and feeling her walls tighten further around him. He continued stroking her clit for a few more seconds, getting her progressively more worked up and pushing her closer to her climax.

His fingers hotly smearing her juices and caressing the golden mark right above her clit finally pushed her over the edge and Ginny gasped out loud, forcing her hand hard on her mouth to muffle her moans and cries as she froze up. Her limp body shuddered as Harry continued to drill inside her, and he leaned upward, hovering over her as her orgasm washed over her like a raging inferno.

Her eyes were wide and trained on his smug visage as she shivered beneath him, and Harry moved slowly, allowing her to ride out her climax as he gently fucked her. She was breathing heavily through her nose and under the dim light, he could see that her entire body had turned red. Her walls had clamped hard around him which, although not enough to force him to erupt inside her, did bring him mighty close to doing so.

For a few minutes, they stayed locked in a passionate embrace as Harry kept slowly fucking her, and Ginny released a deep breath she did not realize she had been holding when she finally came down from her orgasmic high, taking her hand off her mouth and letting it drop limply beside her.

"That was… I have no words," she whispered, gasping. Harry chuckled and slowly pulled out of her, and together, they gazed down at the sheer volume of her climax as it trickled out of her pulsating quim and pooled on his bed. However, Ginny's eyes fell on his massive length that stood proud, and slick with her juices, and she immediately got to work.

She turned them over so that Harry was on his back and she bent over, her perky rear hiked high in the air and pointed toward the entrance of the room. Her pussy was still dripping with her orgasmic juices and she reached behind herself, spreading her lower lips apart and allowing more of her release to gush out.

Grinning eagerly, she leaned forward and promptly wrapped her lips around his length, burying him in her throat as she began to blow him off. She tasted herself on him and all it did was make her bolder and more excited. While one hand wrapped around his girth and stroked him, the other reached over and fondled his heavy balls, feeling the sheer volume of cum stored within for her. Her eyes, sinful and hot, were locked with his as she gazed at him with sheer adoration, and it was that look that finally did it for him.

Ginny had only a moment to brace herself as the first shot of his thick, potent seed hit her square on the back of her throat. Her eyes widened but she remained dedicated to her duty as her Master's obedient and kept stroking him. Shot after shot splattered within the confines of her mouth and she gulped it all down eagerly.

With a deep exhale of breath, Harry deposited the final vestiges of his seed in Ginny's mouth and he watched on as she eagerly devoured it as if her life depended on it. She took care to properly clean him off, her tongue lapping away around the tip before she finally pulled away.

"How did I do?" She asked with a coy smile, and Harry chuckled as he opened his arms. Ginny grinned and embraced him, loving how their sweaty bodies felt mashed up together. Her perky tits pressed hotly against his chest as she stroked his back, feeling him fondle her arse cheeks as their genitals remained pressed up.

"As brilliantly as I knew you would," Harry replied, giving her rear a soft squeeze and nuzzling her face. Ginny giggled and kissed him eagerly.

"So… she couldn't stop herself, hmm?" She asked as she pulled away, and Harry smirked down at her.

"You are a scheming little minx, you know that?"

"I aim to please, Master," she whispered sexily, her eyes lit up in excitement. "Oh, it felt so hot knowing that she was watching us."

Harry smirked as he glanced over at the corner of the tent outside the room where a certain brunette had been standing, believing she was hidden from sight in the dim lighting of the tent. Neither Ron, nor any other Weasley had woken up and found them fucking, but his dear friend was another matter.

Hermione was a curious little witch, and Ginny knew she would not be able to stop herself from sneaking out when she saw his little redhead walk out of their room discreetly, especially after the subtle seeds that had been planted in her mind on their walk to fetch water. Ginny had indeed been spot on, and curiosity got the cat, as it always did.

"I bet," Harry replied before his voice took on a feral edge. Ginny's heartbeat quickened as she gazed at him. "And if you keep being a nice girl, you'll find no complaints from me when you want to scratch any of your… little kinks. You know what I mean?"

An excited grin overtook Ginny's features as she purred, "You indeed are the best Master anyone could ask for."

All it did was earn her a chuckle as Harry allowed her to drape herself all over him, getting fully comfortable. Their bond was firmly in place, and Ginny belonged entirely to him. However, she was only the first of many, and soon, he would begin to work on his next subject.

His dear Hermione was too big of an asset, in every sense, to let slip from his grasp.

To be continued…

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