War and Peace

Bibi Dong nodded in understanding. She had grown up in the countryside and knew of a saying: "Farming without using manure is like working in vain."

This highlights the importance farmers place on applying manure to their fields.

Chen Jian explained, "Manure is high in nitrogen, so applying it to fields is essentially adding nitrogen. Fertilizer is a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, so using it naturally increases crop yields."

Bibi Dong eagerly asked, "Is making fertilizer complicated? Can it be widely promoted? Is it expensive?"

She was extremely curious.

If fertilizer could be used across the entire continent, just by this alone, the Spirit Hall could win over the majority of the people's support.

With popular support, victory would be in sight.

This way, when unifying the continent, the resistance faced would be much less.

If both potatoes and fertilizer could be promoted together, the Douluo Continent could completely eliminate famine!

Wasn't this exactly the dream and belief she had pursued for so many years?

Bibi Dong took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in her heart.

She had never thought that her dream could be so close.

Instinctively, she glanced at Ye Tian. Fate... it was fate that brought her to him.

Chen Jian explained, "Regarding fertilizer production, you'd have to ask Master Ye Tian. I only know about the benefits of fertilizer, but I'm not very familiar with how it's made."

Bibi Dong's eager gaze was overwhelming, making Ye Tian a bit uncomfortable.

He scratched his head awkwardly. "Sister, why are you suddenly so interested in this?"

Bibi Dong looked seriously at Ye Tian and said, "I see the potential for agricultural reform across the entire continent... the potential to improve the lives of all the lower-class people!"

"I didn't expect you, sister, to have such ambitions." Ye Tian didn't think there was anything unusual. After all, she had risen from hardship herself and spent several years in the Spirit Hall, so having such a broad vision seemed natural.

He shrugged and explained, "The fertilizer used on the farm is actually made from processed volcanic ash. The raw material costs are almost zero, so it's not difficult to produce.

"The processing requires some skill and money, but overall, the price is still reasonable, and it has already been promoted along the shores of Honghai."

The Sea Soul Mountain beneath their feet was actually a volcano.

The mountain ridge was rich in volcanic ash, which contained high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. After relatively simple purification and refining, it could be turned into qualified fertilizer.

The reason Ye Tian established a Butterfly Farm here was also because of the convenience of transporting fertilizer.

There were several more volcanoes along the East Sea, so there was no need to worry about running out of raw materials.

Bibi Dong's expression shifted. "Xiao Tian, have you ever thought about promoting this fertilizer across the entire continent?"

"Uh-huh?" Ye Tian was momentarily surprised, then chuckled lightly. "Better not think about that. After all, war is about to start on the continent. Promoting it would be pointless. Sister, you should stay with me by the shores of the East Sea and live a peaceful life."

Hu Liena asked in confusion, "Brother, why do you think a war is about to break out on the continent?"

As the future successor of the Spirit Hall, even she didn't know about an impending war between the Spirit Hall and the two empires.

How could Ye Tian be so certain?

After asking, Hu Liena couldn't help but look toward her teacher.

Did her teacher expect a war to begin?

That shouldn't be...

"Do I really need to explain?" Ye Tian said confidently. "Did you forget what I told you before about the reasons for war?"

"The war may not be the will of the Spirit Hall or the two empires, but rather the gods pulling the strings behind the scenes."

Hu Liena pouted, "That's no explanation at all. Didn't you also say that the gods can't descend on the Douluo Continent? If they can't descend, how could they influence a war?"

Ye Tian sighed, "That's the 'Law of Darkness' at work."

"Let's do a small test now. Suppose you two are the gods' successors on the Douluo Continent: Sister, you represent Bibi Dong, and Nanna, you represent the two empires."

Ye Tian first looked at his sister. "If you were Bibi Dong, what would you most want the Spirit Hall to do?"

Bibi Dong was momentarily surprised but responded without hesitation, "I'd want the Spirit Hall to unify the continent, but without starting a large-scale war. If war is unavoidable, I'd rather postpone my dream of unification."

In the event of a large-scale war, it would ultimately be the common people who suffered.

Ye Tian didn't continue speaking to his sister. He turned to Hu Liena and asked, "Nanna, what's your dream, from the perspective of the two empires?"

Hu Liena thought for a moment, then seriously replied, "I'd want to limit the Spirit Hall's influence on the empire, strengthen the empire's control over the people, and maintain the current situation.

"If the Spirit Hall invades, I'd mobilize all forces to resist because the Spirit Hall's invasion would threaten my power."

After speaking, Hu Liena spread her hands in confusion. "See? Neither side wants to start a war, so why do you think one will happen, brother?"

Ye Tian sighed and said, "This test isn't over yet. Don't forget, you both have another identity: the successor to the gods."

He turned to Bibi Dong again. "If you gain the power of the gods, you'll have overwhelming strength over the two empires.

"But to inherit the divine seat, you need to gather all the faith from the Douluo Continent, which means you'd have to start a war to unify the continent."

Bibi Dong's gaze was firm. "I've said before, the cost of a full-scale war is too high, and it would only harm the ordinary people. I wouldn't start a war."

"So, you'd refuse the divine inheritance?" Ye Tian asked.

"Yes," Bibi Dong nodded slightly.

Ye Tian said nothing and turned to Hu Liena. "Nanna, do you think the two empires could defeat the Spirit Hall?"

"No, the Spirit Hall is too strong. If a war breaks out, it's likely the Spirit Hall would win a pyrrhic victory, and the two empires would fall." Hu Liena shook her head.

Ye Tian spoke seriously, "Alright, now suppose the Spirit Hall possesses the divine seat. Do you think you could defeat the Spirit Hall?"

Hu Liena smiled in disbelief. "If the two empires couldn't defeat the Spirit Hall before, how could they do so after the Spirit Hall inherits the divine seat? That's a ridiculous question!"

Ye Tian retorted, "Don't argue with me, just answer. Now, you have a chance to inherit the divine seat. If doing so gives you the power to defeat the Spirit Hall, would you take it? The cost, of course, would be destroying the Spirit Hall and offering the faith of the Douluo Continent to the gods."

At this, Hu Liena fell silent and asked, "Does this assume I know that my teacher has the divine seat but hasn't inherited it yet?"

"Of course!" Ye Tian confirmed.

Hu Liena remained quiet.

It was an extremely difficult choice.

The two empires and the Spirit Hall were in opposition, and there was no trust between them.

(End of the Chapter)