Oh My Goodness, a Crystal Palace!

Bibi Dong squinted at Hu Liena but said nothing. However, the smile on her flawless face was enough to exude a powerful sense of oppression.

Hu Liena froze in fear, quickly retracting her smile. Embarrassed, she ran over to Ye Tian and clung to his sleeve. "Brother, didn't you say you were going to take us to a good place? Let's go quickly."

Teacher is so scary.

Better make a quick escape~

Ye Tian turned around and took Bibi Dong's hand, smiling lightly. "We're leaving, but of course we have to bring my sister along."

Bibi Dong paused slightly, her fair face showing a trace of surprise, then she followed his lead, striding forward.

This made Hu Liena puff her cheeks angrily.

... So I'm the third wheel after all...

The "good place" Ye Tian mentioned was actually the Butterfly Valley on the farm.

The Butterfly Valley was located deep in the farm, running north to south, as if a gap had been carved out of the Sea Soul Mountain.

The place was lush with greenery.

As dusk approached, groups of butterflies fluttered in the air, creating a breathtaking scene.

Following Ye Tian's footsteps, Hu Liena entered the valley, mesmerized by the view.

However, what caught her attention wasn't the dancing butterflies, but a massive wooden waterwheel, as large as a Ferris wheel.

The gigantic waterwheel stood by the stream, using the water's force to lift it through a series of bamboo pipelines, which distributed the water across the valley.

Beside the waterwheel was a tall wooden tower.

At the top of the tower were several huge windmill blades that spun slowly in the breeze.

The energy generated from the wind was connected to the waterwheel through an ironwood gear system, adding more force to its movement.

"What is this...?" Hu Liena's eyes, as wide as saucers, were glued to the waterwheel.

She had never seen water flowing uphill before.

Even though she understood the principle—water and wind powering the wheel—witnessing it in real life felt utterly incredible!

It's so amazing!

Silently following behind them, the farm manager, Chen Jian, pointed ahead. "This is the irrigation system Master Ye Tian invented. It's made up of a waterwheel, windmill, and bamboo pipes for transporting water."

"Irrigation system? For watering the fields?" Hu Liena asked, her curiosity piqued.

Chen Jian nodded. "Exactly."

"That's so incredible!" Hu Liena exclaimed. "Who would've thought such a simple device could transport water so far! How much labor this must save!"

Bibi Dong looked surprised. "Visiting the farm, Xiao Tian, you've given me so many surprises."

Ye Tian chuckled. "These are just simple things, not worth mentioning. After seeing it, sister, you could make one yourself too."

It really wasn't difficult.

On Blue Star, the wise people of the ancient East had invented waterwheels long ago.

(T/N: Dude just name it Earth lmao)

He had merely replicated what he remembered, with the help of craftsmen.

Bibi Dong shook her head. "It may seem simple, but learning and creating are two different things. Besides, the simpler something is, the more valuable it becomes."

As the Pope of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong had extensive knowledge of Douluo Continent's geography.

Every year, many fields on the continent became barren due to drought, particularly in the northwest, where sandstorms and scarce rainfall plagued the region.

Farmers there had to haul water from distant rivers to irrigate their crops, and despite toiling from year to year, their yields were minimal.

Starvation was a common occurrence.

If such windmill irrigation systems were implemented there, it would be a game-changer.

These systems could lift water from rivers to higher elevations, solving the irrigation problem.

It was easy to imagine that once windmills and waterwheels spread across the continent, millions of acres of barren land would turn into fertile fields.

This would greatly benefit the local people and increase tax revenues for the Spirit Hall.

What made it even more attractive was that these windmills and waterwheels were incredibly easy to build, requiring only a few people and no specialized carpenters.

Wherever there was wind, windmills could be constructed.

Wherever there was a river, waterwheels could be used to create irrigation systems.

At that moment, in Bibi Dong's eyes, the simple waterwheel and windmill system had transformed from a few planks of wood into priceless treasures.

It made her happier than acquiring a 100,000-year spirit ring.

But Ye Tian interrupted her thoughts.

"What's so interesting about windmills? The real secret is at the end of the irrigation system."

Ye Tian's mysterious tone didn't stir much emotion in Bibi Dong, who was nearly immune to his antics.

She continued pondering the enormous benefits this irrigation system could bring to the Spirit Hall.

If they promoted windmills and waterwheels across the continent, they would earn unparalleled support and trust from the people—an achievement that had eluded the Spirit Hall for years.

While Bibi Dong remained unmoved by Ye Tian's teasing, Hu Liena was anything but calm.

Blushing, she approached Ye Tian and asked eagerly, "Brother Ye Tian, what's at the end of the system?"

Ye Tian smiled mysteriously and pointed. "Go take a look, and you'll find out."

His words ignited Hu Liena's curiosity so much that she couldn't even spare a glance at the butterflies anymore.

Happily, she followed the bamboo pipelines, running through the grass to uncover Ye Tian's so-called mystery.

"Teacher, hurry up!" she called sweetly, turning back to smile at Bibi Dong.

Unable to resist, Bibi Dong shook her head with a sigh and followed.

Nana had never smiled like this before.

It seemed that the cutthroat environment of Spirit City was indeed too oppressive.

She had been too strict with Hu Liena.

Today was meant to be a leisurely outing, so she decided to let go and allow them to enjoy themselves. Everything else could wait until later, Bibi Dong thought.

As they moved farther away, the sound of water flowing through the bamboo pipes grew faint.

Then, a transparent structure appeared before them.

Both Bibi Dong and Hu Liena were stunned.

Hu Liena even gasped out loud.

"Oh my goodness, is this the Crystal Palace? It's so extravagant! Even the main hall of the Spirit Hall isn't this luxurious! This is spectacular!"

Bibi Dong shot Ye Tian a reproachful look. "Xiao Tian, how much did this cost? You shouldn't waste money on such frivolous things."

Ye Tian felt wronged upon hearing this.

It seemed his sister had become so afraid of poverty that she couldn't bear to see any luxury or waste.

Pointing at the transparent building in the distance, he explained, "This is a greenhouse made of glass, used for growing fruits and vegetables. And glass is made from sand, which is pretty cheap."

"Are you trying to fool me? How can sand be turned into something so transparent? This is obviously crystal!" Hu Liena exclaimed, pouting.

Although she usually spent her time in Spirit City, focused on cultivation, she wasn't completely ignorant of the outside world.

She knew enough to distinguish between sand and crystal.

Sand was fine and opaque, while only high-quality crystal could be polished into such clear, transparent sheets.

Ye Tian really was wealthy, spending 50 million gold soul coins to develop rockets to counter Titled Douluo, and now building an extravagant Crystal Palace in this secluded valley.

What a spendthrift!

Ye Tian: "..."

He replied in frustration, "Why would I need to lie to you and my sister?"

Chen Jian, who had been walking behind them, chuckled and stepped forward to explain. "What Master Ye Tian said is true. The building ahead is indeed made from a material called glass.

There's a glass workshop not far from the farm. If you have time, you can visit it. Honestly, when I first saw the glass-making process, I was just as amazed as you are.

It's quite magical. After washing and refining the sand, mixing in other materials, and firing it at high temperatures, it really does turn transparent!"

"Really?" Hu Liena still looked doubtful, half-believing Chen Jian's words.

"If you don't believe it, feel free to go inside the greenhouse and take a closer look."

"Not to boast, but even the highest-grade crystal isn't as clear as glass."

"And inside the greenhouse, you'll find many rare fruits and vegetables. You're in for a treat!"

(End of Chapter)