Chapter 145: Second Nazgûl

"So, should we sneak in quietly?" Rynar suggested, wary of falling victim to the Nazgûl's decapitating tactics. 

After all, not everyone was Frodo, nor did everyone have Aragorn by their side.

"Exactly!" Omsk nodded eagerly, relieved that his king was finally convinced by his reasoning.

"However," Rynar suddenly added, "Singrey is a hidden realm. Entering it requires a special gateway. I'm not sure if the Orcs have discovered its location." 

The thought of sneaking in only to find the area surrounded by Orcs wasn't exactly reassuring.

"Your Majesty, I recommend we avoid entering Singrey directly," Omsk advised with a grave expression. 

"If the Elves can't hold their city, our current forces won't make much of a difference. 

And if we're intercepted outside, it would deal a devastating blow not only to the Elves but to us as well! The most critical issue is that we cannot afford to lose either these soldiers or you!"

"Then we'll resort to guerilla warfare outside!" Rynar pondered Omsk's words and found them reasonable. 

While his forces were of exceptional quality, their limited numbers were a glaring disadvantage.

They couldn't tip the balance in the defense of Singrey. If the Elves inside couldn't hold the city, then Rynar's forces wouldn't make much of a difference.

"Order the entire army to halt! Elaris Woods Rangers, spread out and scout!" Rynar glanced at the familiar surroundings. Singrey wasn't far now…


These damned Elves have turned into cowards!" Khamûl, standing before the barrier of Singrey, let out a derisive laugh. Behind him stood another ominous figure emanating a chilling aura.

"Khamûl, how do we break through this shell? The barrier of the Star Dragon isn't something to be taken lightly!" rasped the shadowy figure.

"Lidilias, patience is key! They can't run anywhere now. 

Our soldiers are attacking the barrier day and night—they won't last much longer," Khamûl assured Lidilias, the second Nazgûl now revealed.

"Your Majesty!" An Elaris Woods Rangers knelt before Rynar on one knee.

"What's the situation?" Rynar asked.

"Singrey is surrounded by Orcs. All seven exits of the barrier are guarded, and they're attacking it relentlessly, likely to drain the Star Dragon's power!"

The barrier of Singrey was sustained by the draconic energy of the Star Dragon, Skai. 

Maintaining such an enormous barrier was already taxing for him, and the Orcs' assault was only accelerating the depletion of his power.

"It seems the Star Elves have gotten themselves into serious trouble this time! 

The Orcs of Dol Guldur are no small force; that place has been a gathering point for all Orcs in Rhovanion. Singrey is in big trouble!"

Rynar recalled that Dol Guldur's Orcs were ultimately wiped out by the Elves of Lothlórien, with Celeborn and Lady Galadriel leading the Golden Wood Elves across the Anduin River to reclaim the area. 

Afterward, the Zaltarion Empire rose, the Elves withdrew from Rhovanion, and the region became a fortress for the Empire's southern province.

"The Orcs must have mobilized their entire army. Even they understand the principle of cutting off a finger rather than injuring ten. 

It seems we'll have to relieve some of the pressure on them; otherwise, the Star Elves won't hold out until reinforcements arrive!" Rynar frowned. 

He hadn't expected the dark forces to make such a bold move, blocking all of Singrey's exits. 

As for how the Orcs found these entrances, well… a Black Rider circling the area would've sensed most of them. 

Additionally, the Star Elves' messengers seeking aid likely exposed previously hidden entrances.

"Why are they so confident?" Omsk scratched his head in confusion. 

Large-scale sieges like this weren't typically the Orcs' forte—they were more skilled in ambushes than prolonged assaults. 

(With Sauron not yet fully restored, the Dark Forces lacked the high-level combat power necessary for more aggressive strategies.)

"Ha, it only means your guess is correct. At least two Nazgûl are present, and there may even be a third one hiding!" Rynar smirked derisively. 

It appeared that Sauron had already awakened and returned to Mordor to regain his strength. This explained why the Nazgûl were acting with such audacity.

For the Dark Forces, the Woodland Elves and Star Elves were painful memories of the past. 

If they could erase them from history, they wouldn't hesitate. 

With King Elenthor of the Star Elves missing, and Singrey exposed, this was a golden opportunity for them. 

Mobilizing two or more Nazgûl to deal with this threat was only logical.

"This makes our plan to distract the Orcs extremely dangerous!" Omsk warned, knowing the deadly capabilities of the Nazgûl.

In the shadowy confines of the forest, the Nazgûl—masters of stealth and assassination—were in their element. Even Vanervi couldn't guarantee victory against them.

"But we must assist them because they're our allies! We cannot abandon our pact!" Vanervi declared firmly. 

As an Elf himself, he couldn't stand idly by. If Rynar's forces hesitated, he wouldn't think twice about acting alone.

"Of course, we won't abandon them. But we need to find the right timing. What I'd really like to know is where the other reinforcements are." 

Rynar sighed, frustrated by his impulsive decision to deploy his troops without waiting for backup from the Woodland Elves or the allied forces of the Three Kingdoms of the Lonely Mountain (Aquavia, the Kingdom of Erebor, and Dale). 

If he'd waited, there would've been no need for such second-guessing—they could've charged in with overwhelming force.

Two sixth-tier powerhouses from the Zaltarion Kingdom, combined with a solid number of low-tier soldiers, could've clashed with the Orc army head-on. 

With soldiers protecting him, Rynar could've unleashed the full might of Omsk and Vanervi to confront the Nazgûl directly.

As for the regular battlefield? Zaltarion's cavalry and Royal Guards would've handled it with ease.

"Well, no use overthinking. Let's target an Orc gathering spot with a decent number of them and hit them hard!" 

Rynar decided to act, choosing not to attack the locations with either the most or least Orcs. The densest location likely housed the Nazgûl, while the sparsest might be a trap. Balance was key.

"As you command!" Omsk responded and began preparing the troops.

Two hundred Royal Guards flanked fifty Elaris Woods Rangers in a standard tower shield phalanx formation. 

The Rangers, with their unparalleled long-range capabilities, were tasked with using their extended range to cut off parts of the battlefield, aiding the charge of the Holy Radiance Knights. 

Omsk himself would lead the charge. The strategy? None—just a full-on assault.

Rynar and Vanervi were kept within the formation, as Omsk wouldn't risk letting Rynar charge with the vanguard. 

With Vanervi by his side, even if the situation turned dire, they'd ensure Rynar's safe retreat.




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