5. Why did you become such a bitch?

The cheerleaders were out practicing. They were wearing their blue, pleated skirts and white tops. They looked so perky. Alizee, the head cheerleader, was out front, her blonde hair whipping in the growing breeze. Her skirt swirled about her thighs. She did a high kick, her leg flashing.

"You do not have a chance with her," snorted a derisive voice. Morana, this goth girl bitch, strode by. "You've got to play on the football team for Alizee to touch your cock. And your scrawny ass would just get hurt."

"Scrawny ass?" I asked as Morana turned to face us. She had a skull printed on the black t-shirt she wore, the top stretched over her petite body. She was slender like my little sister, but whereas she was all cute and innocent, Morana was all edgy and bitchy. She had a pierced nose and a tongue stud that clicked against the back of her teeth. She wore her black hair cut short with a fade buzzed into the side of her head. "You put the ball in my hand, and I would score the touchdown. None of them would--"

Morana snorted into laughter. "Yep, that's why you're on the team. Oh, wait, your not, Leo. You're just the loser that drools over the cheerleaders thinking you got a shot with them."

"Jealous that I'm not drooling over your skinny body?" I asked. "You need some tits for that."

She burst into mocking laughter. She threw back her head as if that was the funniest thing I ever said. "Maya, why do you waste time with this loser?"

"Why did you become such a bitch?" Maya asked back.

"It's fun." Morana turned and stomped off in the combat boots she wore, her wispy, black skirt swirling about her ass. It wasn't a bad ass, but she was such a cunt. "Later, dweeb."

"Dweeb?" I muttered. "Who still uses that?"

"Right?" Maya said, shaking her head. They used to be friends.

Thunder rumbled again. Louder. An angry growl that reverberated through the air. I sipped at my coffee, glad we had made it to the college before the storm hit. It looked to be a nasty one.

Already, the brightness of the morning faded as we headed into the main building. My little sister went to English while Maya and I headed for Ms. Trueno's class, excitement throbbing through me.

"Oh, god, you're so eager to drool over our teacher," moaned Maya. She shook her head, her brown hair dancing over her face. "Please, please, don't make it so obvious today. I'm your friend. It's embarrassing to be seen with you when you do that."

"Like when you stare at Mitch?" I asked. He was the college's quarterback.

Her cheeks went red. "I do not drool. Besides, he has Alizee sucking his dick. Like I want anything to do with a cock that the skank has touched."

"She could put that skank mouth on my cock," I groaned.

"God, you're such an asshole sometimes," Maya muttered and marched ahead of me.

I blinked at that.

I followed her into Ms. Trueno's room. Maya took a seat that I couldn't possibly sit beside. I took my usual one. Normally, Maya sat on my right but she had taken Hagane's usual seat.

The Japanese girl didn't say a word at being blocked and just sank down beside me in Maya's place. She adjusted her glasses on her delicate face, her black hair falling down her back. She sat properly in a long skirt and a long-sleeved blouse with a red bow-tie.

"Morning," I said.

"Good morning, Leo," she said in a quiet voice, barely heard over the thunder rumbling outside and rattling the window.

The wind picked up. Rain slammed into the glass. A heavy downpour. Lightning flashed in the distance, the light strobing through the classroom. A few of the students were staring out at it. The nice day had evaporated so fast. I glanced out at the field where the cheerleaders had been. They had vanished.

No one wanted to be outside in this.

"Oh, my, that is coming down," a breathy voice said.

My gaze shot to the front of the classroom to see Ms. Trueno's entrance. Her breasts bounced and jiggled in her stretchy, low-cut top. She sat her coffee mug and satchel down on her desk.

I groaned at those tits cradled in the pink silk of her blouse. They were magnificent. She had such gorgeous skin. The Hispanic beauty gazed out at the class, her curly hair falling about her sultry features.

"I hope that's not going to be distracting," she said. "We have a lot to cover today. So eyes up here. Not at the storm."

I couldn't help but drool over her. The hottest teacher in college. A Latina heartthrob that would make a corpse hard. She wore a tight pencil skirt of dark gray that complimented the pink of her blouse. Her legs, clad in pantyhose. looked sleek and gorgeous. I swear she had to know how she turned on every guy in the class with how sexy she dressed.

She always had these smiles as she stood before the class.