chapter 22

Hey Gabby what took you so long we were waiting for you to come before we start eating said Wilbur but she gave no response and went to sit down Gaby that was lost in thought was jerked back to life when Wilbur called her Gaby that was so rude I was talking to you,me ohh sorry I was just lost in thought, okay so what are you thinking about care to share Russell asked her after looking at her skeptical, nothing just some woman thinking,ok no problem guys let dogs in I am really famished said Russell,but Aiden shocked everyone by cutting the meat on his plate into pieces, gave it Claire and collected her own Claire smiled mouthed thanks to him but it shocked the life out of others but they kept it to themselves it was only Gabby that spat the steak in her mouth out,what is wrong Russell asked her because he was starting to get worried about her,nothing is just that the steak is too peppery so I had to spit it out you know I don't like much pepper, okay just be careful he answered, but deep down she was burning in jealousy I need to find a way to get this lady out of my way she is already getting all his attention she said in her mind,it was only Aiden that knew what was happening although Claire suspected that she loves Aiden by her attitude what is wrong with this lady Gabrielle of a lady she has been acting weird since I came in well I won't let her spoilmy mood but I will ask Aiden what is going on with her, still in the restaurant but they were done with their food ,they were just discussing about their teen experience, business,tours and some other stuff when Claire started packing her things and stood up Aiden it getting late I would get going now,bye before she could take a step Aiden followed also wait let me take you home,no need don't let me disturb your moment with your friends because I don't know when they will get to see you,I am sure they would understand, okay then let get going on the road Aiden was selecting the music he wanted to play when Claire shouted on him to face the road am facing it dear don't worry, yeah I won't worry I will let you put our life in danger don't worry I would select it to,ok let me face the road as you said, Aiden I want to ask you a question what is wrong with that Gabby of a girl, why do you ask, nothing is just that she was been giving me chills you know these kind of attitude lady gives when they are jealous since I came in ,wow I never knew you study character too , well you know now,okay to be serious she had a crush on me but that was many years ago but I told her that she is just like a friend and a sister to me but I guess she is still not over it,okay now I know I to maintain it know,what are you trying to maintain, don't worry and focus on driving