Year 2565

Edward opened his eyes.

He felt as if he had been asleep for some time. He looked around him. He saw in front of him a two-foot-tall object shaped like an eye.

He was shocked to see it.

"Who are you?"

Edward asked nervously.

"I am Alice a 12th generation AI."

"Where am I? Where are the General and the rest?"

A beam of light came out of Alice and scanned Edward.

"For all your questions you are currently in the seventh robotic factory located in Florida, USA. It is the year 2565 and you are currently the only human alive."

Edward was shocked.

"What do you mean? What do you mean I'm the only human?"

"In the year 2240, the third world war between mankind started, in which almost all humans disappeared from the earth due to the use of nuclear weapons. Zero point Zero One percent of people who survived by sheltering in anti-nuclear bunkers also did not survive long without food. So you are the only one alive."

"But I was in Germany. How did I get here? Did you not find any other humans with me?"

"Search robots found you in an abandoned ruin in Germany. We did not find any more capsules there. According to the information I scanned you, you were part of Germany's secret project Freezing Talents. However, this project was stopped by the government in 2025. Because some of its documents were leaked. So there was a lot of national and international pressure on the German government to stop it."

Edward was a bit disappointed by this.

"That means they forgot me."

"You should consider yourself lucky. You are the only human alive."

" What will I do living alone in this world? Where my entire species is extinct."

" You can help us make this world livable. We have been trying for about  hundreds of years to make this planet habitable again. You can lead us if you want."

Edward  was still confused