The Power

"What does it mean that we have a mystic lineage?" I asked, gathering my thoughts as I sought clarity.

She looked at me, her expression thoughtful, before responding, "It means that we are the most ancient of the vampire families, drawing power from the moon, which is why our hair and eyes are white."

"Don't all Nocturnals draw power from the moon, as stated in this book?" I asked, feeling perplexed.

"Yes, but for them, the moon merely provides comfort. We, the Aetherisin royal family, are different; we draw our power directly from the moon. It grants us mystical abilities, enhances our strength and speed, and sharpens our senses, but it also leaves us with an insatiable hunger," she explained, her voice rich with Pride.

"Mystical powers?" I inquired, intrigued.

"Yes, mystical powers. You will learn about them in due time, for you are the future of the Aetherisins," she said, her deep smile sparking more questions than answers within me.

"Is that why our symbol is a moon?" I asked, trying to connect the dots.

"Yes," she replied, her tone confirming my hypothesis.

"Does that mean the symbols of the other families also hold significance?" I pressed further.

"Indeed," she replied. "The Noctarions draw power from shadows; the night empowers them. The Valeroths harness the strength of water, while the Sanguinaries derive their might from carnal desires and fulfillment. Lastly, the Mortavians draw upon the power of blood."

She continued, "The utilization of these elements grants us strength, but they also render us unstable. That is why we cannot rely on them for our everyday lives."

"What about the danger mentioned in the book?" I asked, my curiosity intensifying.

"I think this is enough for today. You will learn everything in time," she said, her tone shifting slightly as a flicker of contempt crossed her eyes.

I noticed, but I was no child to overlook it. Instead, it only fueled my desire to uncover the so-called danger lurking in the shadows.

Setting the book down, I stood up, walked over to her, and jumped onto her lap, burying my head in her bosom.

"As you say, Mother," I murmured, feeling comforted by her presence.

She caressed my head and back, and at that moment, the massive double doors to the room swung open. In strode a formidable figure—the man I had come to know as Thalor Aetherisin, the father of this body and the head of our royal house.

He took a seat in the chair I had occupied earlier and teased, "I hope I didn't interrupt the bonding time between mother and son."

"Not at all, Father. Mother was just teaching me about the royal houses," I replied, trying to embody the excitement of a child offered candy.

"Really? What did you learn today, my little lion?" he asked, mimicking the playful tone adults often used with children.

I recounted the information Mother had shared, making a few mistakes here and there due to my terrible habit of forgetting names. They were complex and new to me, yet my missteps seemed to work in my favor, making me appear more enthusiastic.

"Very good, my child! This is all vital information you've absorbed," he praised, and I seemed to beamed at the approval or I tried atleast.

"Are you tired, my love?" Mother inquired, her voice gentle.

"No, Mother, but I feel very thirsty," I confessed.

"That's only natural after working so hard to learn new information and reciting it all. You'll come to understand that this thirst is a gift from birth," Father interjected, his tone matter-of-fact.

"Your father is quite right. After all, you are still a child, but I will ensure you never suffer because of thirst," Mother promised, her tone reassuring as she began to open her gown. It was a delicately woven silk white gown that was easy to remove, a choice she made when near me, despite the regal attire she donned for public appearances.

As the gown slipped open, revealing her ample mounds, I was momentarily entranced, unaware of Father's words as they faded into the background.

Once she had adjusted her gown, she leaned back and continued her conversation with Father, who paused for a moment, perhaps taken aback.

Coming to my senses, I lifted my small hands and began kneading her breasts, massaging her pink areolae with innocent curiosity.

Father, who had resumed speaking, appeared unfazed, his voice continuing as if nothing unusual was happening.

I noticed her nipples hardening as I sucked, feeling the warmth and sweetness of her milk fill my mouth.

"I think this isn't enough to quench his thirst now that you are no longer producing blood. We should also start introducing other sources of nourishment into his diet," he suggested, his voice sounding distant as I focused on the warmth enveloping me.

I sucked harder, driven by an instinctive need as Mother sighed and caressed my head.

"Yes, I was also considering that it is time," she agreed, her voice smooth and melodic.

Without hesitation, I bit down on her nipple, my sharp teeth drawing blood. The taste was intoxicating, rich and inviting, igniting a desire within me that compelled me to repeat the act, this time biting the delicate pink skin surrounding the nipple.

Mother's sighs grew more frequent, and her caresses became more vigorous, as if encouraging me to continue.

I was uncertain if Father noticed what was happening, but he remained silent, continuing his earlier discussion.

"But he can drink my milk for as long as he likes; it won't harm him. In fact, it will only accelerate his growth," she said, understanding the signal I was sending.

"You are correct, but he should begin consuming blood soon, or else he may succumb to the thirst one day," Father cautioned, his voice serious.

"I will never let that happen to my boy," Mother vowed, her eyes fierce with determination.

"I know you won't , neither would I want that for my lion"he said.

my mother settled back , pressing me into herself wether knowingly or instinctively I did not care to bother about as I was drawing both milk from her boobs and the blood from my frequent bites.

"Also, Elara is coming back from the academy in a few days. She is really excited to play with her brother again," he mentioned.

"Yes, I remember she was quite sad when she had to leave after he turned ten. It's been a few months now; it's time for her vacation," she added with a hint of nostalgia.

"She will definitely be surprised to see how her brother has grown,"she noted with a proud smile.

"Yes, he has had the fastest growth spurts I've seen in a while," my father agreed, a hint of admiration in his voice.

The Elara they spoke of was my sister, who had gone to the academy to learn combat and control her mystical powers after she turned ten—a month or two after I turned one.

I found her an intriguing character, and the thought of her return filled me with excitement.