
As I emerged from the depths of slumber, I felt an unparalleled sense of rejuvenation. It was as if my body had been infused with a newfound vitality, and my senses were alive with an electric energy.

As I regained my bearings, I realized I was curled up beside my mother, my face nestled between her breasts, while my morning arousal pressed against her thighs, filling me with comfort and bliss. I rubbed against her for a while, savoring the sensation, but eventually distanced myself, fearful of losing control once again.

It took some time for my emotions to stabilize, and even then, I remained semi-aroused. Just as I was regaining my composure, my mother stirred, her eyes locking onto mine with an enigmatic intensity, as if hiding deep desires and secrets.

"How are you feeling, my love?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

"I feel refreshed, Mother," I replied, still trying to process the lingering sensations.

"Good, my little man," she said, slipping in a the new endearment. "Can we talk, Mother?" I asked, the memories of yesterday still vivid in my mind, further clarified by the image of her radiant breasts and curves, which had almost recovered from the previous day's events.

"Always, whenever you want. What do you wish to talk about?" she said, her eyes radiating warmth and understanding.

"I don't know what came over me yesterday, Mother. It almost felt like I wasn't myself, like there was a beast roaring within me," I confessed, struggling to find the right words. Her encouraging gaze emboldened me to continue.

"I shouldn't have done what I did—" I began, but my mother intervened, her words cutting me off.

"What happened yesterday was completely normal, and you have nothing to be ashamed or worried about. Every nocturnal awakens their lust after feeding, and they satiate their hunger one way or another, though their awakening is not as powerful or demanding," she explained, pausing to let the information sink in.

"But your blood is the purest we've seen in a long time, almost unprecedented, which explains the high level of lust you experienced, making you feel almost unhinged," she continued. "The beast you talk about is also you, a new you that has awakened within you along with your heart's blood, making you sharper, faster, stronger, increasing your healing and your lust. You don't need to be scared of it or lock it away; you need to embrace it, command it, harness its power, make it your own."

"But won't that cause my personality to change? I would never have done what I did yesterday, not in the way I did, at least." I asked, feeling a glint pass in her eyes.

"You are you, my love. There is no 'he' or 'you'; it is a blessing from the moon. Accept it, and it will make you whole," she reassured me.

"And unhinged," I added, a hint of anxiety in my voice.

"And unhinged, instinctual, moody. But you will learn to control it with time. Rejecting it will only bring you destruction, making you weak and vulnerable," she warned.

I was torn, unsure of how to process this new revelation. It felt like I was on the cusp of losing myself, the personality I had cultivated over 70 years.

"What if I was with someone else other than you yesterday? What if I had done this with someone else? What if it was Elara with me?" I asked, yesterday's events still fresh in my mind.

My mother lay silent for a moment, then locked eyes with me. "Then I would be sad about what I missed out on," she said, her statement leaving me lightheaded, the beast within me roaring in my ears.