
She stayed like that for a while, the aftermath of her release washing over her in waves. Her breath was still ragged as she finally raised her head, her gaze meeting mine with a flicker of shame and confusion.

"What was that?" she asked, attempting to sound stern, though her voice lacked its usual sharpness. Her disheveled position only added to her vulnerability—slick wetness still dripping down her legs, her eyes reddened, and a glisten of saliva at the corner of her mouth, which she wiped away with trembling fingers.

"I didn't enjoy that," she began, her tone faltering as if she were trying to convince herself more than me.

"Don't lie to yourself." I cut her off smoothly, my gaze traveling down her body, lingering on her puffy nipples and the slick sheen of her release still coating her inner thighs. Her clit visibly pulsed, betraying the need she was trying so desperately to hide.

"That's only because..." She hesitated, sounding uncertain but clinging to her defiance. "You wouldn't let me come earlier."

I smirked, not bothering to hide my amusement. "And you loved every second of it." I took a step closer, pressing my hard length against her thighs, feeling her tense beneath me. My hand casually brushed against her still-puffed nipple, eliciting a small, involuntary gasp from her.

She closed her eyes, as if trying to escape the intensity of the moment. I pinched her nipple harshly, forcing her eyes open again, startled.

"What did I say about that?" My voice remained calm, a dangerous contrast to the tension in the room. Her body flinched, but she met my gaze.

"Now answer me," I demanded, my tone unyielding. "Don't lie to yourself. Only fools lie to themselves." I caressed the nipple I had just pinched, this time with a gentler touch, watching her try to suppress her reaction. My length slid along her legs, teasingly close to her clit but not quite touching it. "And you're no fool. You know exactly what you want."

She hesitated, torn between her pride and her need, but I could see the conflict unraveling. Slowly, she nodded, and I answered her with a light slap to her breast, not enough to truly hurt but enough to make her gasp. Her eyes widened, both in surprise and a reluctant thrill.

"Speak. Don't be a shy, meek little thing. Admit it."

"Yes, I did," she confessed, her voice quieter now, though the admission was clear.

"You did what?" I pressed, my tone softening slightly as I massaged her breasts, drawing her further into my control. "Be specific."

"I... I liked it." Her words tumbled out, her voice strained as if she were baring her soul. "I liked what you did, and as much as I want to deny it... I'm liking what you're doing even now."

"Do you want more?" I asked, keeping my voice low and calculated, like a blade that could either cut or caress.

"Yes." Her reply was immediate this time, desperation creeping into her voice. "I want more."

I paused, staring directly into her eyes, letting the weight of her admission settle between us. "Please," she added, understanding my unspoken command.

Satisfied, I stepped back slightly. "This is all you'll get for today."

Her brows furrowed. "What now then?" she asked, her voice uncertain.

"Now, I have other matters to attend to. You think I spend all my time trying to please you?" I made it sound as if I had been doing her a favor, masking my own control beneath the guise of generosity.

She glanced down at my still-unrelieved erection, and I could see the hunger in her eyes. "But... you haven't..." She trailed off, her gaze lingering between my legs.

"You haven't relieved yourself yet," she added more boldly, reaching out with hesitant fingers, only to freeze as I shot her a sharp look.

"May I touch it?" she asked softly, a hint of eagerness breaking through her usual demeanor.

I regarded her for a moment before answering, my voice carefully measured. "For being such a good girl, I'll allow you to feel it... but only over my trousers."

The instant I gave her permission, her hand wrapped around my hardness through the fabric, her fingers moving tentatively at first, then with more confidence. I could feel her pulse quicken.

"Thank you," she whispered, surprising me with her sudden display of gratitude. It was something I hadn't taught her yet, but it showed she was a fast learner. She was adapting, just like how I wanted her to.

"But don't get ahead of yourself." I pulled back slightly, watching her expression falter. "You'll have to earn the right to touch it directly. Only when I believe you've worked hard enough will I let you."

Her hand stilled for a moment, as if considering the gravity of my words, before she continued stroking me through the fabric, her touch more reverent now, understanding the value of what I was granting her.

"Do you understand?" I asked, my voice cold but commanding.

"Yes," she answered quickly, her voice almost breathless. "I'll work hard. I'll earn it."

"Good." I gave her a light slap on the cheek, just enough to break her from her daze. "Now stop. That's enough for today."

Her hand froze, but she didn't immediately release me, her eyes wide with confusion. "But... you haven't even ejaculated yet."

"Do you think your hands alone are enough to make me come?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, my voice laced with amusement. "You'll need to try much harder than that."

With deliberate slowness, I peeled her hands off my member, making sure she felt the loss of contact. "And this is the last time I'm telling you—when I say enough, it means enough."

She blinked, looking chastised. "I'm sorry."

"You're not bad," I said, my tone softening as I prepared to leave. "You'll just need to keep trying. Perhaps one day, I'll let you taste the reward you're so eager for."

I turned, stepping down from the stage. "Compose yourself before you come out," I added, glancing back at her. She remained seated, breathless and flushed, still licking the traces of my pre-cum that I had deliberately smeared on her fingers. She was learning, and it pleased me to see her so desperate for what I had to offer.

It would do her good to taste the fruits her preservence and obedience will bring her.

I walked down the hallway before entering my room and closing the door behind, I walked into the washroom and took of the silk trouser drenched form her juices along with the shirt.

My member sprang out it was bulged beyond belief, painfully hard, engorged and throbbing with the relentless ache of denied release. The veins snaked along its girthy length, small specks of silver shimmering beneath the surface, pre-cum leaking steadily from the tip. It had been over three months since I last had a release, and today had pushed me closer to my limit than I'd been in a long time. The thought of what I could have done to her sent a fresh wave of desire surging through me, even more pre cum dripping in the floor.but I clenched my jaw and held it back.

I slowly submerged in the water closing my eyes. and resting trying to calm myself down.

I wasn't going to let her have it so easily. She had to earn it. She had to learn that pleasure—my pleasure—wasn't something freely given. It had to be worked for, begged for, deserved. And only when I was satisfied with her obedience, her complete surrender, would I allow her to experience the full extent of what I could give.

This was as much a test of my self-control as it was of hers. I wouldn't let my desires rule me—I would rule them. I would use them, to make everything as I want it to be. Letting them run wild would lead to chaos, but harnessing them? That would lead to absolute power.

I got out from the washroom and laid down on the bead. I had thought about drinking the blood but after some deliberation I had decided to do it after the training that I would have later which would make be depleted. I needed to think when and how to drink blood as I could only have limited amount of it every-time.

I looked outside the window ,there was still time I thought as I closed my eyes, the bulge still visible between my legs though not as much as before.