
"You enjoyed yourself today?" I asked, pulling up my trousers and standing as she remained on the floor, utterly spent. Her perky, puffy breasts were even more puffed up and red, her pussy lips swollen. her juices littered the ground where she sat, remnants of our play. Dried tears and saliva adorned her face, my essence still glistening on her lips.

"Yes," she replied in a low, husky voice, probably courtesy of my assault on her throat.

"Good," I said, turning around, only to feel her hand close around my ankle.

"When?" she asked, sitting on the ground, clutching my ankle.

I raised an eyebrow and looked straight down at her.

"When again?" she whispered, her voice barely audible, as if she couldn't believe her own words.

I ruffled her hair, bending down slightly. "Be good, and you'll know when it's time," I said before walking out, leaving her figure crumpled on the floor.

Outside the room, Vasen stood waiting. "Do you need anything, my prince?" he asked.

"Nothing for now. I'll tell you when to schedule her next session," I said, walking to my quarters. I pondered the balance I needed to maintain. Making our encounters routine would kill the excitement and make it mundane. Yet, I couldn't let too much time pass, or she'd start slipping back into her old life.

The key was unpredictability. She should never know when I'd come to see her, keeping her constantly on edge, thinking about our next meeting. This way, she'd never be out of my control.

I entered my room, closed the door, and freshened up in the washroom. Dressed as I had been the previous day, I headed to the training room.

Lucian stood waiting. "Welcome, my prince," he said, bowing slightly. The room was bathed in the golden glow of the sun, even through the thick curtains.

"How have you been, Lucian?" I asked.

"I've been well, my prince. Thank you for asking," he replied. still bowing.

"No need for thanks. What are we doing today?" I inquired. walking up to him.

"Today, you'll train on changing targets and attacking ones of different sizes," he explained. Five dummies emerged behind him: a short one, a large burly one, a lean woman, a child, and a horse.

"You will attack the vital points of each body and switch between them as I call out their names. You must change targets instantly," he explained, stepping aside.

"Let's get started," he said. I guided a small portion of my power to my hands, and a sword appeared between my fingers.

"The big man," he called out. I slashed through the air, a ripple of energy hitting the dummy's heart. I continued attacking, each strike more precise and faster than the last.

"The child," he commanded. Mid-slash, I redirected my attack, but it hit the child's arm. Undeterred, I continued, adjusting until each strike hit the small heart perfectly.

"The woman," came the next command. I altered the trajectory, hitting her just below the heart. Still not enough. I kept attacking, the intervals between changes inconsistent. Some to the far left, some to the far right, and the horse, which required a precise strike below its forelegs.

I attacked until the changes felt natural, with no hesitation or pause. Each slash was seamless, the ripple adjusting fluidly to the new target.

"Good, very good. You can stop now," Lucian's voice finally broke the rhythm. I lowered my hands, the sword dissipating.

"You adapted faster than I expected. We will proceed to the next step today," he announced. The dummies retreated, and ten new spots opened on the ground.

"Dummies will appear randomly from these spots, staying visible for less than a second. As Nocturnals, we must be so fast that human eyes can't follow," he said, stepping back.

I readied myself. The first dummy appeared, and I slashed instinctively. The attack landed above the heart as the dummy started disappearing before it had even landed.

Another emerged to the extreme left, and I reacted, a ripple flying through the air, leaving a streak of silver behind, my speed increasing with each strike. Soon, my attacks were so fast that the silver streak appeared after the strike had already landed.

As the last dummy vanished and a new one appeared, I turned to attack without thinking, but it was a child, and I missed completely.

"Speed is crucial, but losing focus to achieve it is fatal. Be fast, but stay alert," Lucian's voice corrected.

I resumed, conscious of each target. My speed slowed slightly, but each attack was precise. I continued until I was the fastest I'd ever been, without sacrificing accuracy.

Finally, drained of essence, Lucian called a halt. "That's enough for today."

"Okay," I replied, leaving the hall. The setting sun outside my room told me how long I'd been training—it had been almost a whole day.

I collapsed onto the bed, satisfied. Both my combat and sexual appetites were sated. My tense body relaxed as I closed my eyes.