
The woman sitting on the window with her legs dangling outward glanced back at her room with a smirk on her glossy pink lips, wondering about what the people waiting for her downstairs would think when they found out she was gone, just wished she could be there to see the expression on their faces when they opened the door to her room and find her gone.

She looked outward into the night and wondered if she would ever see the room or even the house again, not that it mattered that much to her since the house was more like a prison to her since she lost her parents.

With one last glance, she jumped down from the window with her backpack, wearing jeans and a crop top that highlights her hourglass figure, her body lithe and agile in the moonlight.

Landing on the soft grass outside her window, Sabrina looked heavenward with a proud expression on her face, knowing Sebastian and his foolish wife wouldn't have expected this move from her; they were probably still waiting for her to come downstairs.

"Have fun finding me assholes" Sabrina whispered into the soft silent night, knowing her uncle wouldn't be able to track her in less than an hour, she only needs that much time to disappear and Sebastian clutch will never be able to reach her ever again, she sent a silent prayer up to God to let her be on the train before Sebastian could figure out that she was gone.

A cool breeze brushed past her cheek as Sabrina ran with quiet agility and efficiency, clutching her backpack strap as if her life depended on it. Away from her hellish life which was once like a rose bed when her parents were alive.

Memories flooded her mind, propelling her towards freedom, and she ran faster as the memories rushed through her. Sabrina remembered what that house meant to her before she lost her parents.

It wasn't just a house to her then, It was her home, that house had always been her sanctuary, always knowing that she would get home every day to the warm hugs of her mother, and the comforting smile of her father, Sabrina remembered the birthdays, the anniversary, her first date, her father's furious temper after her first kiss.

But Sabrina's world had come crashing down when she lost her mother; everything had changed then; she remembered her father losing his will to live without his wife even though he tried to hide it from her.

He always ensured her he was alright, then little by little, he was swindled out of his money by Sebastian; her father made so many bad investments that he lost most of his money, and then he became a shadow of his old self.

At that time, Sabrina became both the parent and the daughter, taking care of her father, herself, and the home.

Then he had gotten sick too, her father had fought the sickness, not wanting to leave her alone in this wicked world, but he lost the fight. Sabrina remembered the last words he had uttered to her on his deathbed: "Be happy, darling; Uncle Sebastian will take care of you."

How wrong he had been; immediately after her father's death, and Sebastian found out he had been named next of kin, he had sold out his house and moved in with Sabrina, taking over her parent's house and making her the outcast.

Then Sebastian and his wife, with their dumb daughter, lavishly spend her father's hard-earned money, living the high life they can't afford till the money is drained, and then they start borrowing money from loan sharks.

Sabrina knew that even though the house was mortgaged, her uncle and his wife were still up to their neck in debt, so they decided the next best thing they could do was to sell her to a brothel because of her figure and her looks.

Sabrina had mistakenly overheard her uncle talking to his wife about selling her off when she was passing by their bedroom, but they had no idea she had heard, so she had pretended like she knew nothing about it.

Now Sabrina stood at the station, waiting for the last train of the day to arrive, thinking of freedom and new beginnings, a whole different life was waiting for her, away from her uncle and his manipulating ways, Sabrina looked around to make sure that no one is following her or figured out where she went.

A movement caught Sabrina's eyes in the dark corner that led to the train station, but after looking for a while, she did not see anything, so she decided that her eyes must have been playing tricks on her.

Sabrina heard the sound of the train; seems like her freedom was near now; she clutched her bag with excitement and raised her almond eyes to look at the star while the breeze blew her fiery red hair across her face.

She was in this state of bliss when two male guards in black suits appeared from behind her and grabbed her arm. Sabrina struggled to get free, but Sebastian's mean laughter reached her ear, and she stood in shock, looking at him.

Sabrina watched the cunning old man coming towards her, his bulky stomach stretching the waistband of his trousers, with a large cigar in his mouth.

Sebastian stood in front of Sabrina and smoked a puff over her face, while he laughed at the pathetic way Sabrina was struggling against the two bodyguards.

"You cannot escape me, Sabrina darling. No one can stop me from cashing out from your body and your beauty; you don't expect all that beauty to go to waste, do you?" Sebastian said in a sweet voice that didn't reflect his true intentions.

Sabrina's blood boiled, and she glared at him with hatred in her almond-shaped brown eyes as the train she was about to board traveled behind her with speed, dashing all her hopes of being free.

The old man saw the look on her face but only laughed again and nodded his head to one of the guards, before Sabrina could suspect what was being done, her mouth was covered with a cotton swab of chloroform, making her fall into a state of semi-consciousness.


Sabrina woke up due to a sharp light penetrating her eyelids; she opened her eyes groggily; her brain was numb, and she had no sense of time and place, her brain still fuzzy, the side effects of the chloroform used on her.

Slowly, Sabrina's vision comes into focus, and she looks at the strange men in front of her, all their eyes directed at her; she shakes her head to clear her thoughts.

Sabrina looked at the men again, some young, good-looking, and agile, others looking old and ugly; a particular man with a large cigar in his mouth reminded Sabrina of her uncle; she smiled; it must be one hell of a sleep, to be having this kind of dream.

Sabrina closed her eyes and opened them again; the men were still there; she tried to move from the position she was sitting in, but the rope used to tie her hand cut into her wrist, snapping her wide awake.

The memory of the last moments with Sebastian and the bodyguard flooded through Sabrina's mind, and she looked around her in panic and at herself.

Sabrina's face turned red with mortification when she realized she was sitting on a chair on a stage, and a flimsy, see-through white gown was the only thing that served as clothing for her.

Sabrina looks down at her perky breasts, and the triangle of curls between her thighs that are visible to these men, and Sabrina feels like the ground should open up and swallow her, but there is no running away; Sebastian has finally sold her.

"Let the bidding start now," the immaculately dressed man who stood on the stage with her announced in a booming voice, and the eyes of the men shone like they wanted to devour her whole.

"We will start with two hundred thousand dollars," the man said again, and the first bidder, an old balding man with loose fats on his cheeks, licked his lips in anticipation.

"Three hundred thousand dollars"

"Five hundred thousand dollars"

"Six hundred thousand dollars"

Glancing at every highest bidder, her heart froze inch by inch, and she glared fiercely at them, some of them old and fat, others young and good-looking, and all of them mentally deprived because only someone who is mentally ill will pay such a high price for her.

It was this thought that was running through Sabrina's mind when suddenly, everywhere fell silent as another presence made itself known in the bidding room, with the entrance of the new arrival, the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees lower.

Sabrina could feel her skin prickling, and the hair on the back of her neck stood on ends; Sabrina wondered why her body was reacting this way and looked at the men in the room; they all had their gazes lowered like they were also affected, only a few of them is looking at her now.

Sabrina was wondering what made the men lower their gaze when she looked towards the exit of the stage and she saw a man walking towards her.

His movement is like that of a predator stalking his prey; he makes no sound as he walks toward her, and the room remains as silent as the graveyard.

When the strange man reached where Sabrina sat, he stood in front of her, backing her and giving her a view of strong and wide shoulders, which made Sabrina shiver while completely obstructing the gazes of the few men still looking at her.

"Two million dollars," He said to the man doing the auction, who had also lowered his head.

"So… ....ld," The man said with a stammer, then the strange man turned to face Sabrina.

Sabrina's breath froze in her lungs as the strange man's eyes collided with her own; his alluring green eyes were as cold as an arctic ocean, his gaze hard and ruthless, his shaggy black hair falling over his forehead, while his seductive red lips are set in a forbidding line.

As his gaze devoured her, Sabrina could feel her nipples contracting, and she felt a reaction in the middle of her thigh she had never felt before.

"Tiger, anyone who still has their eyes on her... I want them gouged out; nobody stares at what belongs to Jamal Al Jazeerah," he ordered the hefty bodyguard standing behind him with a voice so chilling and low that it makes one think of death and chaos.