Sabrina got in trouble

Jamal looked from his new pet to his half-sister, both of them scared, but one doing a better job of hiding it than the others.

Jamal wondered what his new pet was scared of or scared for; maybe she thought he was going to hurt Maryam or something like that; the idiot should worry about herself first.

He wondered what his sister had fed the red-haired about him. Hopefully, it wasn't the exaggerated tale of his bravery that had been manipulated beyond repair or his life as a nomad.

"I warned you not to come back unless you are summoned; why are you here, don't give me bullshit about the maids not knowing the way; they were here this morning; they already know the routes."

"Well, I just couldn't stand by and watch a guest suffer. The lady is going through a lot, and no care has been given; I was just doing my duty as a princess," Maryam smiled at her own genuinely for coming up with such an excuse.

"So, now you remember that you are a princess, how convenient; you should know better than to take my warning for granted," Jamal said as he advanced into the room.

Sabrina knew the girl was in danger of being punished, and she was the cause of it; she had to do something.

"She was just doing your duty, you brought me to this place and dumped me here, if she hadn't come in time, I'd still be lying in the mess made by that broken vase," Sabrina said defensively, her face flushing at the last part, why did she have to mention the vase.

Jamal's eyes narrowed dangerously at Sabrina; the lady had not learned anything about him.

"Jibril, I want you to throw Maryam over your shoulder, and carry her all the way to the Rose Palace, drop her only when you reach her room,"

The hefty-looking bodyguard stepped into the room, and it surprised Sabrina because she had no idea that he moved about with bodyguards, even in his country.

"You will pay for this, Jamal," The teenage girl said with venomous intent, glaring at Jamal as she was lifted facedown over the shoulder of the bodyguard.

"I have paid for it ever since the day you became a toddler; this won't make any difference," Jamal replied, the look on both their faces so identical that Sabrina had to shudder.

After the departure of the bodyguard with Maryam, Jamal closed the door and leaned against it with his arm crossed, looking as if he had just stepped out of a magazine cover with his immaculately tailored suit fitting like a second skin.

"Anything you want to say for yourself because I am considering the ways you should be punished," Jamal glowered at Sabrina.

"I…I…did nothing…wrong; why will I be getting punished," Sabrina stammered before uttering the rest of the word smoothly while glaring at him, much as Maryam had done earlier.

Sabrina wondered if he was serious about the punishment, but she couldn't tell as his expression was closed off; she couldn't tell if he was joking or serious.

"You know exactly what you did wrong; who permitted you to talk back to me while I talk? That is something not even the oldest maid in this palace will not do. Do you even know the punishment you will be getting for trying to kill one of my men?" Jamal asked, all traces of playfulness gone.

"I was just trying to…" Sabrina trailed off as she knew she was in enough trouble already.

"Go on, or are you done?" This time Sabrina could tell he was mocking her, so she kept silent.

"Now listen to me, because I have the bad habit of talking only once, you will not talk back to me except by my permission, and no one except I is allowed to visit, except a person of my choosing, am I clear?" He questioned, his eyes gleaming with predatory light.

Sabrina glared at him. Instead, her chin lifted in defiance; Jamal smiled inwardly at her spirit; since she wanted to play so much, he would indulge her.

So he stepped further into the room, Sabrina's heart quaking in her chest with every step he took; she wondered why she hadn't just nodded her head in compliance; her defiant nature would only make her suffer more.

But it was too late as Jamal stood beside her bed, his expression completely blank; his next move completely shocked her.

Jamal hand traced her cheekbones up to her temple, slowly entangling his finger in her hair, while Sabrina's toes curled at the contact.

And then suddenly, he yanked her hair, forcing her head backward and revealing her throat.

Tears stung Sabrina's eyes, and she swallowed down the frustration that made her want to bawl.

"Now, we can communicate better, don't you think princess?" Jamal whispered on her skin, his breath feathering the skin at her throat.

But Sabrina remained passive, not muttering anything, and Jamal only yanked harder, and Sabrina closed her eyes to prevent the tears that were threatening to escape.

"Yes…" Sabrina said in a broken whisper and Jamal's lips curled in a cruel smile before letting go of her hair.

"Very good, we are finally getting to understand each other," Jamal said with humor while his face remained passive, not a muscle moving out of place.

"So, how about you tell me your name now, and how you came to be in that brothel where I bought you,"

The way Jamal said that word pissed the hell out of Sabrina but there is nothing she can do about it.

"Sabrina," Sabrina stated simply.

Jamal said nothing, just continued staring at her with that unfathomable gaze, telling her she was not done answering his questions.

"I was sold off by my uncle and his family," She continued when she started feeling uncomfortable by the way he was staring at her.

Jamal continued looking at her as if he did not believe her, then he nodded his head and uttered her name.

"Sabrina," The way he said it with that accent sent a shiver through Sabrina, and the urge to have him say it again consumed her, but she got a hold of herself.

"Yeah, that's my name," Sabrina replied in a voice that sounded as if she was mocking herself.

"Good thing you decided to tell the truth; you just did yourself a favor," Jamal said, implying that he already knew everything about her.

"Jibril, bring in the walker," Jamal called to the bodyguard standing outside the door, and true to his word, the bodyguard entered pushing a walker.

Sabrina lowered her head to avoid the gaze of the bodyguard; although she knew that being embarrassed was the last thing she should worry about in her situation, she still couldn't help it.

"You can leave," Jamal told the bodyguard after the walker was placed directly beside her bed.

"You should be able to move about the room with the help of the walker, foods, and bath will be prepared for you till you get well, and you won't be having any visitors till I think it otherwise," Jamal said the last word with scorn, indicating that his sister would no longer spend time with her.

"And after I get well?" Sabrina questioned, eager to know what her life would be like in this strange land.

"You will find out then," The words were uttered with finality.