Village Head

Brina adjusted the strap of her herb satchel as she led the way through the forest. Sunlight filtered through the canopies of the forest, casting a soft, dappled glow over the moss-covered ground. Behind her, Falko walked with a focused expression, watching her carefully as she bent down to pluck a few herbs from the ground.

The forest they were in belonged to the Killim regioned, but none managed to fully explore it to know where it connected to. Most people guessed it might connect to another region Sommeral, but none of them were able to tell it correctly. 

"You see this one?" Brina said, holding up a small, green plant with narrow leaves. "It's called merris. It's common, but it's useful in cooking. Adds a bit of flavor to stews and helps with digestion. Most households keep some."

"When I see a patient with digestion problems I always recommend this plant," Brina said, showing she was indeed a master in her craft.

Falko nodded, watching as she carefully tucked the herb into her satchel. "So, it's both a spice and a medicine?"

"Exactly," Brina replied, smiling at him. "Many herbs work that way. But there are other herbs—rare ones—that people speak of in legends. Herbs that aren't just for everyday use. Magical herbs if I be more specific."

Falko raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Like what?"

Brina straightened up and motioned for him to follow as they continued deeper into the forest. "There's one they call Everbloom. It's said to bloom only under the light of a blue moon, and those who find it can live forever. Then there's Stardust Fern, a plant that glows at night, supposedly capable of granting visions of the future if brewed into a tea."

Falko's eyes widened slightly. "Immortality? Visions of the future?" His voice was skeptical, but there was a glimmer of curiosity in his tone.

Brina chuckled. "They're only legends, of course. No one's ever confirmed finding them. But the stories are old, passed down through generations. There's also Bloodroot, which is said to heal any wound, no matter how deep and even believed to be able to regrow limbs. Some believe it was once guarded by a dragon, deep in the mountains."

As Brina spoke, Falko suddenly felt a familiar sensation—his side quest menu updated. His vision shifted slightly as glowing letters appeared in the corner of his sight, reading: 


Main Quest: Retake the Rondavalu Queendom

Sub Quests: 

1. New Side Quest: Find the Legendary Herbs of Viragora Continent

Time-limited Missions: Not avaliable

He blinked, startled for a moment. Gamer quickly assessed the situation. 

[Huh, a side quest, how famillar... If you complete this, you might get a nice reward. But these herbs sound impossible to find. They're probably scattered all over this world. You might need more than you fighting skills for this task." He frowned, realizing the difficulty of the task.

"What is it, Falko?" Brina asked, noticing his momentary distraction.

Falko shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "Nothing, just... thinking about what you said. It's interesting."

They continued to walk for a while, collecting more common herbs as they went. Eventually, Brina paused and turned to him with a thoughtful look. "Falko, what do you want to be?"

Falko blinked, taken aback. "What do I want to be?"

Brina nodded. "Yes. I've never asked before, but you're not from here, and I've always wondered. What path do you want to take in life? You're always trying new things, I don't understand you. Sometimes you're interested in hunting, then other time learning and now medicine."

Falko scratched his head. "I'm... not really sure. I guess I never thought about it." In this world, boys were usually expected to become house husbands, managing the home while women handled the heavier work, like hunting and trading. The idea of choosing his own path wasn't something he had given much consideration.

Brina smiled softly. "You're still young, but you don't have to follow anyone else's expectations. You remind me of my daughter sometimes. You have that spark, like you're searching for something more. Whatever you choose, make sure it's your choice."

Falko looked at her, surprised by her words. "You're really impressive, Brina," he said quietly. "You've helped me a lot, and you never took advantage of me, even though..."

Brina chuckled and felt sad at the same time, that Falko thought others would always try to take advantage of him. "Advantage of you? Falko, you're still a kid. And besides, I see you as family now. You're like a second child to me. I just want you to be happy and figure out your own way."

'What kind of a life did he live before coming here?' 

She couldn't help but think because Falko acted more mature for his age.

Falko thought for a moment, then nodded. "I do have a goal. There's something I want to accomplish, and I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. No matter what anyone says."

Brina smiled warmly, pleased by his determination. "Then that's all that matters. We'll help you however we can. Me and Rhea."

With that, they continued collecting the herbs they needed for the day. Once their satchels were full, they made their way back to the village, walking side by side through the quiet forest.

As they reached the outskirts of the village, they noticed a group of children running by, playing and laughing. Brina's earlier light mood began to fade, though, when she saw someone she didn't want anywhere close to Falko approaching—a tall woman, slightly older than Brina, with sharp features and a calculating smile with slightly brown hair. The village head, Samantha.

"Well, well, glad to see you safe." the village head called out as she approached them, her voice dripping with false warmth. "Brina, I heard about your impressive work with the hunters from the next village. It'll certainly strengthen our ties when it comes to trading, won't it?"

Brina's smile was polite, but strained. "I didn't do it for any reward. It was simply a matter of helping someone in need. It is my duty."

The village head's smile didn't falter. "Of course. Always so humble. That's why everyone respects you." Her eyes, however, flicked to Falko, who stood next to Brina, watching the exchange quietly. The village head stepped closer to him, her gaze lingering with a hidden fever running inside them. "And Falko, is it? Are you adjusting to the village well? it's always great to have a handsome boy like you in our vilage."

Falko felt the weirdness in her tone as she leaned in a little too close. Before he could respond, Brina stepped in, placing a protective hand on his shoulder.

"He's doing just fine, thank you," Brina said smoothly, her tone firm but still polite. "We were just heading home. It's been a long day."

The village head's smile tightened, but she stepped back, clearly irritated. "Of course. You two get some rest."

Brina gave a quick nod and quickly guided Falko away, her hand still resting lightly on his back as they made their way toward their house.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Falko sighed. Tyrant commented dryly in his mind. 

[That woman! I know her kind, I have seen them in my court. Damn snakes!]

Gamer chimed in. 

[Yeah, she's a freak. You better stay away from her, or there might be another unwanted side quest. Well, if we get a side quest that's better for us.]

Falko nodded to himself, agreeing. "I can tell she's trouble," he muttered.

Brina glanced down at him, seeing his cautious look. "You're right to be cautious, Falko," she said quietly. "She's not someone you want to get close to. Be careful around her."

Falko nodded again, grateful for her warning. As they finally reached their house, Brina's protective presence made him feel a little more at ease. Whatever lay ahead, he knew he could rely on her, and for now, that was enough.