Elven Mage

Falko and Rhea finally arrived in a small town just outside the capital. The town bustled with activity, but the mood between the two was anything but cheerful. They both knew they needed to rest before continuing their journey to Sommeral Free City, but something else weighed heavily on their minds—money.

In a dimly lit corner, Falko took out the few coins they had left and spread them out on his palm. "More than half is gone," he muttered, staring at the dwindling pile of coins. "At this rate, we won't even have enough to reach the capital."

Rhea frowned, clenching her fists in frustration. "We need more money. I'll find work here, maybe something in the tavern or even the stables." She sounded determined, but her voice carried the weight of doubt.

Tyrant's voice echoed in Falko's mind, as always blunt and brutal. "It'll be difficult for her. She doesn't have any extraordinary skills."

Falko sighed, thinking hard. They needed a plan. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he thought of the elf mage. "Rhea, what if we ask the mage? She might know a way to help us."

Rhea hesitated, her brow furrowing. "The elf? I don't know, Falko... She didn't seem the type to help out strangers. And besides, I don't want to rely on others all the time."

"I get that," Falko replied, "but we're running out of options. And who knows? Maybe talking to her could lead to something useful. We could at least try."

Rhea chewed her lip, reluctant, but eventually nodded. "Fine. But I'm still going to look for work. I have to do something."

As they wandered through the town's winding streets, Falko glanced around, taking note of the people. He decided to test his new skill. Appraisal was still in its early stages, but Falko could already see basic details about the people around him—names, ages, and some hints at their stats like strength, agility, and charisma. Most of the townsfolk were fairly average, but Falko knew that mastering this skill would be key to his journey.

After some time, they spotted the elf mage in a small, rustic tavern. She was seated alone, drinking and eating as though the rest of the world didn't exist. Her hood was drawn low, but there was no mistaking the pointed ears that peeked out from underneath. Falko and Rhea exchanged a glance before approaching her.

As they neared her table, the elf glanced up, her face souring instantly at the sight of them. She resumed eating without a word, clearly uninterested in their company.

Rhea was the first to speak, trying her best to sound casual. "Mind if we join you?" she asked, sitting across from the mage without waiting for a response. "Why are you eating alone? Doesn't seem like the best way to spend a night in town."

The elf mage didn't even bother to look up. "I enjoy my own company," she said curtly, stabbing at her food.

Rhea sighed, realizing small talk wasn't going to work. She glanced at Falko, who sighed as well. "We're not going to get anywhere like this," he muttered under his breath.

Deciding to take a risk, Falko leaned forward. "We're actually interested in something," he began, keeping his voice steady. "We were wondering if you could teach us about monsters."

That caught her attention. The elf's eyes flicked up, meeting Falko's gaze for the first time since they'd arrived. "Monsters?" she repeated, her expression shifting slightly.

Falko smiled inwardly. Got her. He nodded. "Yes, we've never encountered anything like that Sherped before. We want to learn more—how to fight them, how to avoid them, anything really."

The elf mage straightened in her seat, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "Well," she began, her voice suddenly animated, "there's much more to Sherpeds than what you saw. They're territorial creatures, sure, but they can control a variety of beasts, not just wolves. Some Sherpeds lead entire packs of dire beasts, far more dangerous than what you encountered." She started talking, her words coming faster now, a flood of knowledge spilling out as she discussed the intricacies of different monsters, their habits, and how to deal with them.

Falko and Rhea exchanged a glance. The elf was talking non-stop, and while it was fascinating, they were starting to get tired.

After what felt like an eternity of listening to monster lore, Falko finally interrupted. "That's really useful information. But... we were wondering—where are you headed after this?"

The elf sighed, sitting back in her chair. "I'm going to Sommeral Free City. I'm meeting someone... important to me."

Rhea raised an eyebrow, misinterpreting her words. "Oh? Someone important? Like... a lover?"

The elf's face flushed slightly, but she quickly waved a hand dismissively. "No, it's not like that. It's someone I owe a debt to."

Falko cleared his throat, trying to steer the conversation back. "Right, well... we're heading to Sommeral too, but we're in a bit of a situation. To be honest, we could use some help. We were hoping you might be able to lend us some money."

The elf's face instantly darkened. She narrowed her eyes, her lips curling in suspicion. "So that's what this is about? You're just here for money?"

Falko shook his head quickly, raising his hands in protest. "No, not at all! We really need your help. We're... in a bad spot right now, and we'll pay you back twice what we borrow."

The elf's eyes studied them for a long moment. There was hesitation in her expression, but beneath it, there was something else—curiosity.

Ever since she saw Falko, she had been curious, because it's not every day that one sees a man with features like his. Being a traveler, she could easily tell that he wasn't from anywhere near this free city.

Finally, she exhaled, tapping her fingers against the table. "Alright," she said slowly, "I'll give you some money. But understand this—I expect it back. And if you think you can swindle me, you will regret it. I don't forgive those who steal from me."

Rhea and Falko nodded, grateful for her generosity. The elf reached into her cloak, pulled out a small pouch of coins, and handed it to Falko. "I hope this encounter will be a fateful one," she said softly, "and not something I'll regret later."

Falko took the pouch and gave her a sincere nod. "Thank you. We won't let you down."

As the elf mage stood up, pulling her hood back over her head, she shot them one last look before heading for the tavern's exit. Falko and Rhea watched her leave, both of them feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension.

Rhea sighed, leaning back in her seat. "Well, that went better than expected. I guess we'll be able to make it to the city after all."

Falko nodded, though the weight of their journey ahead still lingered in his mind. The road to Sommeral Free City was only the beginning.


After a full day of rest, the carriage resumed its journey toward Sommeral Free City. Rhea and Falko found themselves once again sharing the space with the same group of travelers: the old man, two warrior companions, the small children, and the mysterious elf woman. However, something had changed during the time they'd spent together.

The elf woman, though still reserved, had warmed up slightly to Rhea and Falko. She no longer ignored them as she had at first, and even offered the occasional insight or small talk during the journey.

"I belong to a mercenary group," she revealed one afternoon as they rode through dense forests, her voice soft yet clear. "We specialize in hunting monsters and taking on odd jobs."

Rhea's eyes lit up with interest. "That explains why you know so much about monsters," she said. "You've probably seen all sorts of things, haven't you?"

The elf nodded. "Yes. But it's not all glory and riches, as some might think. The job is dangerous. There are more deadly monsters out there than most people realize."

Falko glanced at the elf, noticing how she still maintained a sense of distance despite the growing familiarity. She was friendly, but not to the point of being a friend. There was a certain guardedness about her, a wall that even after days of travel, they hadn't fully breached. Still, compared to the cold shoulder they had received at the start, it was an improvement.

Over the next three days, the group continued their journey, with the landscape slowly changing as they approached the capital. The wild forests gave way to sprawling fields, and small villages began dotting the horizon. Finally, after days of anticipation, they crossed the border into Sommeral Free City.

As they neared the capital gates, Falko's eyes widened, taking in the bustling scene around him. So this is Sommeral Free City...

He monologued to himself, watching as elves and dwarves walked freely among the human population. So many elves... and dwarves. "They aren't rare where I'm from, but to see them in such large numbers..." 

In his own kingdom, elves and dwarves were present, but here, they seemed to be everywhere. Merchants peddled goods in various languages that he couldn't understand, and Falko even saw a group of elven children playing in the streets, something he had never seen before.

Sommeral felt different—vibrant, bustling with life. The city was a hub of diversity and trade, filled with people from different races, backgrounds, and walks of life. Falko couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. This place… it's so different from the Rondavalu Queendom. No wonder the Silvaris Empire hasn't been able to conquer it yet.

As the carriage approached the heavily guarded city gates, Falko's musings were interrupted. Soldiers, clad in polished armor with Sommeral's sigil proudly displayed on their chest plates, stood watch at the entrance, inspecting all who sought entry. The city's security was no joke—every carriage and traveler was carefully screened before being allowed in.

When it was their turn, one of the guards approached their carriage. "Papers," she demanded, her tone firm but not hostile.

Rhea and Falko exchanged a nervous glance. "We don't have any," Rhea said carefully. "We've never been here before."

The guard scrutinized them for a moment, eyes sharp as if assessing whether they posed any threat. Finally, after a brief inspection of the rest of the group, she nodded. "Fine. Head straight to the registry office. They'll take your details there." She waved them through, allowing their carriage to continue past the towering gates and into the city proper.

As the wagon rolled forward, the elf woman gave a brief farewell, stepping down as they passed a corner leading toward a side street. "This is where I part ways with you two. Remember what I said," she stated, offering them a rare, faint smile before disappearing into the crowd.

Rhea and Falko waved her off before turning back to face the grand city stretched out before them. The free city was a marvel of architecture, with tall buildings, open markets, and streets teeming with life. But their minds were elsewhere. They had no time to lose.

"Let's head straight to a high-ranking officer," Falko suggested. "We need to show them the letters we found in Samantha's house. It's our best shot at clearing Brina's name."

Rhea nodded in agreement, but Tyrant's voice slithered into Falko's mind. 

[Ah, yes. The letters. Let's see how far those will get you, boy.]

Falko frowned, trying to ignore him, but Tyrant wasn't done. 

[You think they'll rush to save Brina just because you have evidence? Foolish. The world isn't that simple. Watch carefully. You're about to learn how system really works.]

Gamer's voice, more hesitant, chimed in. 

[Tyrant's right, Falko. This won't be easy. We have to be careful about how we handle this. There's a lot we don't know.]

Falko gritted his teeth, frustration bubbling inside him. 

[I know that. But what else can I do? We have no other option but to go to the officials. They're the ones with the power to release Brina.]

Tyrant chuckled darkly. 

[Oh, you'll learn soon enough. You're about to face your first taste of how things truly operate in this world. And when they take those letters from you and toss you aside like nothing, it'll be a lesson well learned. But don't worry, boy. This is only the beginning. You want power, don't you? Then your first step starts here.]

Falko's jaw tightened as Tyrant's words sunk in. He glanced at Rhea, who was busy looking at the bustling city streets, oblivious to the battle raging in his mind.

Fine, he thought. Let's see what happens