Women in love III - Trap

Shalana, Leena, and Rhea sat across from the countess, discussing their plans. The countess sat gracefully, her long elven fingers drumming lightly on the arm of her chair as she processed the group's proposed trap for the mysterious creature plaguing her house and city.

"So, you're suggesting my mansion is the best place for this... trap?" the countess asked, arching one eyebrow. Her voice was calm, but there was a clear edge of scepticism.

Falko leaned forward, his tone steady. "Yes. Based on what the other victims have told us, the creature always returns to its victims after about a week. You only experienced this recently, so the chances are high that it'll come back for you soon."

The countess glanced at the others. "And you're sure it's wise to assume this thing will just waltz back into my home? What exactly is haunting my mansion and my city?" Her voice hardened with concern. At first, she wanted to boast about her mansion's security since she knew it might be one of the most secure places in the city besides the Sommeral Cabinet but then she remembered about her own scars that quickly reminded her that she was not safe in her own house.

Leena took a breath. "We have our suspicions, Countess. This isn't some run-of-the-mill spirit or creature. It's something... powerful. Possibly stronger than a nightcrawler of sorts, or worse." Her tone was laced with hesitation as if even she was unsure of what exactly they were dealing with.

"Can you handle this?" the countess asked, her tone sceptical, eyes narrowing as she scanned the group.

Shalana nodded firmly. "Don't worry. We've handled worse."

Leena smirked, leaning back slightly. "We have a secret weapon, Countess, one that no other hunter or mercenary group could offer in a contract like this: Falko." She gestured toward him.

The countess turned her gaze toward Falko, and it was clear she was unimpressed. "And what makes this young man so different?" She crossed her arms, clearly underestimating him.

Falko decided to stand up for himself, as he wanted En-Shelda to not underestimate him. "All the victims have been women, so I might be able to become the key to solving this. It might have an ability that can affect women. After all, a woman strong as you was it's victim."

Leena, noticing the doubt in the countess's expression, leaned forward and smiled confidently. "Let me reassure you. If there's any man who can fight on equal footing with the rest of us women, it's Falko. He's survived what most wouldn't have. Trust me, he's the key."

The countess paused, considering Leena's words. After a few moments, she nodded slowly. "Very well. If you believe in him, I'll put my faith in your group. I'll have my staff prepare rooms for you all. You may stay here for a few days to prepare and... lay your trap." She snapped her fingers, and one of her maids appeared by the door. "Ensure Falko and his group have the most comfortable rooms available."

The maid nodded and quickly left, summoning a team of butlers to gather their belongings.

"You all may make yourselves comfortable in the mansion. But..." The countess's tone grew sharp as her eyes fell on each of them, "... I expect results."

Without another word, the countess swept out of the room, leaving the group standing in the grand hall, the weight of her expectations hanging heavily in the air.

Leena let out a low whistle once the countess was out of earshot. "She's not messing around, is she?"

Shalana smirked. "No. But neither are we. So Leena, what kind of a spell are you going to use this time?"

Leena smirked at the mention of spells. "I don't know, we have to first look at this so called hornguffler and see what kind of a creature it is, I asked for some information from my other mage friend, but it looks like without seeing the monster ourselves we won't be able to find it's weakness."

Falko listened to everything, but when the gamer made a remark, he understood that gamer knew something more than what everyone else knew. 

[Hmm~ it looks like it's one of those creatures. This will be fun to watch.]

Falko wanted to ask what he knew, but at the same time he knew that neither Tyrant or Gamer would help him in that kind of way, since their help was only limited to advice and the system.


The hours passed, and the group found themselves settling into the mansion. After setting up their rooms, Shalana wandered out to one of the balconies, where Countess En-Shelda was already standing, gazing out into the gardens. The setting sun cast a warm glow across the mansion, but the air felt cold between the two women.

"You come from a noble family, don't you?" the countess asked, not turning her gaze away from the horizon.

Shalana was silent for a moment before nodding. "I did. But I haven't had contact with them since my banishment. So Countess En-Shelda, why did you summon me?"

The countess's eyes flickered with interest. "I've heard whispers of your past, though not the details. Banishment... it must've been difficult."

Shalana gave a short laugh, devoid of humor. "I'm used to it by now. I don't think about them much anymore."

The countess turned her head slightly, her eyes softening just a bit. "Sommeral justice system doesn't make it easy for those with... blemishes on their record especially sexual assault records. I can imagine the whispers of your past must follow you wherever you go."

Shalana shrugged, her stoic nature hiding any flicker of emotion. "They do. But it doesn't matter anymore. I am who I am now."

A silence fell between them, broken only by the faint sounds of the gardens working outside, and the warriors training in the barracks.

Leena soon joined them, stepping out onto the balcony with a casual smile. "Am I interrupting something?" she teased, pulling up a chair next to them.

The countess shook her head. "Just a little discussion about the past. It seems your friend has quite the history."

Upon hearing Countess words, Leena quickly looked at Shalana. En-Shelda realized that it wasn't a topic they are comfortable with. 

She then shifted the conversation. "Have you heard the news about the empire? They're pressing in again, making their moves, and tensions are rising in the borders with our friend Rondavalu's defeat. "

"Especially with the racial clashes here in the free city, we should really be careful."

Leena sighed, nodding. "It's getting worse every day. You'd think the free cities would stand united, but... there's always something to tear them apart. I heard even cabinet is fighting with each other these days."

The countess nodded thoughtfully. "It's going to get more complicated. The empire's shadow looms large, and with the way things are going, war may be inevitable, but I hope they are ready for what's going to come next."

Leena glanced at Shalana, who seemed lost in thought, then decided to shift the topic. "What about Falko? I noticed you're still curious about him."

The countess tilted her head. "Yes, I must admit he's... intriguing. Where did you find him? He doesn't strike me as someone from Sommeral with his hair and looks."

Leena chuckled. "You could say it was a stroke of luck. He joined us by chance, but... he's the most talented man I've ever seen. And trust me, I've seen plenty."

The countess raised an eyebrow, her gaze distant as she considered Leena's words. "He must be quite something."

Leena nodded. "He is. We're lucky to have him."

As they spoke, Leena's eyes suddenly scanned the room, searching for someone. "Speaking of, where's your daughter? I haven't seen her all night."

The countess smiled, a touch of pride evident in her expression. "Ah, little Fe-Shelda is off on her own adventure. She needs to gather some merits if she's going to hold her place in this noble society."

Leena laughed softly. "I see. A future countess in the making."

The countess nodded. "She'll need every bit of strength and wit to survive in this world. But I trust she's capable."