Chapter 49: Maybe Having Two Moms Is Twice As Good?!

To read about 200 fully translated episodes,

"It's true! Molumolu can make a bunch of different noises! He'll growl if he feels annoyed, but when he's happy, he utters a pleasant noise!"


It was dinner time.As always, Naru was chattering away.I had mentioned this before, but she really never kept her mouth closed.

It was almost as if a woodpecker was constantly digging out Naru's thoughts and forcing her to utter them out loud.

Looking back, I had always been the quiet type.This habit of Naru likely came from her 'mother'.

Someone who had a lot to say...I didn't recall any female acquaintances who fit that description.


"What's wrong, Judas? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Brigitte, it's highly unlikely to be you. You're a very calm individual."

Indeed, Brigitte wasn't someone with a lot to say.Truthfully, she was rather reserved.

"Huh? What kind of nonsense is that? I'm calm?"

Brigitte's expression was filled with annoyance.Following a deep sigh, she spoke.

"Sometimes Judas says complete nonsense. Do you remember the time when he gave a speech about the Communist Manifesto to the orc slaves? That was completely out of nowhere."

"Though it was strange, it was a truly impressive performance. If those orcs didn't go on a rampage, our entry into the Demon King's Castle would have been impossible."

Enkidus and Brigitte reminisced about the past before finishing their meals.

"Naru wants to try doing the dishes!"

"Dishwashing is indeed a noble profession."

As Naru and Enkidus cleared the table in preparation for dishwashing, I went to get some fresh air.I didn't really have a particular reason for going outside, except that I didn't want to do the dishes.


As I was enjoying the sensation of the breeze on my skin, I saw someone follow me out to the balcony.It was Brigitte, with a thin shawl draped over herself.

Fwoosh─With a long tobacco pipe in her mouth, Brigitte produced a small spark with a snap of her fingers.She then exhaled a plume of smoke.

"Judas, you're acting so weird today. Are you thinking about something? Is it because you're level 49 now? It is a pretty serious problem. It's going to be chaotic when you reach level 50..."

"No, there's something far more serious than that."

"Something far more serious than your transcendence?"

Brigitte appeared shocked.

After a brief moment, she cautiously asked "...Is the world going to end or something?"

I had been thinking about this all day as I left the upscale neighborhood.About my problems.About what I found out today.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that telling the complete truth to Brigitte would be the best course of action.

"Brigitte, you're the second smartest person I know. I think it's finally time that I have to borrow your knowledge."

"I'm only the second smartest? That's strange. Who is the smartest person you know?"

"It's me, of course."


Brigitte looked very annoyed.Giggling as if I was a fool, she asked.

"Alright, you're the smartest. What did you want to ask me?"

"I found Lady Leone."

"Oh... really?"

"However, she's already deceased. I found out that Lady Leone went to the land of the Barboi and got married, even giving birth to a child."

"It's a shame that she's dead... but it's incredible you found out about her family...! Perhaps Duke Ragdoll might even be comforted if he knew about this. Honestly, I can't be sure."

"The child that Lady Leone gave birth to while she was missing is Cariote."

"...Not Cecily?"


"How is that even possible? Cariote is the heiress to the Ragdoll family? Is that true? Judas, I don't know if I can believe you since you're always teasing me."

Brigitte's expression showed that she was hesitant to believe me.It was natural. The information I had given her was rather shocking.

"Even if you don't believe me, it's the truth. Cariote told me herself. I was even able to verify the information. The reason Cariote came to Freesia wasn't just to fulfill your request. She's also here for closure."

"Seriously? You're really incredible for finding that out. I'm not sure how her grandparents are going to react though. Family matters can be quite... complex to say the least."

Brigitte's hesitant manner of speech reminded me of what she had told me about the Walpurgis family.She had grown up with her fair share of problems.Brigitte likely knew better than anyone how difficult and disgusting familial issues could be.

"Regardless, it's a good thing you managed to resolve the Ragdoll incident. It seems like another job well done! But... what did you want to ask me about?"

Thump─ Thump─ Thump─I could feel my heart beginning to race.My lips dried, and I could feel my palms sweating.

I hadn't been this nervous even when I had broken into the bedroom of the Princess of Ordor.Calming myself as best as I could, I got straight to the point.

"Cariote might be my wife."

"...What? I did hear that you guys spent the day together...are you two—?"

"No no, I was talking about my future wife."

Brigitte seemed greatly taken aback by my explanation. She then seemed to come to a realization, questioning me with a serious tone.

"You're telling me Naru's unknown mother might be Cariote...?"

Brigitte seemed incredulous.She stared inside the laboratory through the balcony doors.Her pupils caught a glimpse of Naru standing on a chair, diligently doing the dishes.

"...Cariote is Naru's mother?"

"No, I'm not sure about that. However, there's a pretty high chance that Cariote might be Cecily's mother."

"Cecily? Not Naru? Hold on, I'm not following. This is more shocking than when you read that communist manifesto. Are you saying that Cecily..."

"She is my daughter."

Brigitte's expression was as flabbergasted as someone who had been turned into a pillar of salt after being struck by lightning.Only the trembling of her lips gave away how shocked she truly was.

"How on earth...?"

"You know about the birthmark on my shoulder right? It's shaped like a clover. Everyone in our bloodline has the same mark. That includes both Naru and Cecily."

"...Since when?"

Was she asking me about when I had found out that Cecily might be my daughter?

"It was back when Cecily came to visit to give Naru gym clothes. The day before they were kidnapped by the Alubaba thieves. It's been a few weeks since then."

"You kept this a secret from me for that long?"

Glare─Brigitte's eyes narrowed.She seemed especially angry that one of her comrades had hidden information from her.

If our roles had been reversed, I likely would've felt the same way.Still, I was't fully to blame.

"I wasn't completely sure. But once I found out the relationship between Cariote and Lady Leone, I felt reasonably sure about my relation to Cecily..."

Brigitte briefly closed her mouth.Her dark brown eyes shimmered, likely a consequence of her processing so much information.

Swoosh─As if she had a headache, Brigitte placed her hand on her forehead.

"I have so many things I want to ask, but I'll start with just one. Does Cariote know about this?"

"No. But the sooner she finds out the better. That's why I came to you about this. If it was just me who told her, I think it'd be difficult to convince her. Don't you think—?"

"I don't want to."

* * *

To think Brigitte was acting like this.Why was she so stubborn?

Why was she refusing?

Her talent with words would have made things so much simpler if she had been willing to convince Cariote.Still, she has always been a bit prickly since the first time we met.

I thought that she would have changed after everything we had been through together.It seemed that her temper was still the same.

"Truthfully, our first meeting was the worst."

We were all friends as of present, but things were different in the past.

The beginnings of our party held a rather grim atmosphere.Other than Enkidus the Monk, none of us held any interest in the other— only choosing to speak to one another when we had to.

As for our magician, Brigitte, her arrogance and bossiness were a sight to behold.

Truthfully.I too was a bit prickly.

Not only had I learned early to not trust anyone in this world.I had my fair share of troubles.

"Naru, are you sleeping?"


"She's asleep."

I made sure that Naru was fast asleep.Brigitte, too, was fast asleep on a nearby sofa, covered with a blanket.

Enkidus seemed to have left in search of the apostate monk.I cautiously made my way outside, so as to not wake anyone.

"Does Tourette want me to confirm the death of Jack the Ripper?"

I had been given a request from a government official.

─Find out what happened to the villain who had ruled over the underworld 25 years ago–.

It shouldn't be too difficult for someone like me.

Rumors of evil would be first heard by those who lived in the shadows.If I went to the 「Shadow Council」, I would receive the information I desired.

Located beneath the continent of Freesia lies the Snyx Temple.As I approached, a strange atmosphere emanated from within.

I then caught sight of an old thief.He seemed to have been expecting me.

"King of Thieves. You're right on schedule. I was wondering if I should request your presence. The person you are looking for is currently here."

"The person I'm looking for?"

"Follow me to our conference room."

I did as the old man said.The room itself seemed rather temporary, with tattered curtains serving as walls and orc wine barrels as chairs. A simple rag served as a tablecloth.

On the other side of the table was a familiar yet unfamiliar face, her feet placed on the rag.

She was barefoot, wearing a pair of loose-fitting pants that were secured at her ankles with bands.Additionally, a bikini covered her chest but also accented her vibrant skin.

Her face was covered in a black veil, but her eyes carried a vibrant crimson glow.They were almost like gemstones.Her face was hidden by a mask, but her captivating beauty was evident just by looking at her eyes.She resembled an Arabian dancer.


I couldn't help but verbally express my surprise.She then responded in kind.

"Tamar? I threw away that name. I'm Salome now. It's been a while, Judas."

She was given the title of 「Princess of the Back Alley」, as the princess that ruled over the underworld.

If I were to choose the three most famous thieves on the Pangea continent, she would be among them. Her vile and cruel behavior also added to her infamy.

"What are you doing here?"

I rested a hand on my hip.I knew if I didn't draw my weapon first, I would die.Barba, who had been sitting in the far corner of the table, then spoke.

"You don't have to be so defensive. Princess of the Back Alley expressed her desire to join the Shadow Council. She even agreed to give up information on Tenebris."

It was an incredible tale.However, I didn't believe it.

"It's far too obvious she's lying. This person is the most untrustworthy woman in the entire world. Her name looks, and everything she says is a lie. This time will be no different."

I generally didn't trust people.

The person who had only hardened that belief was Tamar– or as she referred to herself now, Salome.I knew she operated within The City-State of Freesia, but to think I would meet her today.

"Don't be so angry. I'm here to play nice. I've even donated half of what I stole from Sheherazade to the Snix Temple."


"If that's not it, are you still angry that I had rejected your confession?"

Salome raised her eyebrows.Soon, the nearby people began to murmur.

"Judas confessed to the Princess of the Back Alley?""What an incredible tale. I'm curious as to what had happened between the two."

"If you're curious, you can ask! His heartbroken expression was a true masterpiece."

Salome began to giggle.After a brief moment, the elderly thief asked me a question.

"Is that a lie as well? Did you really confess to Salome?"

"No, she's telling the truth."

It was regrettable.To think that I had confessed to Salome and gotten rejected!That was something I would have rather forgotten.Back then, I was still a naive and stupid idiot!

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