Chapter 65: Finding A Place Is Hard! (5)

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After sending Naru to school, I lazed around the house all day.

It was my right to do nothing for the entire day before picking Naru up on time at the school gate and returning home.However, today was different.

"Sifnoi, can you go and pick Naru up for me? Matter of fact, just play with the kids until dinnertime."

"Mwehehe, leave it to Sifnoi…!"

After hiring Sifnoi as the babysitter, I had much more time to spare.

Everyone else had already left for work.Therefore, I headed to 5th Street alone.

It was where the estate I had purchased was located. However, because it was filled with junk, it wasn't suitable to live in.Maybe it will be after I finish cleaning it today.I also had other errands to run.

"You must treat me to dinner since I'm doing you a favor."

"Come on, baldy. Don't be so suspicious. Isn't there something in your beliefs that says not to mistrust?"

"Actually, my doctrine says to be suspicious of everything."

Enkidus calmly replied.

Before I even knew it, we arrived at my estate on 5th Street.As he gazed at the pile of junk scattered throughout the garden, Enkidus exclaimed loudly.

"To think your estate was this disorganized. It really does suit you, Judas."

"Really, huh?"

"However, I recognize the folly in attempting to raise children here. Let us clean this area as soon as possible. Cleaning is also a form of purifying one's self."

Enkidus the baldy continued to grumble as he neatly stuffed the nearby piles of items into a sack.Because we were both incredibly efficient, we made quick progress.

It was natural.Not only was I used to this, but the addition of the bald monk was a substantial boost to our manpower.

It was astonishing to think that someone who was capable of wiping out an entire group of bandits by himself was cleaning.I couldn't help but think of him as a competent and noble servant.

Who you connect with in life is truly important.When competing for survival, the many always outperform the few.

Soon, it was lunchtime.We had managed to clear out all the trash in the courtyard.The only thing left for us now was the interior of the residence.

"Despite it being left to rot for so long, now that it has been cleaned, it exudes a unique charm. It almost has a soothing effect on this monk."

"Does it?"

It was just a pain to finish.I suppose every person's mind would react differently to work.

I found myself gazing at the courtyard as I followed the gaze of the older monk.

A swing was hanging from the tree.Even a small pond revealed itself.As I took sight of the flower beds and fountain, I couldn't help but think Enkidus had a point.

The pond and fountain didn't have any running water, but if we utilized a source of water, the pond could have live carp swimming around. Additionally, the fountain could be a refreshing source of cool water during the summer.

—Oh, holy shh…! There are so many carp!—It is a courtyard befitting of a noble. This Cecily might even consider traversing the area.

While I was imagining Naru and Cecily having fun together, Enkidus spoke to me.

"To be honest…"


"To be honest Judas, I never thought that you would purchase a house. It would mean that you had settled down. I always thought that a force of nature like you would always be out and about."

"You're right."

Throughout my time on this continent of Pangea, I had mostly spent my time under bridges or in inns.

It was comfortable.And because I had never stayed in one city for too long, I never needed anything like a home.Even when I had operated within the Ordor Kingdom for an extended period of time, it was merely in a three-room apartment.

However, I had chosen to do so for the first time.

It meant that I would stay in this City-State of Freesia for a long time.If all went well, perhaps I would even die here.

Or maybe not.Considering Naru mentioned that a catastrophic incident would occur 6 years from now, I might not be able to reside here forever.As I considered that possibility, my heart sank.

"Is your pursuit of Mara going well?"

Mara, the apostate monk who was devoted to Nocturne.

After killing the monks who were part of the Sect of the Ascending Sun and stealing a forbidden scroll, he fled to Freesia. That was the reason why Enkidus was here.Normally, I would have ignored it.

However, knowing that the goal of Tenebris was the 「Resurrection of the Demon King」, I couldn't sit back and do nothing.Naru had also responded violently to the name 'Mara'.

"To chase after Brother Mara feels like I'm traversing a deep fog. He was elusive even when we went on missions together. He almost reminds me of you."

"It doesn't seem like it'll be easy to capture him. Let me know if you need my help."

"I will. However, this is a matter our sect must handle. I don't think it is likely that I will require your assistance."

"I'd prefer it that way regardless."

Mara–.According to Enkidus, he was clearly a very powerful individual.If I were to fight him, I would gain a lot of experience.Things would get complicated.


Enkidus picked up a pebble from the ground, grasping it.As he clenched his fist, the pebble was reduced to shards of rubble, almost like stale bread being crushed.

"However, it seems that I'm not making good progress in my search. Judas, I was hoping I could receive the assistance of your acquaintance."

"Are you talking about Cariote?"

Cariote was extremely skilled in tracking.She would likely be of great assistance in finding Mara.

However, there was a slight problem.

"I'm not sure what she's doing at the moment. She's hanging around Cecily, but it's difficult to even look at them. The problems they have aren't ordinary."

"Those with many burdens are very capable. I also believe Cariote is still hiding something. The eyes of one who is determined and the eyes of a wanderer are vastly different, after all."

"Is that so?"

Was Cariote hiding something else from us?Just when I began to accept this truth, Enkidus' gold pupils focused on the main entrance.I instinctively followed his gaze.


An unknown woman was standing there.She was wearing a black dress, her hands encased in leather whilst gripping a parasol.If there was something unusual about her, it was the fact she was wearing pants instead of a skirt.She appeared tall and somewhat lanky.Her height was similar to mine.

However, her visage was shrouded.I wasn't sure whether it was because of the shadow cast by her parasol, or her black clothing in the midst of the day. However, it felt like a void had appeared.Her mere presence made the garden feel distorted.

I quietly whispered a question to Enkidus.

"Do you see that too?""I can. I'm assuming you can see it as well. I thought I had become a ghost."

Of course.Enkidus must be feeling the same sense of incongruity that I am.

I got up.I shouted towards the figure.

"Are you a realtor? This is private property. Please leave."


The woman did not respond.Her unmoving figure was creeping me out.

"Didn't you hear me? This is private property, so get out."

Just as I reiterated my request, she moved.


She slightly closed her parasol.Then, her pale white face was revealed.Her hair, tied in a ponytail, was the same color.While white hair was normally a sign of an elderly person, it seemed that she was born that way.

She was wearing an eyepatch which was embroidered with a butterfly marking, made of luxurious leather.A butterfly marking.Just when I began to feel that same sense of incongruity, she began her approach.

"I am Friede, the Magician of Daybreak. I've come to meet you, Judas."

"Are you a fan of mine? Still, you can't just barge into private property."

I spoke with conviction.I held my hand near the handle of my blade, just in case.Soon, the woman who called herself Frede continued on.

"I have a request for you."

"A request…"

A request.To a thief, it could only mean one thing.

It would be to steal something valuable from a noble's safe–Or to retrieve something confidential.

At this point, I had to satiate my curiosity.

"Who are you again? You mentioned something about daybreak?"

"I'm the Witch of Daybreak, Friede Von Walpurgis. I'm someone who has been given the color of 'White' by the Magic Tower. I'm also the sister of your comrade, Brigitte."

* * *

Brigitte had a sister?I had no idea before she introduced herself.

It was because she didn't resemble her at all.

Aside from her beauty, their faces didn't look alike.Her hair was different.Her eyes were different.Her breasts were substantially larger.While they were hidden behind her suit, I had enough expertise to recognize a treasure locked behind a vault.

Seeing that I didn't feel any lust towards her, she was likely older than me.She was at least five years older than me. Perhaps she was in her thirties.As I spotted the ring on her finger, I came to the conclusion that she was likely married.

Various thoughts flitted through my head as I began to question her.

"What are you requesting of me? I'll hear you out before I make my decision."

"Someone stole one of my books. Because it was made almost two centuries ago, there's only one of its kind remaining."

A stolen book, huh?Books were considered a luxury in this world.There even used to be thieves who specialized in stealing books in the Kowloon Mountains.

I think his name was Text Von.I don't really like reading books, but I do enjoy stealing them.

"What's the name of the book?"

"It's「God」 by Platan. It's in the possession of Elle Cladeco, the Gold-Colored Magician who resides in this City-State. A book that is unique in this world.''

Elle Cladeco.We had been cautious of her, but the timing of her request was quite astonishing.Suppressing my inner emotions, I questioned her.

"What's the reward? I'm quite expensive."

I was the best thief in this world.I should naturally be compensated as such.

As I did, the woman quickly replied.

"We of the Walpurgis family can remove the curse inflicted upon you. The curse that is eating at your soul. Do you hear hallucinations? Do you have nightmares?"

"Not really."

I shook my head.At that moment, someone began to scurry around the courtyard.

"Oh, holy shh…! The courtyard is so clean already..!"

It was Naru.Has school already ended?"

Naru sprinted to me before hugging my legs.After observing the woman in front of her, Naru quickly hid behind my legs.

"…Naru doesn't know this woman…! No, Naru feels like she met her somewhere…!"

"Aru… Aru?"

The woman who had revealed herself to be Brigitte's sister seemed bothered by something and began to massage her forehead.Then, she began to murmur to herself in a voice so quiet that even I wasn't able to decipher it.

"…Culus…? No…?"

"Oh! Culus! Naru loves Santa Claus too! He goes down other people's houses through their chimneys! Dad said Santa Claus was a legendary thief!"

Naru raised her arms in joy.Santa Claus really was a legendary thief.

What's more, he even gave away his items instead of stealing them.He was a being I was unable to comprehend, nor reach.

Brigitte's sister soon offered me a written note.

"Tomorrow on 1st Street, the Night of Walpurgis will be held. I hope all of you will participate. I'll tell you about the reward in greater detail there."

Rumble–The woman flew into the sky while holding onto her parasol.

The sight of her seemed to shock Naru greatly.

"Dad, she's flying! Is she using magic? It's incredible! A human is flying! So cool! She's flying like a princess ant!"

It must be the first time Naru had ever seen such a thing.It was only my second time as well.

I had seen the Wizard of Devastation, Valdes, fly through the skies.

I heard it required an immense amount of mana control.It was something even Brigitte was unable to do.

Perhaps she truly was Brigitte's sister.

Was this the level of someone who had been granted the title of 'White' by the Magic Tower?However, her personality was individualistic and selfish.

"I never told her that I would accept her request either. She gave me an invitation without even hearing my answer. What on earth is 「The Night of Walpurgis」 anyway?"

If the sensation of hair rising on the back of my neck meant something, it wasn't anything good.I should just ignore it.Just when I thought that, Naru cried out.

"The Night of Walpurgis! It's a great festival for magicians and witches! Naru has heard this before! Mom and Dad went together! Cecily was there too! Oh, holy shh…! The memories are overflowing…!"

Naru began to panic.Was there something stirring her memories?I had no choice.Just when I considered asking Brigitte about the event, Enkidus whispered something softly to himself.

"A homunculus…"

"What is that? Some kind of incantation?"

I questioned him.It felt as though he was implying that the woman was some form of 'homunculus'.However, Enkidus shook his head.

"According to his principles, this monk is unable to lie, so I shall remain silent instead."


To read about 200 fully translated episodes,