Ryan and Aria stood frozen at the alley's end, their backs turned against the brick wall. Aria clung to Ryan's back, her injured leg wrapped around his waist while her arms tightly held onto his neck.

The two creatures blocking their escape, their eyes blazing with hunger.

"We are trapped," Aria whispered against Ryan's ear.

Ryan's gaze darted between the creatures, searching for a little bit of an opening.

"No way out," he muttered, his gun was out of bullets.

Their escape seemed impossible as the two creatures waited almost taunting them.

"We need to find a way to distract them,"Ryan muttered.

"We are not going to make it," Aria whispered, her grip on his neck tightening.

Her injured leg was still throbbing in agony, the pain radiating through her entire body.

She buried her face into his neck."I am so sorry," she whispered.

Ryan's hands grasped her legs, securing her to his back.

"For what?" he asked.

"For been so weak." Aria replied, if she hadn't wounded her legs they would have had a little bit of survival.

The creatures took another step closer, their jaws open wide, showcasing their razor sharp teeth stained with blood and flesh. Their eyes glowing with the much awaited hunger,

Their eyes were fixed on Ryan and Aria like predators sensing it's prey. The air was also heavy with the stench of decay and death.

"Oh God," Aria whispered against Ryan's poor neck again. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

Ryan's eyes narrowed, calculating their chances. Sweat was dripping from his brow while his muscles are tense.

"Hold tight," Ryan whispered steady. "I've got a plan.

"What's the plan?" she asked audible.

Ryan's eyes were already onto a damaged ladder that would be leading to the roof. But the only disadvantage was it been close to the creatures.

The creatures could easily snap them into two within that distance.

"If I can get us to that ladder..." Ryan muttered

, gesturing to it "We might have a chance."

Aria lifted her head to the ladder"It's too close and risky," she whispered. "They will get us."

Ryan's jaw clenched,"It's our only chance," he said.

The creatures took another step closer to Ryan and Aria.

Ryan saw a little opening between their legs"Trust me," he said carefully shifting his weight, preparing for the fast sprint.

"Here goes, Nothing" he whispered sprinting towards the ladder. Aria clung to his back tightly, her injured leg bouncing with each step.

Sprinting towards the ladder, Ryan's feet pounded the ground recklessly.

The creatures got caught off guard and reacted slowly. Ryan quickly ran through the open space between their legs, dodging their sharp legs.

"Ah!" Aria screamed, Her nails digging into Ryan's shoulders as her injured leg got cut again by the creature's legs.

Ryan's grip on her legs tightened. "Hold on!" he shouted.

The creatures spins around , their eyes finding their prey with speed and hunger.

"Fuck" Ryan yelled, reaching the ladder and he grasped the rusty rings, he had to jump a little to hold them as the bottom part had already been removed.

Aria looked behind and saw the creatures moving quickly, her grip on his neck tightened even more .

"Ryan, hurry!" she whispered

Ryan's strong hands hauled them up, his muscles straining under the weight.

The creatures snapped their jaws shut just inches from Ryan's feets.

"Almost there!" Ryan gritted with clenched teeth.

Aria's face turn back "Fuck, look out!" she quickly said as one of the creature's claw legs swiped up to strike

Ryan dodged, leaving one arm to hold their weight.

The ladder creaked and shook while Ryan groaned, his muscles straining more from the force.

"Aaahhh!" Ryan groaned in effort to hold their weight, sweats were dripping all over him.

Lifting his other hand to the ladder, Ryan held the rung, his fingers closing around tight. His knuckles getting white as he moves them up.

With all his years of survival effort, Ryan brought them up, his muscles bulging beneath his shirt.

The creature's claw leg that had swiped up mere inches moments before, is now stuck to the wall, the tip scraping against the concrete with a sickening sound.

"Grrrrrrr!" the creature roared, its frustration echoing through the alleyway.

With one final heave, Ryan pulled them over the edge of the rooftop, their bodies collapsing onto the concrete with a thud.

They lay there, gasping for breath, their chests heaving in unison.

The creature's leg burst out and hit the ladder, shattering the metal out from it's place.

"Can't we get a break"Aria exclaimed from exhaustion.

The creature's roar echoed again through the alley "Grrrrrrrr" It bellowed, sending tremors through the rooftop.

Ryan gets back to his feet, swiftly"Let's move" he said, reaching down to carry Aria into his back again.

"Hold on tight!" he warned

Aria wrapped her arms around his neck again, her grip tight.

Ryan sprinted to the end of the roof without hesitation, his footsteps pounding the concrete. He scanned the surrounding buildings for an escape route.

The city sprawled before them, a maze of crumbling skyscrapers and run down streets.

Ryan's eyes dropped to an adjacent rooftop below only a small narrow alley separating the two buildings.

"Ready?" he asked.

Aria nodded, her face buried in his shoulder.

Ryan took a deep breath to calm out all his nerves and leapt out of the roof.

Their bodies moving through the air while time seems to be slowing down as they hung suspended on it.

Aria's stomach dropped as she saw the creatures climbing the walls of the building to bring them up the roof.

Ryan's muscles tensed as they landed hard on the lower rooftop,his knees buckling.

He stumbled but regained his balance.