The silence between them grew, as they moved quietly through the corridors, the only sound that could be heard was their labored breathing.

The air was thick with tension, heavy with the scent of dust and decay. Cobwebs clinging to the walls, and lights were flickering off and on.

Aria brought out her torchlight, She adjusted the setting, lowering the light to conserve battery.

"Need to conserve the battery," she whispered, over the sound of their breathing.

Ryan nodded scanning the corridor ahead."Keep it low," he whispered back.

The walls that was once painted white is now having splashes of blood, like a canvas of horror.

The fluorescent lights above flickered on, making them to see the blood more.

Aria's grip on Ryan's neck tightened, her fingernails digging into his skin, bruising him a little.

"Oh God," she whispered seeing a corner on the wall having more blood on it, as if it was poured.

Ryan's expression was set in a mask on seeing the blood too.

The air was heavy with the scent of blood and decay, a noxious odor.

Their hearts were beating hard and fast that if you listen closely in the silence you could hear their heartbeat.

Aria's voice barely broke the silence, "What happened here?" she whispered, taking in the scenes of chaos and destruction.

"You think...whatever did this...is still here?" Aria asked.

"I believe " Ryan said, "So We need to be careful."

They descended the stairs quickly and quietly

Aria faint light leading their way, making it seem as though they were being watched by unseen eyes.

They moved into a long hallway, that was lined with rows and rows of doors stretching on forever.

The walls too were designed with blood .

The air was heavy with the scent of blood mixed with the smell of office paper and dust.

"Look," Aria whispered, pointing to the doors.

Each door having a sign, indicating the occupant's name and title.

"Executive offices," Ryan read the title of the door near them.

Aria nodded."And look at the walls," she added.

The splashes of blood seems to be leading them deeper into the hallway.

"Those creatures or something...came through there," Aria whispered.

"In a hurry," Ryan added."Whatever happened, it happened fast," he said.

"Do you think anyone survived?" Aria asked doubtful, with all the blood on the walls.

Their footsteps echoed through the silence as they moved down the hallway.

"Let's check the offices," Aria whispered.

Ryan pushed a door open and Aria gasped.

The office was in total disarray papers were scattered everywhere and the furnitures were all turned over

And on a desk...a paper scrawled in blood was a writing

"Help me."

Ryan stepped out of the office and they stumbled upon more offices, each with its own gruesome scene.

A conference room, with chairs scattered everywhere with papers and office supplies.

The farther they went, the more horrific the scenes became.

Until they reached the end of the hallway, where the title "CEO" was emblazoned on a door in bold letters.

Ryan pushed the door open, his hand instinctively checking for any signs of danger, Aria suddenly wrapped her injured leg around his waist.

"Sorry," she whispered, her breath warm against his ear.

Ryan nodded, entering the office.

Inside, the CEO's office was surprisingly intact, considering the chaos that had severely damaged the rest of the building.

The desk was tidy, with only a few papers out of place. The chairs were still arranged around the conference table although it looked like they haven't been used for years.

Ryan's eyes swept all over the room"Looks like whatever did this loved the CEO" he whispered.

Aria grip on his shoulders tightened not appreciating the humor.

"Or maybe it didn't make it here," she added.

Ryan walked deeper into the office, carefully carrying Aria on his back, her injured leg around his waist. He gently set her down on the larg desk, trying not to strain her leg.

"Okay?" he asked, scanning her face.

Aria nodded, wincing in pain a little."Yeah," she whispered back.

Ryan quickly turned to secure the door, grabbing one of the office chair on his way. He jammed the chair under the door handle, ensuring it wouldn't budge out.

"There," he whispered, testing the door. "We are safe for now."

Aria watched him with gratitude, of he hadn't saved her or if he hadn't showed up at that time she would have been long dead.

"Thanks, Ryan," she whispered, thanking the gods to for sending a savior her way.

Ryan walked back to the desk, "How's your leg?" he asked instead.

Aria winced, her face in pain as she adjusted her position on the desk, her injured leg throbbing beneath her.

"Still hurts a little," she barely admitted with her eyes squeezed shut.

Ryan's serious expression turned to concern.

He took a step closer to the table before his gaze shifted to her backpack that was still strapped to her shoulders.

"What's in there?" he asked gesturing to her back.

Aria's eyes widened,she had forgotten about the bag she was still wearing.

"Oh, I totally forgot!" she exclaimed, hastily removing the backpack and opening it, the zipper rasping loudly as she dragged it open.

Ryan stepped closer, his eyes scanning the contents.

"Water bottle, first-aid kit, flashlight..." he listed, his brow furrowed in interest.

Aria nodded, taking out the first aid kits"I grabbed it from that hotel before everything happened," she explained.

"Quick thinking," Ryan praised.

Aria smiled, her lips curling upward in a sad smile as she recalled all her years in the military.

"Old habit," she replied opening the kit.

Ryan's gaze fell upon the limited medical supplies: bandages, antiseptic wipes, painkillers.

"Looks like you have got everything we need," he said.

Aria nodded."Basic field kit," she explained.

Ryan brows dimmed, he doesn't even know the name of the girl he had be saving since.

Aria's hand move around finding the small knife, she had seen before.

"Found it" she whispered to herself, carefully pulling out the knife and began to tear open her military uniform trousers,

She tore the area where the creature had injured her, revealing the wound beneath it.

Ryan's eyes got to the injury, "Let me," he said, gently taking the knife from her hand.

Ryan carefully cut away the remaining torn fabric, exposing the wound, the edges of the wound was raw and rough.

"Looks deep," he muttered while Aria winced.

"Felt like a hot knife through butter," she said trying to lighten up the atmosphere.