After everyone was out of the helicopter, one of the soldiers, who appeared to be in charge, stepped forward and motioned for them to follow him. "This way," he said firm but not unkind. He led them to a door, which was located at the edge of the rooftop. The door was made of heavy steel, with a small window in the center. The window was reinforced with thick metal bars, giving it a prison-like appearance.

As they approached the door, Aria tension began building up again inside her. What was on the other side of the door? Was it a prison, a hospital, or something else entirely? She looked over at Ryan, who was walking beside her. Samuel and Sarah were standing close together, looking around.

The soldier in charge stopped in front of the door and turned to face them. "This is the entrance to the facility," he said. "Please follow the rules and instructions given to you by the staff. You will be briefed on the facility's rules and regulations shortly."