3. Stellar Essence Reaches Its Limit

The beast slithered its massive, eel-like body across the green water of the lake, its slick, rough skin blending into the murky surface. Several fins, sharp as blades, lined the edges of its slimy form.

Its blood-red eyes glowed with cruelty, radiating an aura of malice. This creature—Pelus—was one of the vile Shadowrift Abominations, a being spawned from a black hole in the depths of space.

With a furious growl, Pelus scanned the lake's shore, its chattering teeth echoing loudly as it locked eyes on the figure standing there—Kiran.

Kiran tightened his grip on his sword's hilt, meeting the beast's gaze. Without hesitation, he sprinted across the surface of the lake, each step splashing through the murky water with force.

Pelus reacted swiftly, slicing through the water toward him. As the two closed in on each other, the beast swung its massive tail, aiming to slash Kiran with its sharp fins.

Kiran dodged with ease, pulling his body back just in time to avoid the lethal strike. In one fluid movement, he leapt onto Pelus's back, using the creature's body as a springboard to launch himself high into the air.

Sword pointed downward, Kiran dived from the cave's ceiling, aiming to drive his blade into the monster's flesh with full force.


The sword pierced Pelus's hide, but barely. The creature's slick skin deflected the blade, leaving only a shallow wound. Kiran slipped from the beast's body, his attack failing to land as intended.


The monster howled in fury, its wrath intensifying as it thrashed beneath Kiran's feet.

As Kiran struggled to regain his balance, the enraged Pelus monster whipped its tail back at him. Instinctively, he swung his sword forward, using it as a shield against the incoming blow.

Though the blade protected him from the sharp fin, it couldn't stop the sheer force from sending him hurtling into the lake. The cold, murky green water enveloped his body in a painful embrace, his vision dimming as he sank deeper into the darkness, far beyond the light of his Sunfire Gaze.

In the murk, Kiran spotted the Pelus monster charging toward him in a furious frenzy. Its swift movement gave him no time to react before its sharp teeth sank into his leg.

Kiran let out a howl of pain as the creature's bite tightened, its powerful jaws threatening to crush his bones. His blood mixed with the icy water as the beast's grip only grew stronger.

Desperate and gasping for breath, Kiran slashed at the Pelus with his sword, hoping the wounds would force it to release him. But the small cuts only seemed to enrage the beast further, causing it to bite down even harder.

In the chaos, Kiran's mind raced, searching for a weakness. He thought of the creature's home—deep in a cold, sunless cave. Could heat be the answer?

Summoning his fire elemental ability, Infernal Palm Blaze, Kiran focused the heat from his core into his left hand. The surrounding water bubbled as his hand glowed with intense warmth.

Without hesitation, he slammed his burning palm against the monster's head. The searing heat scorched its slimy flesh, revealing the white of its skull beneath. The Pelus roared in agony, releasing its grip and thrashing wildly, flinging Kiran away.


Taking advantage of the opening, Kiran swam with all his might toward the surface. His lungs burned for air as he fought through the pain, pushing his exhausted body forward. At last, he broke through to the lake's surface, dragging himself onto the shore just as the Pelus let out another enraged roar from the water.

With a surge of fury, the Pelus monster tore through the stagnant waters, creating a massive wake as it surged toward Kiran. Seeing the oncoming threat, Kiran dropped to one knee, slamming his palm hard against the surface of the lake.

Instantly, flames erupted beneath his hand, racing across the water like a fiery wave.


The Boiling Blaze Surge ignited the entire lake in seconds, boiling the cold water into a seething cauldron. The Pelus monster writhed in agony, roaring and thrashing wildly, like a beast trapped in burning oil. The creature's slimy skin blistered and scorched.

Knowing the battle was far from over, Kiran decided to end it with one of his ultimate techniques. With a powerful push, he launched himself high into the air, then twisted his body mid-flight. His head dipped downward as he gripped his sword, now glowing with intense heat from his Blazeblade Ignition.

Spinning like a comet falling from the sky, he plunged downward with his blade aimed at the monster's vulnerable core.

Stab! ... Roarrr... Boom!

The impact caused an enormous explosion that rippled through the cave. The ceiling trembled, chunks of rock collapsing as the force of the blast shook the entire area. Kiran quickly jumped to the far side of the shore, evading the falling debris just in time.

His sharp gaze reflected the dying flames still flickering across the lake's surface, now tinted red and littered with the charred remains of the Pelus monster.

From the gaping hole in the cave ceiling, Kiran could see the dark soul of the slain Shadowrift Abomination. The Crimson Sphere Essence—red orb pulsing with raw energy—drifted upwards, streaking toward the horizon. It was heading for the fiery heart of his red Luminous Remnants star, part of the Phoenix constellation.

The Phoenix constellation's cluster of stars radiated with a soft, swirling light, a sign of cosmic energy connected to Kiran's core power—the Stellar Essence within him. As the Crimson Sphere Essences merged with the stars, their light grew brighter, signaling a massive surge of energy absorbed by his Stellar Essence.

Suddenly, Kiran winced. An unbearable heat spread through his veins, causing an intense wave of pain. His muscles tensed as his body strained under the overwhelming energy now flooding him. The Phoenix totem on his back began to glow, golden patches spreading across his skin. It was a clear sign—his Stellar Essence had reached its limit.

The Stellar Essence inside Kiran's body was now overwhelmed by the immense energy of the Crimson Sphere Essence, which had been generated from every monster he had slaughtered—creatures born from the depths of the black hole, the Shadowrift Abominations. Each kill had funneled more energy into him, pushing his body to its very limit. The energy, immense and foreign, now surged uncontrollably through his veins, threatening to tear him apart from within.

Kiran gritted his teeth, enduring the torment as best he could. But slowly, after what felt like an eternity, the pain began to subside. His breathing steadied, and the tension in his muscles eased as the Stellar Essence within him stabilized.