Chapter 136: The Fall Of Kaguya Clan Part-3

(The squad of four Kiri shinobi chases after Taro.)

(to bring him back.)

(One of them clenches his fist in anger.)

First ninja: "No matter what! I can't forgive these bastards. If I get the opportunity, I will kill them."

Another ninja: "Yes, they killed our friends and family. I can't forgive them."

(Another ninja agrees with him.)

older ninja: "Sigh..."

(The older ninja sighs at them.)

older ninja [in mind]: 'Ah! Youth. Reckless as always.'

(They spot the back of Taro who is standing motionlessly at a place.)

(Swoosh... swoosh... swoosh...)

(They quickly flicker towards him.)

(and one of them pats Taro's back.)

(Taro turns around and notices them.)

The ninja: "What's the matter, Taro? Why are you spacing out like that?"

(The ninja frowns and questions him.)

(Taro silently points at a direction.)

(All of them towards the pointed direction.)

(and notices Kaguya clan members falling one after another.)

The ninja: "This is... what's happening?"

(The ninja frowns and turns towards the older shinobi.)

The ninja: "Do you have any idea, Ji-san?"

Ji-san: "No... I have never seen such a thing. Maybe it is an aftereffect of their jutsu or some sort of Forbidden Technique."

(Ji-san frowns and inspects the body of Kaguya clan members.)

The ninja: "Look! Over there. Someone survived this jutsu."

(The ninja points at the back of Kimimaro.)

Taro: "He is... wait... he is that kid who killed my brother. I won't spare him. I will kill him. Argh..."

(Taro chases after Kimimaro.)

(The rest of the Kiri ninja follows after him.)

[Flashback Ends...]

[To be continued...]