Majaka the world's biggest steel and mineral company which is spread around the entire world, they not only control 70 percent of the world steel manufacture but are also massive in the machinery that is used all around the world and there's Anaka.

Anaka who works for this massive company one would think that he would be happy to do so but? 


I am not in any high paying position but just a factory worker I took this job 4 month ago after I ran out of money even my piggy bank was empty "Sigh".

Well I guess being a factory worker definitely is better than begging on the street or worst asking my big sister for help.

"HEY ANAKA YOU SLACKING OFF AGAIN" Keiji shouted towards Anaka.

"You know I don't slack off I was just lost in thought."

"That's called slacking off you dumbass."

"What thought do you even have in that peanut of a brain" Keiji says as he rubs off oils from his hands with a towel.

"I was thinking of how shitty this job is and how I even ended up here."

"Well it pays your bills doesn't it so be happy for that."

"Yeah it only pays my bills I can't even buy anything else."

"Why don't you ask you sister to give you a raise then?" Keiji smirks.

"You are really trying to get a rise out of me aren't you?"

"I mean you can try it can't you."

"Never" Anaka says with a serious look.

Keiji seeing the look on Anaka's face changes the topic. 

"Well then let's get back to work and after work drinks on me tonight." Keiji gives Anaka a thumb's up as he goes back to work.

Anaka smirks and after a minute gets up to go back to work.


Suddenly, a giant explosion is heard. This scares everyone, and Anaka begins to look around to find the source. When he fearfully realizes that the explosion was from below the surface, after realizing this, Anaka begins to quickly run outside with the other workers as the building starts to fall apart. Anaka outside the building looks around for keiji.

"KEIJI KEIJI!!" anaka shouts for keiji asking the others if they saw him come out.

"Hey have you seen keiji?" keiji asks another worker.

"I last saw him going into the storage room" 

Anaka hearing this quickly dashes toward the building to find keiji.

"HEY THE BULDING IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE" the worker shouts to Anaka.

Anaka runs into the collapsing building calling out for keiji. Anaka runs towards the storage room 

Anaka's heart raced as he dashed through the chaos, his mind filled with concern for his friend Keiji. Dust and debris filled the air as he pushed forward, ignoring the shouts of warning from his fellow workers. The sound of collapsing metal and crumbling walls echoed around him, adding to the sense of urgency that gripped his every nerve.

Anaka runs towards the storage room where keiji was last seen. As anaka moves through the debris he reaches the stairs, which leads toward the storage room but as anaka runs down the stairs the stairs collapses, making anaka fall down with the debris this injured his legs, but anaka persisted toward finding kaiji while pushing through the falling debris with his strong will anaka finally managed to reach the storage room.

"KEIJI KEIJI?" anaka shouted while looking around the storage room.

"HELP!!" keiji screamed.

Hearing keiji's voice anaka ran towards where the voice came from. Anaka looked around among the debris where he found a near unconscious keiji, anaka began to move the fallen debris off of keiji's body with all the strength he had left finally freeing keiji whose one leg had been broken by the fallen debris.

"keiji stay awake I am getting us out of here" Anaka tells keiji while helping keiji get up from the ground.

"Anaka… the bulding will collapse soon get out of here you can't get us both out while carrying me." Keiji tells anaka.

Anaka while carrying keiji on his back tells keiji "No we both will get out just believe me." 

The stairs are destroyed and the power is out so elevators are also not an option our only option is the emergency exit which is located at the end of the hallway. 

Anaka with all the strength he had left carries keiji on his back running towards the exit, but as they get near the exit the building starts to collapse even further, as the walls start to crack more and pillars start to be destroyed.

"Anaka, leave me just leave, you can't make it with me on your back" keiji told anaka.

But anaka ignored keiji's request and continued to run.

 But anaka as he is running sees that the ceiling of the building had started to break when suddenly a massive piece if the ceiling falls off above him and keiji, anaka manages to push keiji away but is buried in the pile of debris in the process, as keiji lands little further away safely and sees that anaka had been buried keiji tries to dig out anaka but anaka was now too injured and keiji was also too injured to dig anaka out but tries his hardest to do so.

"keiji…. run to the exit….. Don't try to save me it's too late just… run."

"No we both will get out just… huff….wait... a... huff…"

"Get out… keiji…. at least... You have to live please"

Keiji now with tears in his eyes gets up. 

"I am sorry anaka, please live I will come back with help" Keiji begins to run toward the exit and manages to exit the building.

Anaka with his breath slowly fading away knew that he will soon dies and begins to remember his past and how he could have done a little better in his life, with his final breath Anaka closes his eyes and passes away.