chapter 4


-POV: Minerva-


"Sigh~ " I breathed out, finally getting some free time after preparing the list of all students taking O.W.L and N.E.W.T this year.

Looking at the dark sky outside, it was already time for the students to arrive. Something I'm more excited than usual due to my Edward joining the school year.

Ah~ just remembering gives me an itch, an itch I have been feeling since I met him first and found out he is my mate, something very rare amongst humans.

Finding their mates is harder for humans than the rest of the supernatural species.

Mates are a very special commodity that every human wizard wants to have because once they become one with their mates their souls also become one giving a tremendous boost to their magic.

Though most wizards never found their mates as they live very short lives compared to species like vampires and finding that one person met for them in that little time is like finding a needle in a haystack. Something close to impossible

Thinking about one person, I don't know how to feel about Edward having more mates besides me. Alice and I came to terms to share him but I'm not sure about his other mates. How would they react to this, especially since they all will be younger than us…

Speaking of that, one of the other mates of Edward will also join Hogwarts this year according to Alice's vision. I hope she can be reasoned.

"Ahh~ Edward! You haven't grown up yet, but still giving Mommy so many headaches. I don't know what you will do once you grow up. Despite saying that I can't for him to grow up quickly so he could ravage my old little cunt.

"Mhh~" Just thinking about getting violently railed by a tall and strong Edward makes me wet.

Lifting up my robes, I rubbed the itch that has never left ever since Edward started feeding off my breast.

"Just a little more, Minerva~" I moaned remembering his eyes stealing glances at my arse all day.

"He's started to hit puberty… very soon… very soon, Mhmm~" I started rubbing my pussy furiously, thinking of his hungry eyes devouring my arse today.

"Hmm~ don't worry, baby~ Mommy would let you fuck her arse very soon." A pressure started to build imagining him abusing my both holes, making me rub even harder.

"Professor McGonagall, Tinky came to remind you the Hogwarts Express has arrived." The sudden squeaky voice of the house elf started me.

I quickly stopped my activity, thanking Morganna for forbidding the house elves to ever enter my office unannounced.

"It would've been awkward…" muttering that, I waved my wand, fixing my clothes and removing any clues of my action.

Once done I exited my office and dismissed the elf before approaching the great hall.



Advance Chapter on Patr*on/Cultured_Writter

