Residues of heat (semi 18+)

Recommended Listening: [I'm yours- Isabel LaRosa]—for a better reading experience.

The wind picked up again outside, howling through the cave and making the flames of the fire dance, shadowing patterns across the walls. There was a chill to the wind and Vivian couldn't conceal her shiver, wrapping her arms tightly around herself as she forced herself to drift off.

However, the cold wasn't the only discomfort plaguing her body.

Vivian tossed restlessly on the rocky cave floor, her slender form trembling slightly. Soft whimpers escaped her lip as she squirmed, clearly uncomfortable even in her sleep.

It was the residual effects of her recent heat course rampaging through her body, leaving her flushed and agitated.

It wasn't uncommon for an Omega wolf to experience and crave sexual intimacy a few days post-heat. It was a natural response of their biology and even heat suppressants like the tea Ronan administered to her would prove to be ineffective against her current state.

Vivian berated her body for betraying her mind's better judgement. The residues of her heat never spared her easily and she would writhe in pain and discomfort until her body's desires were satisfied.

Sensing her distress, Ronan awakened from his own rest. His eyes raked over Vivian's quivering form, the wind carrying the potent and heavy sweet, ripe scent of the she-wolf's arousal. The Lycan assumed he must have been mistaken by the scent, thus shaking his head and shuffling closer.

"Vivian?" Ronan whispered softly, not wanting to startle her. "What's wrong? Are you cold? Is it the pain?"

The Lycan's hand hovered uncertainly over her shoulder, hesitant to make contact. The scent of her lingering arousal invaded his nostrils with a powerful wave this time, provoking his own desires, but he remained deathly still, waiting for her response.

Vivian's eyes fluttered open, unfocused and hazy with lingering need. Noticing Ronan's presence behind her, she shifted on her side to face him and saw the undisguised concern etched on his expression.

"I-I…" Vivian mumbled, her chest heaving while her words came out in shaky breaths. "I…I don't know what to do…I feel so strange."

Vivian curled in on herself, arms wrapping tightly around her midsection. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson as she realised just how exposed and vulnerable she was under his dark gaze, even fully clothed.

The scent of her arousal continued to hang heavy in the air between them.

"Im sorry," Vivian murmured, averting her gaze in embarrassment. "I don't mean to be a bother. It's just… my body won't stop aching because of the residues of my heat."

Switch. She needs me. Ronan's Lycan demanded with urgency. 

No. You will not touch her. Ronan argued back, his jaw taut.

Don't be a stubborn bastard, boy. Right now, if you can't be the mate she needs, then I will be him.

Ronan wasn't too keen on the situation and the idea of his Lycan taking control; however, he was forced to admit that he was still torn by inner conflict. Vivian was, after all, a wolf from the despicable Moonborn pack that murdered many of his clan members years ago, long before her birth.

She was his mate, but he had yet to come to terms with acceptance.

We are one and the same, boy. I am you and you are me; it's time you come to accept that too. I am just the side of you willing to do what you won't

Ronan's Lycan flared to life within him, his eyes flashing amber as it took control when the man finally conceded.

His Lycan's heart ached at her distress, seeing Vivian curled up in discomfort and embarrassment. He reached out slowly, gently laying a hand on her shoulder finally. She flinched ever so slightly at the contact but didn't pull away.

"Shhh, it's alright, little wolf," Ronan soothed her. "You're not a bother and I understand your condition."

Ronan carefully shifted to sit beside her, one arm draping over her shoulders in a comforting embrace. Vivian readily leaned into him, seeking his warmth and reassurance.

"What you're feeling is normal for an omega after their heat," Ronan explained softly. "The effects can linger for a while. But I can help ease the ache, if you'll let me."

The Lycan Alpha gazed down at her, his eyes filled with tender concern and a hint of restrained desire. Vivian swallowed hesitantly, conflicted between her body's aching cravings and her heart, which convinced her that Ronan would be forced to touch her and not because he wanted to.

"I won't hurt you and I won't go all the way," Ronan affirmed, gently caressing her cheek, his touch warm and soothing. She relaxed slightly against him, her body still trembling with need. "Do you trust me?" He asked with a sincere smile, an unusual characteristic for a distant and cold man like him.

"I've never… we haven't…" Vivian stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm nervous…"

Ronan nodded understandingly, his fingers tracing slow circles on her back.

"We'll take it slow," he assured her softly. "Just tell me if you want to stop. This is about you and what you need, little wolf."

Ronan leaned in, his lips brushing over her ear as he spoke, "Shall we start with a kiss, my little wolf?"

Vivian nodded imperceptibly, her heart racing rapidly. He cupped her face delicately, tilting it upwards to his. Their lips met in a tender, exploratory kiss, which Vivian sighed into, her body relaxing further as she melted against him.

Ronan deepened their kiss, his lips moving sensually against Vivian's. She responded hesitantly at first, then with growing passion. Her slender arms wrapped around his neck, drawing him closer as their moment intensified.

Ronan's large hands roamed over her back, gently and carefully avoiding the bandaged areas while he traced her curves through the thin fabric of her shirt.

His shirt.

A moment later, they parted, both panting to catch their breaths. Ronan gazed down at Vivian, his glowing eyes smouldering with his suppressed instincts. He brushed the pad of his thumb over her wet, swollen bottom lip.

"Do you want me to continue?" The Lycan Alpha asked, his voice thick and husky.

Vivian bit her lip and nodded, a needy whimper escaping her. "Please, it aches so much." She pressed her thighs together, squirming from the wetness pooling from her core.

Ronan's beastly half seemed to abandon its sense of politeness, the corner of his mouth hooking into a pleased smirk while his hand slid down to the hem of her shirt.

"Just relax, little wolf," Ronan muttered in a deliberate, low-pitched tone directly into her ear. "I'll take care of you."