Suspicions, doubts and conflict

It was already early afternoon by the time Ronan booked a large and well-furnished suite at one of the reputable inns in the city. He carried Vivian upstairs to their designated room, with Avery following behind.

He ensured the she-wolf was comfortable enough after laying her on the bed. He informed the two omega females that he would return soon with food and other necessities.

Now faced with the opportunity of being alone with Avery, Vivian decided it was time to question her niece.

"Did you...remember Dane?" Avery suddenly questioned, scooting closer on the bed beside her aunt. "Did the smell of those drinks make you think of him?"

Vivian's eyes widened with surprise.

"How could you tell?" The older she-wolf asked, propping herself up on feather-soft pillows. "I didn't talk much about Dane to you."

"I overheard others in the pack talking about it a few times," Avery admitted, pressing her lips into a thin line. "I didn't mean to, but it's always hard not to listen when they're always talking."

Vivian frowned, but of course she was the hot gossip topic of Moonborn Pack. Particularly, Moonborn betas never sacrificed a sweet opportunity to backbite or entertain themselves with tarnishing chatter about Vivian.

Naturally, Avery would have overheard them.

"How did you make it across the river, Avi?" Vivian posed a crucial question, her gaze scrutinising her niece's eyes for truth or lie. "You're much too young a wolf to be able to handle the strong currents."

Avery remained expressionless. Her aunt scanned her body for any anxious movements, but there were none. Other than perfecting the art of eavesdropping when adults didn't know she was, Avery also trained herself to restrain her emotions when necessary.

"It was hard," Avery said, averting her gaze. "I barely made it across."

"Tell me the truth, Avery," Vivian demanded more firmly, her gaze narrowing. "Did you really flee from Moonborn because of your arranged mating in seven years? What were you thinking? You could have ended up dead if it was any other Lycan besides Ronan."

Avery sighed apologetically, plopping down on her back beside her aunt as she gazed up at the wood-furnished ceiling of the suite.

"I just wanted to be free. I hate living in Moonborn." Avery outstretched her hand, absentmindedly staring at the patterns and contours of her fingers. "I thought I was going to die... but I made it."

Perhaps Avery might have been telling the truth. She was but a child after all and naturally prone to reckless decisions. 

And yet, in some ways, Vivian deemed herself culpable for Avery's impromptu decision. If the child hadn't created a diversion in the forest, she would never have escaped with her life inches away from death's door.

What if the pack hunters had caught up to her niece and they were going to decree a harsh punishment upon the child? In that case, it would be more plausible why Avery chose the path of escape.

Vivian didn't want to doubt her niece. Why would Avery lie to her in the first place?

"Did you run away because you got in trouble for helping me escape?" Vivian posed another question, gently stroking the top of Avery's head. "Did you hear something about a punishment for you?"

The young wolf reluctantly nodded, almost as if she were unsure.

She's not going to tell me much. Vivian concluded, acknowledging that there might have been more complications to Avery's sudden arrival than the child revealed. I'll have to try and find a different way.

Their conversation was interrupted by Ronan's arrival back to the room. He returned with a silver tray of mouthwatering delicacies: roasted meat, freshly baked bread, cheese, fruits, and cold beverages. 

He laid the tray on the bed, ushering it towards the two omega females.

"I picked what I thought the two of you might like but if there's anything in particular you want to eat, tell me," Ronan offered, taking a seat on an armchair a few feet away from the bed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Eat all of it. Both of you."

Obediently, the two omega females nodded and partook in the food, afraid to refuse the Lycan Alpha's generosity.

Vivian happily popped a blueberry into her mouth. The platonic action oddly elicited a jaw-twitching reaction from Ronan while he observed her with his predatory golden amber eyes.

Vivian bit into another plump, dusky blueberry, her teeth sinking into the tender skin with a soft crunch. She let out a quiet moan, her tongue flicking out to catch the stray juices that trickled down her chin. 

Ronan watched intensely from across the room, transfixed by the unexpectedly sensual action. Vivian's eyes fluttered closed as she savoured the succulent flavour, a look of pure bliss spreading across her face. 

Ronan has all but lost any sense of reasoning, his hands gripping the armrests of the chair so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

It's just a blueberry, Ronan. Get yourself together. She's still a Moonborn wolf. The Lycan Alpha reminded himself, rescuing his mind from its reveries.

Ronan considered the wise words of his Lycan from earlier. He was still sceptical about Vivian's arrival, even more suspicious now that her niece appeared out of the blue. 

Two Moonborn wolves crossing into ShadowFall territory within a short space of time was unheard of.

What hidden agendas did the two female omegas possess?

Was there any truth to Vivian's unfortunate backstory?

Strangely enough, in a heart beat, Ronan readily believed Vivian's pitiful misfortune. However, now conflict brewed between his heart and mind and he could no longer discern for himself whether he completely accepted her as his mate.

Why would she be any different than the other Moonborn wolves?

However, she was his only saving grace at preventing his curse from monopolising control of him completely.

Perhaps, like his Lycan suggested, he should keep Vivian at his side for now until his curse is broken.

Vivian, on the other hand, raised similar concerns with Ronan. She was sceptical of his claims of her being his fated mate. While she didn't want to relay the impression of being ungrateful for his generosity and hospitality, she had yet to trust him.

Why would a cursed Lycan show kindness to her? Why would he go to such lengths to help her remove the Wickan magic from her body?

Perhaps she was too trusting of him.

Whose to say he wouldn't soon devour her and Avery mercilessly? After all, she couldn't know for certain if they were truly headed towards another coven for help.

Vivian had made up her mind and decision.

I need Ronan's help to remove these symbols and magic, or else I'll die. The she-wolf thought, setting down the piece of bread in her hand. Once I'm cured, I'll make sure to leave with Avery. That way, I won't be a burden to him after I repay him somehow.