A simple solution

After his 'fruitful' meeting with Lady Morgana, which only ended with more needless bickering, Ronan swiftly left the mansion's archives. He assumed Vivian would still be deeply asleep just as he'd left her since she seemed unlikely to be an early morning riser.

Oddly enough, despite their argument the previous night, if an argument was what it could be classed as at all, Ronan was in high spirits.

Vivian didn't deserve another bastard in her life. Hence, he ought to make sure he didn't portray himself as one more than he already had.

Always conflicted with what you want. His Lycan surfaced in his mind to jab him with another piercing remark. What of the promises you made to her in the Madame's Atelier? What of the promises you made to her yesterday? Were those empty words only to give her an illusion of a bond?