Insight to the Wickan's past

After her discussion with Ronan, Lady Morgana departed from the archives and headed for the training courtyard, where newly inducted Wickans practiced their spellcraft and physical combat mixed with magical incantations.

She stood under a sheltered area with her arms crossed under her bosom, her pencil-thin heel tapping impatiently on the cobblestoned ground as she observed a training session between two young male Wickans.

Her eyes followed the details of their inexperienced hand movements and the misused incantations. When she emerged from the shade, startling them, the two Wickans immediately straightened up and bowed their heads.

She stormed towards them furiously, hands on her the dip of her hips.

"How many times have I taught you boys the pyro spells and gestures? The incantations are incorrect," Lady Morgana scolded with a disappointed click of her tongue, and the two boys shamefully apologised.