Shikasa, Goddess of Vampires and Queen of the Night

As I was riding back to the vampire sect academy, I thought about what Tommy said about omni-vampires being direct descendants of vampire gods.

Did that mean one of my parents was a vampire god? It couldn't have been my Dad because he got killed, right? Or could vampire gods get killed? Assuming it wasn't my Dad, that left my mom.

Did that mean my mom was Shikasa, the goddess of vampires, and Queen of the night? Man, that was a long title. But my mom died from cancer. Right? I mean, I saw her laying in bed a lot looking very sick.

And she went into the hospital a few times from complications, until they finally sent her home on hospice care. I saw her wither away until she was skin and bones.

I never saw her body when she died, but my dad told me he was there when it happened. I went to her freaking funeral! She had asked to be cremated though so there was no body to look at and verify if she had died. I never thought I'd have to.