Showdown With Bats

Bats were breaking off from the main group and going to the school. I couldn't let them attack the school, but I was too busy protecting Galvin to be able to get back to the school.

I slashed a few more bats that came down to attack us. Then I grabbed Galvin and carried him while I ran. Midas ran with us. By the light of the sect ceiling, I could see dozens and dozens of bats swooping down and attacking the school.

By the time I crossed the hundred meter distance, the school was in chaos. The bats were attacking students and teachers and ripping them apart. These clearly weren't vampire bats. They were straight up carnivorous. I saw one of them scoop an entire student into its mouth before chomping down and killing them.

I tried to save as many students as I could but right after I killed one bat and saved a student from it, another bat would swoop in and kill them behind my back. Eventually, I realized I needed to just kill as many bats as I could as fast as I could.