Escaping One Problem to Walk Into Another

I couldn't see anything anymore, but I could still feel all my body parts, including my head. I had connected my head to my neck with strands of Vi, like the system told me to.

They took my body to an incinerator room to be incinerated obviously. Once everyone had left the room except for the operators of the incinerator, I put my plan into action.

When they put me on the tray to push my body into the incinerator, I grabbed my head that had been placed above my neck and sat up. I pressed my head down onto my neck.

Sending tons of Vi to the wound, it closed up and my head reattached in just a few seconds, which was exactly how long the incinerator operators stood there shocked that a dead body had gotten up.

Then they grabbed weapons but I was faster. I bit my arm and then sent blood blades rapidly extending out of my arm, into the necks of the incinerator operators.