Battle Derby (3)

"How many laps are there in the race?" I said, as I pulled the cybernetics trunk out of Midas's mouth. I popped open the case and took a look at what I could use to fix her up.

"Three, but we're losing a ton of time just sitting here," she said. "There's no hope of me catching up."

"Don't give up just yet. I have some pretty crazy shit up my sleeves," I said.

As far as I could tell, limb replacements were fairly standardized so as long as you had the right size, they were exchangeable. All I had to do was pop off Mira's destroyed limbs and pop new ones on.

As I looked at what I had available, I realized Ralph had given me everything he had in Mira's size. There were even multiple sets of legs with roller blades all ready attached to the legs. Not legs with roller blades over the feet.