
I sucked Johnny's blood and then bit my own wrist and forced him to swallow my blood. He tried to spit it out, but I held his nose closed until he swallowed it.

"Ptuh! What did you just do?" Johnny said.

"I turned you into a vampire. Duh," I said.

"Oh, is that all?" He said.

Dark red veins started to make their way up out of his shirt collar and onto his face. His eyes rolled back and he started shuddering.

"Oh, come on! It's not that bad!" I said.

Johnny started muttering, "Dylan. No, don't go. Dylan!" He sat bolt upright and looked at me. "Oh fuck, what was that? I was in love with you, and this shitty asshole had stabbed me because I wanted out of the business. That was weird. Wait, I'm the shitty asshole. Fuck. What's going on?"

'System. What's happening to him?'