Strengthening Hope

"Like I said, I've made a breakthrough in my research!" Tommy said, his purple eye lights glowing brighter.

"Great! Let's hear it!" I said.

"I forgot!" He said.

"No, you didn't!" I said.

"You're right! I'm just being an asshole," he said. "I figured out how to turn diamonds blue. And other colors too, but that doesn't help you. I've already turned half of one of those steamer trunks into blue diamonds, but you're going to want to get a ton of diamonds if you want Hope to get as strong as other elementals."

"I did research on elementals just to get a idea of how many diamonds we're going to need to match the power of other elementals. And I found out, we're going to need a lot! Other elementals with more common elements like stone, earth, ice, magma, and metal can make themselves as large as buildings and can affect areas up to a mile away from them."