Chief of Police

"What the fuck did you do to my lobby?" Pete said over the phone.

"How did you get my number?" I said.

"I just thought about calling you and the number came to me, remember?" He said.

"Oh yeah. Well, don't get mad at me. Your front desk officer wouldn't let me see you. And then he attacked me and tried to arrest me," I said.

"He did what?" Pete said.

"Yeah, he thought I was some random suspicious guy falsely claiming to have the jewels. He tried to shoo me out of the lobby and I was stubborn. So I returned the jewels despite him being an asshole. Sue me if you have a problem with the way I do things," I said.

"I suppose that's fair, but you have no idea how hard it was to convince people not to label you as an enemy of the state," he said.

"I'm sorry, but your officer was very disrespectful to me and I had enough. It's not like he got hurt or anything," I said.