StarWars: A Mandalorian's Adventure's

Chapter 0: Prologue

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: ???

Planet: ???

In a small sparsely decorated room, we can see a man standing in front of a mirror with a surprised look.

"How is this possible? This is my face with no hair on the head, three claw scars across my face, all the same, but why do I look so young?" the man asks himself in a whisper.

Even though he is surprised by suddenly waking up in a spartan gray-colored room that has a bed in the left corner of said room, in the middle a large console with a chair next to it, with to the right wall in the corner an armor stand.

On said armor stand the man saw a dark green colored armor, that had a brown colored bandoleer with pouches made from some exotic leather draped over it, with another rack filled with many futuristic weapons mounted on the right wall, that had a small workbench underneath that held a small space inside with a small case with some weird looking tools.

Looking further the man saw a small desk with the same chair as the console allowing you to easily turn around between the desk and console, with on said small desk laying all kinds of data pads with a box next to it filled to the brim with round orb looking things, that somehow he knew to be grenades and some battery packs.

Looking at all this before looking back at himself in the mirror, somehow he knows all of the stuff, beskar armor, beskar under weave, somehow he even knew that he's a Mandalorian even though he already guessed it from the armor on the armor stand, meaning only one thing that somehow he is in the Star Wars universe, but why or how he did not know.

"Even though I somehow "know" I'm on a ship in space and safe for now, it's time to figure out the "what" and "why" What was me from here doing before I took over and why was he doing what he was doing, also "how" to do everything, I doubt I'll be able to use everything, time to look in the console computer, and I hope it works something like a normal computer, after that the data pads they look like normal pads but more modern and able to take a hit." the man spoke up.

The man walked away from the mirror towards the chair, sat down, and turned it to the console then pressed on a small orb on the console making the screen brighten up like a massive flat-screen TV.

On said screen, the man saw some information.

User: Jack Grissom, Jackal Gra'tua Gryphen


"Huh, so my name is the same here, no real surprise really since my face is the same but younger, but what is the other portion behind it? " the man named Jack said.

"Jackal Gra'tua Gryphen, sounds weird but I guess since I'm Mandalorian here it might be my mando name?" Jack wondered.

"Well, I'll deal with it when I get to it, for now, let's see, a password since my face and name are the same… Yeah, let's try my old password from home I guess" Jack thought out loud.

"Heh, enter code, let's see how I'm going to do that on this thing, I hope it's like a computer from back home or I'm screwed, hahaha." Jack, laughed sarcastically at the end.

" I remember the code, only one way to find out if it works as I hope it does." Jack, soon pressed some buttons to enter a code on the console and just after he finished and pressed what he hoped was the enter key, the screen lit up and a screen with large numbers of files was soon displayed.

Jack looked at the screen with an open mouth and wide eyes from pure shock and surprise.

"Wow, the 'me' from this universe has been busy… very busy indeed." Jack said in pure surprise at the large number of files all ordered on the date of input and different colors for each topic.

"Let's see the newest one, first to know where I am going, or am for that matter." Jack pressed on the newest file and it popped open on the screen for him to see what was in there.

"Wow… just wow… I can't believe I left Mandalore behind to go on my way, two years ago, and that on my own ship as well, I wonder how we got this ship and what type it is." Jack wondered before reading further.

 "Not bad seems the me here has been rather busy as a trader … aha so I'm on my way back to Mandalore, back home interesting, seems I have 200 tons of cargo on board, 100 tons of medical equipment, and supplies, 50 tons of food and fresh water in special sealed tanks." Jack read on.

"I wonder why this specifically though… I remember food and water could be problematic in Mandalore due to the old war almost turning it into a pure desert planet, but the medical stuff, as far I know even though everyone is fighting against Death Watch, hardly should be needed, there are just small skirmishes, not open war." Jack wondered again in slight confusion.

Reading further, Jack found more and more information that surprised him the more he read but also cleared up many doubts.

"So that is how it is, I have been doing business outside to make a name for myself and once in a while make a run for Mandalore with supplies needed to keep things running and prevent Deathwatch from gaining more and more support, and having my clan gain more support and recruits instead, but what happened for me to sleep and than never to wake up again that let to me taking over?" Jack wondered at the end.

Now that Jack knew where he was, and where he was going with the main gist of what he was doing in general in this universe of being a trader and all, and looking from the files a really good one at that.

"Now for the data pad, let's see here." Jack turned around, grabbed the data pad next to the bed, put in the code for it, and started reading.

"Typical… same code." Jack mused with a smile and a shake of the head before starting to read.

"I see so it's a basic journal to keep his or well my sanity, let's see here … the same name as before, aha so Jackal Gra'tua Gryphen is the true Mando name and clan, and Jack Grissom is my republic name no wonder the me before was so good at trading, using an alias." Jack mused, deciding to do the same.

"Just turned 20, okay so I now know my age as well, bla bla bla, aha! It is said here that he got poisoned by his crew and killed his crew 'again' who wanted the ship and his beskar stuff to then go to Hutt space and sell it all." Jack said, shaking his head at the absurd idea of the former crew.

"Well, they failed… yet not failed." Jack mumbled, thinking about him taking over.

"So they failed initially and got killed, but only due to the poison not working, the 'me' before, went to bed after doing the paperwork only to not wake up, and only for me to take over, so I guess the poison was delayed in working or something slow acting maybe?" Jack wondered in confusion.

However, that wonder quickly turned to me scoffing at how strange it was that 'him' before did not use an antidote or tried to find it in the former crew's belongings, and just went to sleep it off.

"Well can't complain, I guess I died and woke up here…where I also died, at least I'm 20 again, better make the best of it." Jack decided.

"Let's go through the rest later, let's check the ship for now, need to try and get familiar while I can, so it won't look weird for me to be in here when I get people on the ship, since I already have been on this ship for 2 years now if the first inputted file is correct." Jack walked out of the room.

"Cockpit first, let's see if there is something to tell me how long I have, to familiarize myself with everything before leaving hyperspace." walking to the cockpit did not take long, maybe a minute or two.

Looking around Jack saw a console, with two seats in front of them, each with a steering wheel, on one portion of the console Jack saw something timing down.

"Look at that, seems I will have about half a day left to get used to everything on this ship the "Wayfarer", mentioned in some more files, try to get used to wearing the armor, doing maintenance of everything, and maybe some combat drills to get used to this body, if there is time enough that is." Jack, thought about a to-do list.

"I know I was way older before coming here, can't remember how much older, well whatever I'm 20 again better enjoy it while I can." Jack got up, went to his room, and looked up the file on how to dress in his armor.

"Better dress up for now in case I miss time things or I have to answer coms or something." Jack mumbled while reading

"Oke, so the under-weave is first of course, it's an under-weave or suit for a reason, followed by the pants, knee, and shin guards with the boots." Jack read, feeling rather natural doing all that as if done hundreds of times before.

"Alright so now are the breast and back plate combination, followed by the shoulder guards, the arms, wrist, and hand gloves, nice even the back of the gloves have armor on them, would be good if I have to hit someone in the face." Jack smiled at the thought of doing just that.

"Now then finally the helmet and to finish off with the leather bandoleer with pouches, and done, let's take a look." Jack turns to the mirror, completely speechless at what he saw.

What he sees is a dark green Armored Mandalorian with a brown colored bandoleer, with pouches, and a belt looking straight at him.

"Wow, I look rather awesome huh." Jack spoke up in humor but due to the helmet, his voice sounded gruff and older, due to a voice modulator inside

"Awesome, this helmet even has a small motion radar, night and heat vision, a polarizing effect that happens automatically to not be blinded by a flash-bang or the sun when going outside a dark cave, wow can even see a squad list for coms, this is rather awesome, now let's take a look at the rest of the ship." Jack said in the gruff old man's voice through the voice modulator

"I wonder what I will find further on the ship." Jack mumbled before walking outside his room, to look at the rest of the ship