Chapter 006:

Chapter 6: Aftermath and Request

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Mandalore

Location: MandalMotor Shipyards

While we walked towards my ship in 'Landing Bay 1' to unload my cargo, I was thinking about everything that happened in such a short and quick order since I woke up.

'I managed to get through all this due to the pirates being no better than untrained rabble, even though 'me' before was in good shape and the few drills made me familiar with everything to some extent, I can't rely on things to stay like this.' I thought.

I would never admit it out loud though, about me getting lucky, no sir. Hell all of us got lucky to some extent today.

Deathwatch got lucky the Trandoshens mainly played with them before planning to kill them.

Laara's team got lucky to even walk away with three of their team and only two rookies to die, sure they got unlucky having to deal with a Wampa but all things considered, they got rather lucky overall.

If I had been better, faster, stronger… no more like better trained, if I had more time to settle into the universe of Star Wars and my body, memories, and role I could have steamrolled them much faster.

I was glad with this walk in silence because it was desperately needed.

'Still can't believe they planned to build me a cruiser and made me accept it by forcing it down my throat. I'm not complaining here since if the date is correct in the files I read the situation on Naboo should worsen soon, from months to a few years. I will have to take a better look at everything.' I continued to think of the current situation, even though my shock tended to override it, a fair bit.

We reached my ship in quick order, much faster than I would have liked since my shock still had not waned off yet and my thoughts still being a mess… for the most part.

"Wow… this piece of junk is what the Heir of Clan Gryphen uses? No wonder Commander Yomaget wanted to give a ship to him, if it is to replace *Argh!*" the Saxon reject guard started talking, before suddenly dropping to the floor clutching between his legs.

What happened to shut him up all of a sudden, was Nora standing there behind him, with her leg outstretched.

"Pathetic filth, badmouthing the ship of the man that saved you and everyone here." I heard her say when she grabbed his head and kicked it releasing it when she did making his head snap back.

"That was brutal you sure that was a good idea?" I heard Chuck say walking her way, soon walking to the side together.

"Alright Sir, I need a few folks to assist me in unloading all the crates and special sealed tanks of food and water." I decided to get this over with.

"The food and water are going to come in clutch right now. Since our stocks were damaged and infected and thus spoiled by the gas, that filth opened anything they thought hid valuables." I heard Stan Yomaget say.

"It is fine, I got 50 tons of food and another 50 tons of water, it's all from Naboo and is rich in minerals the body needs, so it is only to cook and drink, no cleaning or showers yet I'm afraid." I told the man, who was surprised I even got that much since clean mineral-rich water from Naboo, was anything but cheap.

"Ah yes we will pay you double, see it as our way of thanking you properly, and I will also give you a dry-dock if you ever need your ship fixed or looked after." Stan Yomaget said earnestly.

'I'm certain now, that this man is not there fully, paying double, gifting a cruiser, even building it from the ground up, what would be next? A crew… pfff yea right.' I thought looking at the man in question almost laughing at him at the last part of my thoughts.

"Ah! yes Aran and Cabur! you came just in time, your strength will come in useful now with the unloading of our fresh supplies." I heard Stan say which made me turn towards the two twin giants who just arrived.

Well, if they can carry those laser repeater mini-guns so easily and not break a sweat, able to walk upstairs even with them, then carrying some boxes would not be too hard.

"Fine by me, I'll take those guys as well making it all move faster." I pointed at some dock workers who sat around smoking 

"Of course, you lot help the man who saved our lives out, chop chop!" Stan told them even clapping his hands.

I saw them grumble a bit and put their cigarettes out before walking towards my ship, which the twin giants were already going to.

When they all reached the leftmost side of my ship, I was already waiting.

I quickly pressed a command on my gauntlet letting the cargo lift lower down, showing massive stacks of boxes all with binders around them.

"Alright, I hope you guys got some hover carts or something like that function, to quickly move the unloaded supplies without trying to br…ake your backs." I finished saying watching how, Aran and Cabur, lift a crate each and walk away.

'I need to know what clan they are a part of, we could use these two extremely well back home, what race are they even, doubt they are human.' I thought, too flabbergasted to say anything for a while.

Looking at the worker's faces I'm certain my own would mirror them, if not for my helmet hiding it.

— — — — —

Chuck and Nora POV:

While that happened, elsewhere just after Nora kicked the guard, who had been thrown out of Clan Saxon, and was taken to the side by Chuck something else happened.

"You can't be serious!" Nora growled at Chuck.

"Look it is our only way out, I'm sure that bastard will also send word of the bounty outside of Mandalorian-controlled space." Chuck started saying.

"If he did, we have no place to run, also I'm sure Jango would be the first to come for our heads after what happened in the past, former Deathwatch or not, he is a bounty hunter, and getting 5 ingots of Beskar per kill, he could use it to restart Clan Fett." Chuck finished his piece seeing Nora open her mouth.

"Of course, he would! But you want to push things on the boy, I know we're not in a good spot but really!" Nora growled again before deflating.

"Sigh, we would not have a good time in any clan… specifically not theirs." Nora said sighing putting a hand on her stomach, and nodding towards Jack, Aran, and Cabur.

"I know… I know, but what choice have we left? Besides it would be a stable place at least, even if we have to work extra hard to prove ourselves and be accepted." Chuck said, looking towards Jack in the distance directing the unloading of the supplies.

"He's a natural, in leading, and he even gives advice see? He's pointing at things and even showing how to do stuff to make unloading easier for the workers." Chuck motioned to Nora to look.

When she did she saw Jack climb a stack of boxes having a hover cart in place, where he pushed a crate onto a few binders that made up a slide, and the box slid down right onto the hover cart.

They watched him tell them something before stepping to the side to watch and direct them again.

"Leading by example… maybe things won't be good but…" Nora whispered

"It will be the best in the long run, if we prove ourselves we might even get on the cruiser." Chuck said in a dreamy voice, making Nora chuckle.

"Maybe, we have to ask though." her chuckle had been replaced by worry.

"We will see with Aran and Cabur, the unloading went quicker than expected, we have to go and speak to him now before he leaves and we miss our chance." Chuck walked over to Jack with a worried Nora being pulled along.

— — — — —

Jack's POV:

I saw Chuck and Nora approach me and noticed Aran and Cabur move beside me acting as guards.

I could see both of them looking apprehensive and nervous, I wonder why.

"Greetings Heir Gryphen. Now that things have calmed down we finally have a chance to speak properly." I heard Chuck begin speaking in his gruff no-nonsense voice, as I dubbed it.

"Indeed." is all I said with my voice modulator making my voice sound harsh.

I could see both of them grow nervous when Nora spoke up when Chuck fell silent.

"Look, we… wish to join your clan, Clan Gryphen." Nora said again with a hand on her stomach.

'I knew it… lovers and that gesture… good thing I left that time to go to the meeting making them follow along, now let me see how to deal with this.' I thought looking at Nora.

"I won't mind you and your man joining… however it is not my call, I can influence it a bit but it is the leader's call." I told them

As soon as I said that I saw them look at each other with sagged shoulders.

And even though I expected Chuck to give a reaction it was still Nora talking.

"We thought that to be the case, we know it might not be easy but for us, it would be the only true option left." I could hear some desperation in those words.

"You are expecting… I can put in a word but make no mistake, with a child in the equation your tests will be a lot harder, add in the fact you are, a former member of Deathwatch." I told them

"The tests could be extermination, hunting, fighting, flying, shooting, there are many ways, and with a child you Nora would be tested worse out of the both of you." I told them

'Good thing I read up on my family and clan a bit during traveling, it will be useful now.' I thought with a small smile.

"My mother is the current Clan leader until she is no longer able or I feel I have enough experience and got tired of traveling and adventure to take over." I began but got interrupted.

"We know about that woman, Heir Gryphen… I'm willing to do close to anything for at least Nora to be accepted." Chuck said with his gruff voice full of conviction

"Good keep that mindset when you meet her later, go get your men and wait for me to group up with you outside." I told them before walking away, not before seeing them salute me before walking away themselves with a brisk pace

"Commander Yomaget, the cargo has been unloaded, I will be leaving now." I told the man who looked apprehensive.

"That will be fine, lads thank you for helping the man out, now you're done just leave it here and start helping with the cleanup." Stan Yomaget ordered, and his man saluted, the workers did reluctantly it seemed, and went back to work.

Soon after the men left, Stan Yomaget paid and turned away after wishing me safe travels.

"Now, time to go home…" I said in a reluctant voice, just loud enough to be heard by Aran and Cabur.

— — — — —

In 'landing bay 1' we can see the commander of the shipyard in question Stan Yomaget return in a rush just before I walked onto my ship, but he was not alone.

"Wait! There is something you have to know before leaving!" Stan Yomaget quickly spoke, close to yelling

"What is it this time?" I said a bit too loudly in a harsh tone, watching the man flinch.

"This woman has something to say, it is important to all, our Honor will otherwise be damaged!" he stressed that part

"Fine make your case in 5 minutes then I will board my ship and leave, I have been here long enough, and finished my business." I said harshly making the woman in question stop and salute me before speaking

I noticed she was wearing custom-made armor though, dressed in Brown full-body armor, with the breast and back plates Brown, and Dark Grey armor for the ribs, same colored armor around the upper arms with thick Brown shoulder guards.

I could see a Dark Grey under-weave much thicker than most, Brown gauntlets, and Black gloves, her legs or pants were much of the same as my own but Brown, front, hip, and backside all brown, and the rest the same dark grey color.

What surprised me was that a battle skirt protected her backside and upper legs, and her feet had full Brown military boots with black highlights.

"My name is Sera of Clan Vor, we are a clan of hunters and Justicars. You saved me in the hallways when I was dragged out of my room. I am here to join your cause in the hope of regaining my honor that was lost due to a stunning round when they entered my room." the woman named Sera said, having two bags next to her.

'Shit… she was that lady I carried back into her room. but seems she was not taken out due to the gas but a stunning round… yea guess for a proud warrior that would be loss of Honor when noticed or seen.' I thought.

"Acceptable, get on the ship we're leaving." I told her watching her grab her backs of apparently one bag and the other her jetpack quickly joining me on my ship.

I quickly entered the cockpit soon followed by Sera, and after a quick call to command to be allowed to leave we finally left 'landing bay 1' and the shipyards, entering back into space where the Deathwatch group was waiting to follow.

"Alright you lot, just stay close, we should be back to "our" home soon." I said over communication with the Kom'rk.

While flying I sent information about the 'new recruits' and 'potential new clansmen' to my clan's patrol which had been joined by a Clan Kryze Patrol and a few smaller clans that had some fang fighters and a few bigger ships whose fight was still heavily underway of whom we could see in the distance from the bright flashes of explosions and laser exchange.

'Can't believe how big that battle became in sure a short time.' I thought, looking at the big fight ongoing in the far distance.

[Understood, Heir Gryphen, we will be in your care.] I heard Chuck's gruff voice, using the rank I had within my clan.

Not long after we can see a YT-1930 Light Freighter being followed by a Kom'rk and 5 Fang fighters, entering the Mandalore planet's atmosphere.

Or we would if not for alarms to go off indicating missiles having been launched at us.

"Fuck, all units! Evasive Maneuvers!" I yelled over the comms.