
MC: Jackal Gra'tua Gryphen:

A lost soul suddenly wakes up in his younger 20-year-old self's body in the Star Wars universe.

Confused but able to adjust and go with the flow.

Good in a fight due to the body being well trained, lucky till now thanks to bad enemies, and coasting through on muscle memory and a few basic drills to know how to use everything.

Jackal has a clean-shaven head and icy blue eyes. He has scars on his face from the past.


Sera Vor: A woman of a clan of Hunters and Justicars, Honor is highly important to them, lost hers in her eyes after being stunned and saved by our MC, and joined him in a quest to prove her worth and regain her honor.


Chief Catra Cleo Gryphen: A woman with short cropped black hair cold blue eyes, and a face that belied her age with how unblemished it is.

This is the mother of Jackal and someone who likes to put fear in others by beating them into the ground or shooting them with concussive shots to make them get rid of their weaknesses.

Even though she is hard-handed against her son, she still loves him deeply


Rin of Clan Gryphen is a redheaded lady with green eyes who is obsessed with the MC to hell and back. Lucky for the MC, she's willing to do anything to stay with him, even throwing others at him if he shows interest.


Laara Stix: A young woman of age 18, raised by her uncle and adopted by him after her birth parents death. Well trained and well rounded, but inexperienced and due to loss started to doubt herself.

More of a follower and soldier than a leader.


Uncle Keith or Old Man Keith: The uncle of Laara and leader of his clan Stix, a great tinkerer and builder of anything Armor, Weapon, and ship related.

Family man trough and trough, took in his niece when his brother and sister-in-law died, down the years he adopted her, but she still called him Uncle.


Aran and Cabur: Twins and Giants with massive strength, hardly speak, and when they do in short words and sentences. They always know what the other says, needs, or wants to be done.

for a short while where the MC's shadows.


Chuck: A big hulking man, serious one moment joking and a muscle brain the next.

Cares greatly for Nora his lover and the future mother of their child.

Cares also greatly for his man under his command.


Nora: An athletic and short woman with a temper to match her height.

Cares for Chuck immensely as he is her man and soon-to-be father of her child.

Care greatly for the man under her and Chuck's combined command.


Stan Yomaget: Commander in chief of the MandalMotors Shipyards, paranoid man who is desperate to juggle all sides to keep staying 'Neutral' suffers from this and pushes old friends away.

Mood swings, Happy one moment, serious another, cold or flaming with rage, many emotions, and close to a breakdown.



More will follow and be added when needed, Pictures will also be added down the line when I manage to find one I like.