Chapter 011:

Chapter 11: New Day and Revelations

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Mandalore

Location: On Mandalore - onboard of YT-1930 'Wayfarer'

'Fuck… I knew it, mother and her, are involved, guess they talked to Sera, during the time I was out.' I thought, unknown it was not planned at all, otherwise, I might have dealt with it in another way… maybe.

I walked, followed by Sera, back to my ship. We both went on board after I closed the ramp and I made sure my mother and others would not be able to open the ship back up, so I changed the emergency codes.

"Well let us get this over with shall we, at least here we will have some privacy." I said turning around and watching Sera take her armor off

This shocked me in place, with how willingly she did it, I was unable to look away, and all the answer I got was.

"I told you I would be willing to do what I must, to prove my worth and regain my honor, if this will show some of my worth I gladly do so." I heard her say in her soft tempting voice, looking at me with a seductive smile

"Ehm… right, you sure about this aren't you." I asked, starting to take my armor off as well, even if I was a bit reluctant, no way I was going to outright refuse like some dense idiot who would get flustered and either run away or be too much of a goodie two shoes to do the deed by forcing her to stop.

"Hahaha! I knew what she was planning, why else would my room have been so close to yours? If you had been awake she would have implemented this little plan of hers much sooner." she said with a laugh

"Right… just so, you know you ain't alone or special and I am rather possessive." I told her, seeing her face fall a bit.

'Say the words so we can pretend something happened, not many women like to share or be in the hands of someone possessive.' I thought, having made this little plan.

I never really, liked the forced, relation sort of deals, but I will still see this through, just think of it as a one-night stand.

"You do not have to worry… my race is low in number, I knew I needed to repopulate if you will. I rather choose my own man. And that is precisely what I have already done." Sera told me standing in front of me in only her under-weave suit.

"When I lost my honor on the shipyard, I knew if my clan heard of it I would be recalled or collected. After that, I would be given to the strongest and most virile of the clan… But we have a rule so to say, that is if we choose to follow a man willingly of our choosing. We can do as we please, but it has to be the one, we lost our honor to, like I did to you." Sera told me, slowly taking her under-weave suit off.

I followed along and did the same and brought her to my room, even though my ship smelled of disinfectant and looked sparkling clean from inside.

As soon we entered my room, I turned around pushing her against the wall.

"Last chance, to back out and pretend something happened to fool them." I told her, having trouble keeping my eyes on hers

"I told you before, so there is no turning back." Sera told me before kissing me.

I decided to just forget about it and enjoy the moment, I can beat myself over things later.

And if this gets my mother and grandmother off my back even better.

— — — — — 

I slowly woke up after an amazing night, I looked to the side and saw Sera still sleeping soundly so I slipped out slowly and left the room to the small bathroom across from my room.

After entering and going to shower, I looked and saw, it still on the settings for a Trandoshen seeing that reminded me that I need to get rid of the bodies from my freezer later today.

'Let's see, wow, how many settings are on this thing? The one from my room in the compound only has the Human setting. Let me just use that one to be safe,'  I thought, quickly using the shower and the dryer function soon after.

After leaving, I walked back to the lounge area to collect all my armor, and slowly put it back on. I'll do some maintenance later, I also collected everything from Sera and brought it back to my room. And now, it's time for some food.

I went to the small galley and looked for something to eat in the cupboards, and found out there were still some microwave-ready meals and lots of packs of MRE.

"Fuck, note to self when we get anywhere get some real food." I shook my head at that

"Well, two microwave dinners are better than nothing, not sure what that mother has planned for 'training'." I grabbed two dinner plates and put one in the microwave.

I was so glad I read up on everything during hyperspace, about these devices. If I had no microwave, I'd be unsure what to do about food.

Soon after I ate my food while standing and brought another plate with me back to my room, I kept the food covered so it would stay warm just a bit longer.

After getting back to my room and office, I saw Sera completely curled up like a ball, in the blankets.

'Pfft, cute though… not sure where that came from' I thought, with some shock at the end

I placed her food on the workbench against the wall, then sat down at my desk and console, putting my helmet on the desk.

'While she sleeps some more I'll read up some more what 'me' or I guess I was up to.' I thought with a grim determination to find out more 

I booted the console up, put in my password, and scrolled down to some of the older files, mainly about the clan and the 'Neutral faction' but also on anything from pirate factions and locations of bases, and if I found anything about corrupt patrols even better.

"Let me see here… found it." I whispered, so as not to wake Sera up.

[ - Clan Statistics: 

Members: 200 (In the compound at all times)Man: 150 Woman: 30 Children: 20

Able-bodied warriors: 155]

There wasn't much, that I was able to find. Besides the numbers, making me wonder if we had any others outside the compound. The fact I had to use my password twice to get that made me wonder what else was hidden behind password walls.

I kept looking further and found the history of my clan.

We began as a small warrior family, with Jackal Gryphen as a leader or head of the family, with his wife Juno Kryze, they had five children, three sons and two daughters.

'I see so the ancestor if you would, managed to gain the right to marry Juno Kryze of the Dukes Clan… that explains the few memories of my mother refusing meetings with the Duke.' I wished to know more, so I kept reading

'I guess he wished due to old blood ties to gain our support and consolidate his slowly crumbling hold of Mandalore, I guess that failed because he died and we lived.

That reminded me… one of the memories showed me sneaking out of the compound with a group of five other teenagers during a big battle.' I thought, shocked near the end remembering the big war.

That spurred me on, to look through the files for anything I put in about those times, around six or so years ago making it year 40 BBY I think.

That made me pause, why would I know it is BBY, not something else? meh, I will deal with it down the line.

"Found it, so that is why the clan allowed me to become a trader so willingly… besides my mother's beatdown." I whispered

What I found out was during the big war or civil war as many call it outside of Mandalore, where I and five others, had slipped out and joined the fight.

We managed to save many civilians till we encountered a group of Kryze guards pinned down where I did something foolish and the others followed me.

Reading about this made me remember something more that gave me a slight headache.

'A recording?' I thought when the headache subsided and thought about pressing play when I heard Sera's voice.

"Go ahead and play it, I wonder what you were like during that time." I heard her say arms wrapped around me

"I see, I guess I was too engrossed in reading I did not notice you woke up." I said back

"I was awake for a while, saw you leave and come back dressed, so I waited a bit and saw my chance... thank you for the food." she told me

I looked at her and she was still there in all her glory, walking away to slowly dress herself, looking my way with a tempting smile.

"Before I play it I think we should talk, about last night, about you and your clan." I told her

I saw Sera's smile fade and dress further becoming serious.

"What is there to say, last night what I said was true, I feel so much lighter without the danger of being collected or recalled by the clan for losing my honor and turned to be used to breed for the survival of our race and clan." I heard her begin talking.

"We are Hunters of both beast and man, beasts for money and man for money, but we also hunt man for justice, like corrupt captains and their officers and potentially their crews depending on how far gone they are." she continued

"We are a clan not much bigger than your own, maybe two hundred fifty or three hundred not too sure, but I am not planning to leave… I chose to follow you due to the honor thing and what I told you last night, but also due to the past between our clans." She told me with that tempting smile again.

"You might not know this but your father before his demise made multiple pacts with my Clan Vor and a few others, so when you tried to make me step down saying I would not be the only one." she said smirking

"I knew that already and made me double down, and also it let me know you had no idea at all." She finished dressing and walked back to me

That surprised me to say the least, my old man did all that? Are my mother and grandmother involved in that? would explain why they tried to couple me a few times.

"You already met one of the others, sadly things happened and they had to leave, I'm sure she will join sooner or later." She finished saying

"That… is a surprise, however even if you wished to leave I would not let you." I told her grabbing her waist and making her sit on my lap with a yelp in surprise

"The part about my possessiveness was true, so the moment you kissed me there was no going back for you." I told her with my own smirk.

"I already met one you say, not sure who but that is fine, I will deal with it when we meet." I shrugged my shoulders.

"What I like to know is, the general direction to get to your clan." I said holding her tighter

"... I won't divulge that, even if I do not agree with many of the ideals of the clan, they are still my clan" I heard her say

"In that case, I have to breed you then, and have a kid for you to bring back so they can try to take over later." I told her, making her look wide-eyed at me in shock

"You take this rather well with how reluctant you were and even held back." she told me

"Hahaha! Why would I keep doing that now? It has happened and now I know more will be thrown my way. Might as well accept it and have a good life… might make my own clan somewhere as a backup in case something goes wrong here." I said to the still-surprised Sera.

"Then I will tell you something for that to happen… my race… you know that Jedi with pointed ears the one who refused to use a saber?" she asked me

"I only heard rumors of that one… why? Don't tell me you guys are the same race?" I looked at her in surprise and shock.

"Close… our races are close, my race where in the far past servants of her race, she herself is a half-blood, at least I heard, if it is true I'm not too sure." she shrugged

"Then what has this to do with helping out in the regard of well breeding." I wondered

"Simple… her race even as a half-blood and my own have long periods where we can be bred, basically if last night failed any day for the next three months will give plenty of opportunity." Sera told me, shocking me so much I had nothing left to say

It took me a few minutes to get myself back together.

"You mean…" and was interrupted straight away

"Yes, however, she is a Jedi and all about the force… She would rather implode using the force in some way than let that happen. That is also with my race, we are able to sense the force but we are forever locked from using it." I heard her give another bombshell.

"That is enough for now, now let us go meet my mother for that training, better keep this to ourselves, what we discussed for now or she might lock us up in a room for those three months forcing us to get her a grandkid." I locked the console down and stood up forcing Sera to do the same.

"Yeah I could see her do that, and I know her only a few days." I heard her say collecting her helmet and weapons and waiting at the door.

'You have no idea girl, you have no idea.' I thought about how desperate my mother and grandmother, for that matter are for grandkids.